Why the FUCK is the pilot so weird compared to the rest of Season 1?
Why the FUCK is the pilot so weird compared to the rest of Season 1?
It was still trying to find it's direction. Even though the flashback part added at the end of the pilot was unnecessary
I dunno what the deal with the recent influx of Wireposting and Sopranoposting is but I'm a huge fan I gotta say
A lot of Season 1 feels like the show is trying to find its direction desu
Season 3 feels like they wanted to revisit the same setting and same themes but they did it right that time
Because the pilot wasn't sure what it was trying to be. It was like half edgy Law and Order and half an extension of "The Corner (Simon's gritty book/HBO miniseries portraying drug users that he was expanding upon). Plus I'm pretty sure the pilot was intended to be a tv movie (90 minutes vs. 60) so stuff got trimmed out and everything seemed frantic. There were also debates with HBO about the pacing of the pilot and how much should be revealed to viewers, etc. which resulted in mis-matched compromises during filming/editing.
Additionally, the pilot script was written mostly in 2000/early 2001 and approved in July of that year. There was not a fully fledged plan for a series yet, just a rough outline by Simon and Burns. They shot it in October (adding in some 9/11 references) with a very rough skeleton crew and relatively low budget for an HBO pilot.
It took until January for HBO to order a full season and only then did they have the full resources of HBO and a professional crew and outside writers to help them. They had time to flesh out the plots, characters, progression over different episodes, overarching themes, etc.
Season 3 felt like a re-hash to me w/o the projects though. I felt like they never quite did the housing project thing right though. They never even filmed inside of the towers.
>They never even filmed inside of the towers.
I actually kind of liked that
The same way they didn't show Little Man getting whacked. They left a lot out but they told a complete story without it which I think is impressive
I just finished rewatching the entire series a couple of day ago and this is one of the GOAT tv series ever.
Thoughts on Season 5?
I wish there was a show with this much attention to detail on now.
So, can we all agree that The Wire started to lose steam after season 3?
Agreed. HBO was on fire for quality shows in those days. Even basic cable and network tv had decent stuff too.
Sorta but season 4 is still solid it didn't really become Goofy tier until the fake serial killer plot kicked in with season 5.
Why is Avon so cool?
Because the show spends 90 percent of Season 3 making him look like an insane arrogant dumbass before flipping the script and making you realize he was the smart one all along
Can you guys suck this show's dick any harder? It was just OK
I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!
It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.
Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
Season 4 is the best season of any television show I've ever seen.
I don't think there was a single scene when he wasn't ABAP made Stringer look like a dumbass in every scene.
>Ayo. I think Slim gonna have to sit this one out, boss. So you finna go hit a state senator now, huh? Yo, you kill a downtown nigga like that, the whole world gonna stand up and take notice. I'm talkin' 'bout the state police, federals... all of that! You need a "Day of the Jackal"-type muthafucka, basically, to do some shit like that, not a rumble-tumble nigga like Slim!
Do you actually go through the effort of saving this copypasta or did you google it to copy? Either way you are pathetic.
>The scene where Dennis gets nervous and bombs his pitch to Avon and straight up asks him for 10,000 dollars
>Avon bursts out laughing and gives him 15k on the spot and tells him to take care of the kids
Man that scene always hits me hard for some reason
Avon was definitely responsible for his own downfall and he was definitely a power-hungry drug dealer but he still definitely cared about the people around him
I memorized it word for word so i can educate the masses on the steaming pile of overated shit that is the wire ;)))
What don't you like about it?
I know this is bait but even people who love The Wire think the chess scene is stupid lol
Good to know there are fellow redditors here too!!!
Never seeing the inside of the towers fits thematically with the show. They're rarely actually anywhere near where any of the crime is happening, the closest they usually get is the boonies of drug-ville. The only time they actually go to the real danger their car gets blown the fuck up and a kid loses an eye.
As opposed to Marlo. I loved how in the end, Marlo got away with everything but no one knew who the fuck he was after everything he had done.
How long did it take you to run through the whole thing? I work full time and I managed to watch the whole series in about a week and a half. >PANDEMIC
Seems neat. I still need to find out where the fuck to find the DVD special features without shelling out for the box set
Its a show about the ghetto made by white people who have never spent more than 5 minutes in the ghetto and it is glaringly obvious. yet it is praised for its realism by other white people who have also never spent time in the ghetto. Lmao the one ganster taking business classes? Are you fucking kidding me? Basically white people secretly like to watch black people say nigger and shoot each other under the guise of artful television. Unironically dishonest tv
David Simon might be a smug self-congratulating ass but he also worked for the Baltimore Sun for twelve years so I assume he knows what he's writing about at least a little
>the one ganster taking business classes?
Wait you're telling me The Wire isn't 100% realistic and embellishes parts of its story for dramatic effect?
Weird, I kind of figured the show where a single Baltimore cop legalized drugs would never exaggerate things
im 23 and was too young to appreciate the wire in its prime and i finally got around to watching it. Kind of cool how others are in the same boat as me on this board
>Its a show about the ghetto made by white people who have never spent more than 5 minutes in the ghetto
Stupid ass...
Upon leaving college, Simon worked as a police reporter at The Baltimore Sun from 1982 to 1995. He spent most of his career covering the crime beat.
Burns served in the infantry during the Vietnam War. He then served in the Baltimore Police Department for twenty years. When he worked in Homicide his partner was Detective Harry Edgerton, who would later become the basis for Frank Pembleton on the television series Homicide: Life on the Street Following his retirement from the police force he became a teacher in the Baltimore public school system
>Burns taught seventh and eight grade. Psychologically, he compared the experience of teaching to the Vietnam War.[3]
Lmao real nigga shit for sure. Anyways wow then this is even more dishonst since they could have made a realistic portayal of the inner city but instead went with an absurd soap opera tier rendition. *starts whistling* OMARS COMIN!! Lmao
You expected ghetto niggas from the hood to produce their own show at any point in time?
Ziggy you say? More like biggie
Top kek
> talks shit
> gets his ass handed to him
> continues to talk shit
Just go away, son.
Fuck you
Naw fuck you. You're a bad person