Hear british woman scream for 40 minutes straight

>hear british woman scream for 40 minutes straight
this was extremely hard to sit through, is this supposed to be one of the very good ones or very bad ones?

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reddit thinks its one of the best episodes

Sup Forums here if you thought that episode was balls wait till you see the faggot waldo moment.

The only episode of this series that wasn't complete garbage was the one with the dikes in the 70's digital afterlife.

the idea is good, the actual episode is shit

>there zombies who film with there phones and dont help! like real people with phones who dont help lol!

total shit. I couldn't finish this episode. people said this show was supposed to be clever

That was the worst fucking one

I really think Crocodile might be the worst one. It’s just so fucking dumb and BORING when you reflect on it.

Turns out that the black chick being followed was actually a part of the 2 people setting a kid on fire and video taping it. Her punishment was waking up everyday in the same bed, with no memories, and being hunted by all of these people. Then at the end of the day she finds out it's all fake, she gets strapped down into a chair, gets to see what she has done, gets her memory wiped and start all over again the next day.

The people filming her were just people that bought tickets to get to see the famed woman who set that kid on fire, and see her getting hunted down and being mentally destroyed.

The ADD generation, ladies and gentlemen

see the last part makes sense and was good and all but the people recording it with their cam really made no sense, why would people do that and get that close?
At the end even the guy that runs the whole thing says to the tourists "pretend she is a tiger in a zoo" or some shit, why would you get that close to a tiger?

Congratulations, you couldn't sit still and watch a one hour television show and you missed the whole fucking point.

I'm going to be honest, the ending & credits propel it from "Kinda bad" to "One of my favorite episodes".

Agreed. It was supposed to be one of the better if not the best episode.

I thought it was annoying as fuck. I watched a few episodes multiple times; this one, however, I'll never recommended it to anyone.

I fucking hated it. Were we supposed to feel bad for her at the end? She murdered a child.

White Bear is only 40 minutes long. I'm pretty sure its the shortest Black Mirror episode.

>the people recording it with their cam really made no sense

It was supposed to mirror (haha) her actions when she helped kill that kid. She was the one holding the camera.

but nobody was laughing
it didn't really mirror it too well

Cmon lad



the one with the kid who gets blackmailed for the vid of him mastubating and is forced to do shit with the big twist at the end is similar to white bear and infinitely better i reckon.

Its just too generic. The premise is intriguing enough but doesn't offer nearly enough material to work beyond a 30 minute runtime -commercials. Would have made a brilliant twilight zone premise though.

that was the cringiest one of all lmao


>(and that's a good thing)

worst fucking one

>reddit thinks its one of the best episodes
>Sup Forums here
>that episode was balls
>the faggot waldo moment.
go back

Even worse

By darker they probably mean med-colored, if they aren't just straight up jewing around.

Kill yourself

The point is that they don't want any of the people to actually attack her, look and take pictures, don't touch... if they kill her, her suffering is over.

What’s the point of making her suffer if she doesn’t remember it? Cumulatively, on the day she dies, she’ll only have suffered for 12 hours

seems like a pretty weak way to torture someone if you ask me, she forgets all about it, the only suffering is the brain erase thing

look at the face in the picture
thats what the first brit looked like

I think this cunt is just pretending to be retarded

This is the BBC we are talking about here


Ive seen the pic, but I don't know how it was generated or what new evidence they're suppsoed to be basing this off. Did the scientists who made the findings this pic is promoting have anything to do with how the artist rendered it?

Did you screenshot this? Why are you reading it in patois? lmao

>people bin get black skin before-before
what did they mean by this?

It's bbc pidgin
>A new language service for digital platforms in English-based Pidgin for West and Central Africa has been launched by the BBC World Service.

and why are you reading the news in that pidgin?

I'm not him, I look at it occasionally because it's amusing to see the language. I also verge between being pissed off that the british public is funding that and in my more unguarded moments somewhat happy that people with no knowledge of the outside world until now might be getting inspired to drag themselves out of bumfuck nowhere and join the modern world because of it.

I don't read the news I just like the bastardized English

Normalfag magnet episode

nigger detected

I think it is supposed to divide viewers into two camps and stimulate conversation--those who think the cunt deserves it and those who think the punishment doesn't fit the crime.

