So who plays him in the straight-to-Netflix movie, Sup Forums?
So who plays him in the straight-to-Netflix movie, Sup Forums?
Dave Franco
Michael Cera
Idris Elba
dios mio, las leyendas son verdaderas, el goblino......
does he realize he's never gonna get pussy, and will be fucked in the ass daily for years to come?
John Leguizamo.
where did you get this pic from? I have only seen the ones where he got taken from the car to the ambulance.
el abominación de las americas....
thats literally dave franco
l-la creatura
Muhammad Hassad
he'll yell ALAHUAHAHAHHAHAAA SNACKBAR and then KABLOOEY everyones dead
He's kinda hot..
I would suck his dick desu.
The mods are letting leftist trannies from /lgbt/ and tumblr take over /r9k/ and he had no outlet left
swaglord and his current team need to be held accountable for this
Do Americans really do this?
its a rite of passage here
was he really a /r9k/'er? Does that mean this shithole will finally get shut down?
What if that's what he wants?
Sup Forums isnt going to get "shutdown" because some sperg shot up a school
t. europoor
Hiro will use the publicity to sell more passes
Dude was in ROTC. This was his final test
Considering this is the second time no
x dios.... q horror
based hiro
What branch?
t. AF
ahh... el goblino de monstruosidad... dios mio...
here's the first one btw since you're probably a star wars tourist
So do we know his motive yet?
Spanish words...
He'll just need to gain some weight for the role but I think it works
>Nikolas Cruz
sounds white to me
bruh with that face and hair he did himself a favour and got himself locked up
el norte americano diablo... que lastima
He wanted to kill trump supporters. Look forward to it never being covered in the media.
That was the one that the media tried to blame on eggman or whoever, right? So this is starting to be a breeding ground for school shooters?
i hope the press starts to slowly warp his name into Nick Cross
If only there was a sign...
Can someone explain this meme
>He wanted to kill trump supporters.
Do we have proof or source or is this Sup Forums rumors?
>killing/torturing animals
sounds like a psychopath
la idiota...
El Ogro De Las Americas.....
is that confirmed him now?
This is the one that was being passed around before
When we're bored
>killing animals = psychopath
Also, there's no sign that he tortured any of them. It's just a dead frog, bro.
fake profile the real one was deleted
This was the furst thing that came up on google image search for triplets
hmm all those people wearing MAGA hats and posting "KEK" memes should get a visit from the FBI just to make sure. maybe put them in camps just to make sure they dont do anything, better safe than sorry.
el chupacabra abre la boca....
so like everyone else here
lmao a trumpkin AND an incel
next you're gonna tell me he vapes
he voted for Trump
el goblino
meme is already old, user
Not far enough. Anyone wearing a MAGA hat should be shot dead in the street, or hanged, if rope is available.
He was a literal 56%er LARPing as a Russian communist Trump supporter. This is your brain on identity politics.
el Muttstizo del la americano
well actually
>all these spics
no wonder this board is flooded with capeshit
some anons literally made that shit up on Sup Forums
So tolerant
San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y las asechanzas del enemigo. Reprímelo Dios, Te pedimos humildemente, y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, arroja al infierno a Goblino y a otros muttos malignos, que andan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén
Baja Blast?
he literally did NOTHING wrong
hes an hero
el diablo de nord mericana
right wing pictures on his instagram before it got deleted. i'm sure you can find them
>an hero
spotted the brainlet
Literal 56% abominacion, allahu akbar googling MAGA trumpkin. CANNOT make this shit up
>be mutt
>get shot
>saw this thread with 2 replies but didn't respond because I was too lazy
I could have lived in infamy
He was a registered Democrat
newfags OUT
fucking newfag
el REY MUTT DOS Muttixco
voted for trump tho
>intelectuales americanos
>falling for a fake profile
Why are liberals this stupid?
>lying on the internet
for shame
t. the Leader of Pizzagate
el jefe de los monstruos...
Why is it always white people?
That's a full-on white guy.
he loved guns, hunting, posted anti-muslim shit on his ig, and voted for the donald. relax with your political agendas. we aren't in the middle east and this isn't bedouin tribe warfare. he wasn't exactly the perfect democrat.
Fake news
yes his maga hat is a dead giveaway
>oakland park
Because no one reports or cares when niggers get shot
dave franco is already playing himself in his inevitable murder/suicide