What are some good films about school shootings?
What are some good films about school shootings?
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Bowling for Sandy Hook
>yfw Stephen King is such a flaming retard that he probably thinks MS-13 is a kind of gun.
swaglord needs to be held accountable for creating these monsters
>normies unironically believe the "haha if you keep meeting people who are mean to you then somethings wrong with you" memeadvice
>therefore it logically follows that if normies keep getting targeted for mass shootings, there's something wrong with them
is stephen king retarded
The SHOOTER is NOT WHITE. Ignore any sources or news saying it is, you can CLEARLY SEE HE IS NOT ACTUALLY WHITE.
why are liberals so passive-aggressive about everything
Whites unironically believe that you should kill people just for making fun of whites so this guys actions are verifiable white
That's it, white folks did it again. A school shooting to redirect media attention away from Black Panther, the most important movie-event of the year.
Fuck you for ruining our chance to shine for once, as kings.
>be American child
>get shot
That one Pearl Jam video.
He wrote a short story about a school shooting that he has been trying to bury for years
>Be 19 years old in america
>still considered a child
and you wonder why millennials never grow up
Is Stephen King implying that the shooter was a Mexican gang member?
>Rick Wilson is whining about muh demonization of spics
>Stephen King thinks he’s talking about guns killing muh children
Who is the bigger retard here?
It's always Stephen King, isn't it?
Fucking Christ, guy.
That's not how likelihood works, Stephen.
>be american child
>could be close to death
>news lady wants to talk
Whites unironically believe that you should kill people just for making fun of whites so this guys actions are verifiable white
Polytechnique, by based Villeneuve.
>RIck Wilson
He was a spic so that makes 0 sense.
holy fuck lmao
I feel bad for laughing at thi-
Oh well never mind. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Rick Wilson is a neocon bastard but he’s right in this case.
>MS-13 dindu nuffin
Deport yourself Paco.
propaganda movie
extremely dishonest to the story
Is this safe?
>whites before finding out the shooters race: w-wul there's a lot of minority bullies who make fun of us so no wonder people shoot up schools haha THE WEAK MUST FEAR THE STRONG
>whites after finding out the shooters race: wow oh my God how brutal we'd never do something like that we gud boys who dindu nuffin wrong
my computer turned into a botnet wtf
no, you might get shot
>You're more likely to be killed by something self inflicted than something outward
>Stop being a faggot lol, you're just going to kys yourself lmao
Well considering I don't use opioids I'm significantly unlikely to OD on them.
>kid literally getting murdered
>shitty liberal news reporter just wants to get the scoop before FOX does
Dammit tell me the truth
Yes it's saafe.
>Florida School Shooting Suspect Nick Cruz Was ‘Creepy and Weird,’
>They described Cruz as an awkward “outcast"
>He was definitely not accepted at our school socially
>Girls thought he was creepy and weird.
>He tried to talk to one of my girlfriends and he said she was cute, but she was weirded out and he was bothering her.
really jogs my noggin
don't worry about it, just forget you ever saw it
>Getting shot at and trying to hide
>Your phone beeps
>It's a tweet from some pasty old bag
>"Hey lad, get us some picks of ur dead mates lmao"
What a shitty way to get caught by a shooter and killed.
>treat someone poorly for an extended period of time
>they respond with violence
Really makes you think
>yadda yadda villeneuve yadda yadda dishonesty
>liberals carelessly using the deaths of innocent americans to push his agenda
god what is wrong with these people
He's a good writer (most of the time) but the man is insufferable in interviews/social media. Someone needs to Misery his ass and force him just to do nothing but write, because god knows he's good for nothing else.
is that good? never heard of it before
Fuck that sounds like me....
i don't mean dishonesty in the meme term
it takes a real life story and twists it to make a political point, shameful movie
You realize Sup Forums is posting about how this shows we need a wall because he's a spic?
Or how they used the hurricanes to push their agenda by pointing out the cities hit voted for Hillary?
It's almost like.....BOTH sides.....are full of awful people...whoah
lmao learn to strawman kid this is incomprehensible
He should have done some lifts, he would have been strong enough for rape instead of a scrawny faggot with a gun.
It sounds like 80% of people, faggot.
>School is getting shot up
>gotta open snapchat
The shooter was white, they're just using his last name to brownwash him.
>Anons on Sup Forums are the same as normal functional people
lmao at ur standards m8.
>rick wilson
they look like they fuck white guys
>referring to Trump's alt-right supporters as "childless single men who masturbate to anime".[5]
It's that guy.
don't tell me people should be allowed to drink then cause my kid was killed by a drunk driver
Those cucumbers though
It's good
>fergaldublinHi @erickaduval I'm with ABC News. I hope you're coping well. That must have been an awful day. Can you tell me who sent you this video? Please DM me or email [email protected]
What an asshole, I don't support the alt-right.
I saw a bunch of reporters trying to interview children that were locked in as it happened, but this is a whole new level
Michael French BTFO endlessly lmao
Pity. It's one of his better stories. Strange how this bothers him but the kids fucking in the sewers is fine
don't figures like stephen king get they're just lowering the level of public discourse when they make quips like this about a mass killing?
Who is worse the shooter, the snapchat kid, or the reporters
No fucking way that bottom one is real.
It’s a retard nexus
Whites will be blamed for this
The madman actually did it.
The Dirties
government appointed gf when?
Did he do it as well? Who has the high score of school shootings?
He is white. Sup Forums and the alt-right are saying HE'S TOTALLY NOT WHITE LOOK AT THE LAST NAME despite his pictures being everywhere now
Wasn't he?
>Michael French's face when
whats DM? i feel so out of touch.
Demi Moore
yeah he's white, all brown people should leave our countries or they might get killed
are there more videos?
seems weird that there would only be 2-4
So post them or I'm going to keep saying he's a beaner
>cruz is white
kek amerimutt meme is real
Yeah just like George Zimmerman was white
Whites unironically believe that you should kill people just for making fun of whites so this guys actions are verifiably white and BASED. The Weak Must Fear the Strong!
he has
jesus christ
Is Steven King saying the shooter was a Salvadorian gangster?