It's a Kimmel cries episode

>It's a Kimmel cries episode

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Isn't that every episode?

>*uses severly sick baby for a tactless political statement*

heh what now drumpftards?

Late Night TV is now nothing but soy propagandist central.

I miss Craig Ferguson and Jay Leno.

I can only tolerate fallon and conan at this point desu



conan might have done a 360 but nothing will top writers strike conan

its amazing he used to be a man

That's right, don't acknowledge problems, because you might hurt feefees. It's better to maintain the shitty status quo.

I can't believe this sniveling faggot used to be the co-host of the Man Show.

Fallon is awful.

there is something off about the guy literally every waking second he looks like he's on the verge of tears

he's probably an alcoholic, it makes your face puffy and would explain why he always look a few pounds overweight

Lot of that goin around...

>cries more than Halle Berry at award shows
Kimmel is a real soyboy

probably taped too early in the day for full extent of shooting to be known

that guy is such a shitstain

>don't let children die to save money is a tactless political statement to republicans


Kimmel is big into child pornography

got any clips from that?

But did the shooter have TWO SCOOPS?!



Yeah, Colbert is pretty embarrassing.

Ferguson made fun of trump before he got elected. You would call him a soyboy too.

Just like.. *sniff* give up your freedoms ok? *sobs*

No guns = No mass shootings.
Are you guys so dense that you can't even understand that?

>we thought it couldn't possibly get worse
It didn't. The Vegas Shooting was way more fucked up and scary. Fuck Florida.

Nobody cares. Overpopulation is a bigger issue than murder. Keep sucking that jew cock though.

Orlando happened before Vegas


Trump has been famous for 30 years. There's a difference between comedy and leftist propaganda, retard.

>If only we took all the guns away, then there would be no more shootings!

Dude guaranteed replies lmao

>cant even reply properly
First day on the chan newfriend?

How do you propose we get rid of the 300 million plus guns in America, you Downs Syndrome patient

>being so desperate for (You)'s that you whine about people not giving them to you

I'm not paying more taxes, cuck. If a thousand kids die so be it but I ain't giving a cent more, soysucker.

It was a psyop
people keep falling for it

if you make them illegal they go away
just look at drugs and human trafficking


These are not upvotes, Reddit. You're wasting the same amount of time as anyone. Enjoy your stay.

I live in a state where people in backwoods areas literally make their own exactly do you plan to take the guns? Also, who are you going to hire to take the guns because I know your ass won't do it (You are too much of a pussy. The will be dead at the first house you approach because the gun owners shoot your ass.) I guess your plan was to use the military to confiscate all firearms? Did you know there is a law in the USA that prevents the military from attacking its own citizens? Also, how exactly do you plan to get around the US Constitution? That pesky 2nd amendment is going to throw up in your face.

>No guns = No mass shootings.
This is factually correct.

Spotted the libcuck.
It's funny how outdated the Constitution is and yet the US is STILL the most powerful superpower on earth. Really makes you think.

I don't think anyone reasonable is calling for a complete ban on guns. For one thing, that would be impossible. There's too many guns out there, and too many people who would be willing to exchange fire with police before they gave up that right. It would potentially be a Civil War 2 scenario.

It's hard for a late night talk show host to crack jokes when the talk of the day is kids being mowed down with guns. What, you want some jokes about the shooting or some shit?

Yeah, really proves some things never age and their truths and values always prevail.


>don't let children die
>don't let homeless people die
>don't let anyone die
>now give me 99% of your paycheck

>Out of date paper based off british values
>Never allowed to make amendments
>Only time people took up arms was to keep their black slaves when the rest of the world moved on
Really makes you think

quality bait

Reminder that Jimmy Kimmel hosted a misogynistic show about objectifying women and also appeared in it in black face sometimes.


You still haven't explained why the US is more powerful than every other country on the planet though.

*nigger children


Because he says the right things now. No one cares about your past when you are virtue signaling against the evil Nazis every single night.

>Burger believes this
Good luck funding a long term war with any large nation before your economy collapses in on itself. China, Russia, and France all have America beat for military might. The fact a little piss-ant Korean state scares everyone there so bad is proof of how weak they are.

Here you go

You're incredibly misinformed. Google can help you out with that.

(((Google))) can help you with that.

The NRA are the true overlords of the USA. They buy out the politicians in exchange for them allowing them to sell more guns in America with less checks. Politicians get a cushy deal and look the other way when someone gets shot in the face at 4 in the morning. But hey, somehow its all the liberals fault.

