Shooter confirmed alt right spaz

>He was just an outcast...He didn’t have any friends.”
>“I’ve seen him wear a Trump hat,” the student said.
>Cruz always had his hair short and had a penchant for wearing patriotic shirts that “seemed really extreme, like hating on” Islam
>Parodie said. The suspected gunman would also deride Muslims as “terrorists and bombers.”

H-hail trump right guys??

Fuck off, retard.

republicans are mentally ill, we know this already

are you mad that this guy is you?


yeah ok

>the future of the white race

>confirmed for r9k poster
>trying to attack people on this site by pretending to be one of them while you post on this site and they collect info since this is the second time
enjoy your visit desu
don't think hiro or the mods will show up in court to help you when you start saying "every board is different"

la luz extinguido...

>tfw may have called him a nigger

what did he mean by this?

Based television and film thread!

56% memes were true

There are hundreds of thousands of young white men like this who are totally disenfranchised by the current culture war being waged against their very being. I would expect many more of them to begin murderous onslaughts as their mental state cracks from being imprisoned in a society which so despises them.

el abominacion.....

Not all Trump supporters are like that.

you have to go back paco


>lonely virgin valentines r9k shooter



wtf he didn't kill himself?

Serves those normies right

why do americans think you are any different from each other when you vote for one of the two parties that rule your country? all americans can be boiled down to is:
>the party they vote for
>the fast food they eat
>the football team they watch

>4 am

nice try Sup Forums aka the_donald

>young white men
uh, he's some kind of half hispanic mutt. not white

LMAOING AT WHITE """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""PEOPLE"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

He's clearly a Mick, and in America that's closer to white than most people these days. The point stands.

It's nice being able to see some diversity in the school shooting cultures. It was all just white males and some asians, but now we have proud killers of dubious origin stepping into the spotlight and saying to America, "Yes! We can do it too!"

Keep on shining you beautiful peoples of color.

He was a adopted


>whether they prefer dogfart or blacked

he's american


he was a spic

Change out fast food for any stupid brand and you're disturbingly correct. Most Americans are attached to labels.

/the_donald/ were happy when they thought he was Muslim.

killing politicians is an honorable American tradition

>de jesus cruz
He’s s fucking Russian Jew/Cuban mutt

the virgin school shooter
the chad political assassin


Now they're SEETHING since his instagram shows he was a MAGApede, was known as being ultra patriotic, former member of JROTC before being expelled for assaulting a student during an Anti-Trump protest on campus and celebrated voting for Trump on his 18th birthday

>people still haven't figured out the school shooting isn't just the cornered white supremacist snake knowing it's time is up

If only somebody killed dishonest Abe before he tore a nation apart and forged politics that have agitated a nation for 150 years.

He didn't kill anyone besides himself...

Based, Islam is truly our religion

The virgin arrest
The chad suicide

he literally did nothing wrong, he's defending the white race

nice try mutt

USA is so colourful

When I say "killed himself," I mean suicide by cop. I thought he got killed in the shootout. Not by suck starting his SKS.

>we live in a white supremacy
>being right wing is being an outcast

do you people ever talk to the help or just your tranny friendly middle class circles and jewish bosses?

The virgin surrender
The chad shootout death

>KRS-One will never be your prom date.

Wait so Sup Forums is unironically racist now? Like writing the word nigger in games isn't a joke. It's like real hatred? Are these people like this in real life?

He was living in a van and showering at YMCAs, dude. There is nothing strong or enviable about either of these characters.

hello /r/eddit, we do hate niggers here because they're a burden on society.

The virgin (You)
The chad meme

>this is the guy that calls you soyboy
my sides

He did nothing wrong targeting feminsits and mudslimes

If the nazis run everything, why did he feel the need to do this?

You'd think if white supremacists owned the nation they would be perfectly content and wouldnt ruin their lives this way.

its almost as if liberalism is the status quo and the opinion of the majority.. which would make them the establishment.

if liberals(us) are the establishment, what exactly are we "resisting" ?

Sorry guy, old fag here. Just thought was just on the Politcs/news board. Now I see it pretty much on every board

Let's be honest, the guy was a an ugly sperg whose life was not getting any better, at best he would end up working at some shitty minimum wage job until he died.
Doing this was the best he could do, if you're fucked from the beggining then fuck as many normalfags as you can.

>virgin school shooter
>gets higher score than Eric and Dylan
>doesn’t an hero

>chad political assassin
>0 kill score
>gets killed by a female nigger

his life got worse though, he failed in taking a critical step
he didn't kill himself

Well yeah, what part of "Alt right trump supporter" don't you understand?

>he didn't kill himself
Its ok, he will be able to do another shooting now.

>the guy was a an ugly sperg whose life was not getting any better, at best he would end up working at some shitty minimum wage job until he died
This isn't reason enough to kill anyone. I'm a 26 year old neet and even I know that.

how fast is this going to be forgotten?

>free food for the rest of your life
>free tv (I don't know about American prison system, but we have that here)
sounds nice

So it’s not all bad then

>no more My 600 lb. life threads
not worth it for that reason alone

9 out of 10 of those things seem alright to me.

>trump supporter
We've known of the self-hating pochos in your ranks for a while now.

if there's proof he supported trump, you're gonna hear about it for a while

Why is it always a male that does these shootings?

Are we the baddies?

>then fuck as many normalfags as you can.
That was his problem, he was a virgin

are we an army now?