I think lots of people say it's a lame episode.

Best is Be Right Back.

Garbage premise. Why the fuck would a town go to the trouble of doing this over and over for weeks or even months.

The first episode was dumb as hell too. Why would the PM's wife be upset with him for fucking the pig when it was his seemingly last resort in order to save the princess?

To continue, i haven't watched all of the episodes yet, but the only one i like is the American Idol one.

The John Hamm and the Virtual Reality tester one were ok

>Why the fuck would a town
It was basically a theme park you dumb fuck.
>Why would the PM's wife be upset with him for fucking the pig
because women are status obsessed cunts and she didn't like the idea of the world knowing she was married to the pig fucker

>It was basically a theme park you dumb fuck.
No it wasn't nigger. Same shit anyway. Why would the public be allowed to do this

people go and hangout there for a day to see the spectacle. they don't live in those houses you fucking idiot.
>Why would the public be allowed to do this
it's not set in our world you retarded little shit.

It’s my favorite. It only seems old hat now but it came out like 3 years ago. It was novel then.

>When you're too stupid for black mirror

Uh-oh, user, I'm afraid you triggered the local hivemind!

this opinion should be illegal

>People aren't celebrating faggotry! help!

>it’s taking 4 seasons for people to finally realize how awful this show is

it's bait retard

Then how would i relate to it if it's in some wacky dimension that has no relation to ours. Quit defending your shit show, nigger shill, and watch an actual meaningful show like the twilight zone.

Nah, moron, you have to be stupid to think the show offers any sort of intellectual study

>because women are status obsessed cunts
As if no man ever broke up with a partner upon finding out she'd been raped kek

Jesus Christ, you are slow. This episode is about justice porn. How the masses get off on seeing criminals suffering multiple times the suffering they imposed on their victims, even if such suffering has no potential for redemption or reformation. And how this blood lust can be exploited, in this case, in the form of tickets so the locals can watch closely and even bring their children to learn a lesson that crime doesn't pay or some shit.

>Then how would i relate to it
retarded 90's born queer confirmed
>Nah, moron, you have to be stupid to think the show offers any sort of intellectual study
no one made any such claim. you're the one who seems unable to follow what's happening in the episode

that's got nothing to do with the matter at hand hole

>my brain turns off and I can no longer process anything once my Sup Forumstard sensibilities have been triggered gud
What a way to live a life.

good on you actually
>75% chance
top kek

>i'm born in the 90s and think hatred of faggotry is a Sup Forums exclusive.
>triggered gud
are you a nigger and a homo?

That guy was retarded, the answer to your question of why the public would be allowed to do this is because thats the way things are in our society.



Sounds like a pretty stupid and expensive punishment. a whole theme park just for her. so what happens to the other murderers,rapists, etc. do they get a whole park dedicated to them too? and i doubt each reset would go perfectly as planned

Ive heard of men attacking strangers and getting hoodwinked into a relationship with a girl because 'got raped', but ive never heard of a raped girl getting dumped because her boyfriend found out lmao

>british woman

That's a negress though.

and do you really think people would follow the rules and say nothing and just film? Eventually some people are gonna spill the beans and ruin the scenarios or shit someone might come in and mercy kill her

if your gf tells you she was raped it means she cheated on you

he get de devil dubs

it happens literally all the time

>and do you really think people would follow the rules and say nothing and just film?
that's what they're there for.
> Eventually some people are gonna spill the beans and ruin the scenarios
she gets wiped anyway so she wouldn't remember.

stop pretending to get raped slag

Made me cry.

>good ones
>black mirror

fuck off dyke

Think for yourself. What’s your opinion?

brits are so bad at everything

admit it Sup Forums, you enjoyed seeing those game of thrones actors into this show

Best one of the entire series

Not even joking

stop abusing kids you sick cunt

It was great. I also saw the Star Trek one last night, holly shit. White Christmas was great too. I didn't get the ending of the one with the soldier with Mass in his head - why was he back home ? Thought it was memory erase or jail for him

if you really think that you should stop posting here

Here is your le upboat xddd you win da internetz!!!!!1

Literally the only episodes worth watching are the ones in season 1 and the Christmas special. Everything else is trite shit.