/r9k/ here...sorry to bother you guys...what movie should I watch tonight?

/r9k/ here...sorry to bother you guys...what movie should I watch tonight?
have a nice valentines night out

Other urls found in this thread:


Crazy Stupid Love

Total Recall

If it makes you feel any better I’m not doing anything tonight either.
Anyways, watch Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.

500 days of summer


>/r9k/ here
looks more like reddit to me. fuck you fags for ruining /r9k/ with all that tranny filth




BR 2049

I'm watching the fat nigger show on TLC and eating wendys right now

Thor Ragnarok

>tfw sofia is the biggest coppola hack

was that supposed to be 'bad ass'?

Bladerunner 2049 is /r9k/: The Cyberkino.

maybe a zack snyder film is more up your alley

blade runner 2049


this looks so bad. bet it made hundreds of millions

no, thor 3 is a buddy comedy featuring giant wolf monsters and new zealand rock creatures

maybe you should move on from comic shit faggot

>how dare you enjoy a fun movie
is that way

I've seen 300, was OK, ruined by the color grading
Watchmen was terrible
What else has he done

I'm out tonight. All the women out have dates already. You're not missing much. Just a bunch of single men like myself looking to pick off wounded stragglers.

here you go senpai

>how new are you kid?


this, mousehunt always cheers me up and makes me smile

>unironically calling someone a kid
>autistically sperg out over a movie recommendation
you're right, is that way

if he doesn't like 300 or watchmen he'll last about 5 minutes before he turns that shit off.

Blade Runner 2049. It's seriously a fantasitc movie that should scratch all your itches in your current situation.
I'm not single right now but I'm having a shitty day, too OP. I wanted to do something nice for my girl but plans fell through and I feel like a fucking loser again. Hope your night improves, OP.

>have a nice valentines night out

lmao where do you think you are /fit/?

>'bad ass'
hola reddito

are you kidding me? It's literally made for /r9k/

>autistically sperg
90's born queer tourist detected.


keep trying

I hate these capeshit movies. You know there are no stakes in any of the battles because they can't kill off any of the main cast.

The warlock himself

Gone Girl, a Valentine's classic.

DCuck detected

don't bother denying kek

that's comic shit too user

It's quintessentially the perfect movie

Stop shooting schools.

>can't decide whether to keep stoking your autistic rage or just move on to the next thread

Doesn't matter, no one will ever know you watched it because nobody cares that you exist.

tell roasties to stop being whores

Confirmed for kino

It's got some great slapstick in it too

>autistic rage
you talk of autism and "sperging" kek
you're upset at being called a kid
>g-go back to /r9k/
>g-g0 back to Sup Forums
afraid to admit your age kek

Are you looking for something romantic to watch with your girlfriend perhaps?

Drinking Buddies

>literally all "n-no you" responses

i'm still waiting for your age kiddo, we both know you can't let this go, so just spill the beans.

What happened to that comedian... He was in that great movie where he killed someone in a vaudeville act as a teenager. I think oliver fatfacr platt was in it


Just get comfy and watch whatever you like. For me I always like watching Twin Peaks whenever I'm feeling down

The Vicious Kind. You won't be sad on valentine's ever again, my fellow robot, maybe a little angry.

Was this the last cute Emily Browning film?

Just finished this. Perfect Valentine's Day movie for a forever alone like me. ;_;

kill yourself

This is so fucking dumb and gay.

no u

why do you act like a teenage girl user?

Because I wish I was one. ;_;

kill yourself trans scum.

lol I think you're taking this a little too seriously.

all lgbtqi filth should be put to death

lmao I thought you'd have realized I'm just typing like this to piss you off now rofl. It's funny how you can't even handle bantz. I'm not a tranny. You should probably kill yourself since you've got nothing better to do than get worked up about an user.

no one is worked up kiddo. I just think all queers and their enablers need to be eradicated.


I bet you hate Black Panther before even seeing it too.

>tfw I ended it with my online cute Indian loli gf today

It hurts lads. She was the cutest girl in the world

I don't hate it. I assume it'll be around the same standard as the rest of them. I do think the fuss about black people is retarded though. i'm old enough to remember when black people being in movies was considered normal.

The Last King (Birkebeinerne)

keep it in Norwegian, english subtitles. on netflix. music is beautiful, focused on the darkest hour of Norwegian history

men can't become women no matter how much you might want it kiddo.

How much of a brainlet do you have to be to think The Man Who Sleeps was about a character

Whoever made this image is a fucking idiot

Could they be ripping off snyder any more here?

excuse me sweetie, gender is a social construct

your mutilated hole doesn't make you a girl

back to your containment board

>tfw watch BR 2049
>tfw you feel things people wouldn't believe

plenty of people don't believe in this made up gender bullshit, it doesn't have anything to do with Sup Forums

but that's true, though. male and female are sexes, which are biological. but the two genders which people have been pigeonholed into until recently are... entirely arbitrary. what's inherently female about shaven legs, long hair, makeup, and long nails? what's inherently male about short hair, not wearing earrings, being interested in cars, and doing manual labor?


i'm not saying that trannies aren't freaks. but i'm saying that genders are entirely socially constructed. they always have been. this has always been accepted at least among the educated, long before the current trend of inventing others began.

Update: All is well.
You still here, OP? How's your night going now?

Taxi Driver

gender roles evolved from what worked best

So much love for BR 2049, OP you cant go wrong.

>The Man Who Sleeps
Just saw this, thanks for posting the image. Really made me take a look at myself and realize how much a "waiting for things to happen" outlook can become unhealthy.


Yeah they could make it not look worse than a film from 2007

>still lives at home
And where am I supposed to live? At the office? The supermarket?

you're supposed to move out of the place your mom spent wiping your ass in