Now you're posting anti-semetic memes? Is that really this hill you want to die on?

Even if they did, he would pull a Maddox, and say something about how he's a "different person" now, and basically disavow his older work that got him popular in the first place.

because people willing to break the law will surely hand their guns over

Does Google know why BEST ARMY got their asses kicked in Vietnam, Afganistan, Iraq, and Korea?

muh NRA boogeyman, if it wasn't for guns in america you'd be heading towards south afirca tier in no time at all

>long term war

We've been at war for the past 20 years. War is great for our economy numb nuts.

>making myself look like an out of touch idiot to own DRUMPH!!!!

So many people taking the bait and lowering themselves to Trump's level, but I thought Conan was smarter than that.

Maybe he's an opiate addict. When you're withdrawling it's incredibly easy to make yourself cry.

Who is more stupid then? Conan or you for believing Conan was more intelligent?

Because the millenial Twitter mafia doesn't remember The Man Show.

You're confusing extended occupation success with military might. We still have enough firepower to shove up your dinky countries brap box

You realize guns are legal to own in South Africa you uneducated idiot. Way to prove my point.

>extended occupation
>unable to conquer a country but too ashamed to admit defeat
>keep pouring more money to hold ground nobody wants
Call it what you want, but a victory it fucking aint.

South Africa doesn't have mass shootings....instead they have a bunch of black people going around the countryside shooting white farmers. Literal white genocide and no one bats an eye.

Did pretty well for the frenchies, eh?

Yeah fuck the 2nd amendment. Get rid of the 1st and 13th while we're at it

you do realize that you have to sell your soul to the 1% to even get a late night show right?

they literally have to do exactly what they're told

like look at conans show, he used to have fun skits before Trump but the jews got scared now his entire show is politics

Hah! How soon people forget. I think they need a few more mass shootings by sandniggers.

Is he a kike?
He seems like one.

In Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, they were fighting a very non-traditional war against non-uniformed combatants. Essentially, anyone could be a potential enemy, and it's almost like you're fighting an ideology more than an army. I really don't know what a victory scenario in a situation like that would be, aside from just genociding everyone.

As far as my extremely limited knowledge of Korea goes, that essentially ended in a stalemate, and everyone sort of agreed to back off before it got really bad.

Those are mass shootings, and they are fed by gun merchants to anyone with pockets deep enough for them to cater to.

And who are these 1% you are referring to?
>pic related

It only works if you're literally an isolated country in the middle of the ocean like Australia.

We're stuck next to Mexico, and you better be damn sure they're not gonna find a bunch of ways to peddle guns across the border.
Or are you one of those people who are against building a wall as well? Take your pick, buddy.

Going into a country where the enemy is unclear and you end up making enemies out of everyone in the process is a failure in my book. Bomb a wedding for freedom.

I think it's pretty unanimous that going into Iraq and Vietnam were dumb moves, to put it lightly. Fuck Afghanistan though.

You'll have to be more specific, user

Turns out BEST ARMY looked everywhere for Bin Laden, except for his house. Which wasn't even in Afghanistan.

This is some God-tier bait

Yeah I knew this might happen. Bummer.

Then again, this gives Kimmel and his people an extra 24 hours to tape something extra cringy for tomorrow, can't wait.

thanks bro

>We're stuck next to Mexico, and you better be damn sure they're not gonna find a bunch of ways to peddle guns across the border.
The guns go from the USA into Mexico, not the other way around, genius.
>inb4 you're a libcuck who forgot about Fast&Furious

>The guns go from the USA into Mexico, not the other way around, genius.
No shit, sherlock.

That's gonna change if you implement a nationwide ban on guns.

Oh come on don't tell me conan is a freaking limousine liberal too.

You know at first I thought it was kind of cool that kimmel could kind of stand up and tell people you don't have to resolve things with gun violence after the vegas thing, but this is just ridiculous. Every time some guy makes it big in the entertainment industry he becomes a neo-liberal shill.
These fucking wealthy city guys are so fucking disconnected from the world. Conan and Jimmy in 20 years from now are going to fake some tears on tv about how they didn't realize they were the 1% of wealthy people that get bitched about constantly and they'll act like it's all Trumps fault.

Guns will never be banned, there's literally nothing you Commies can do about it HAHAHHAHAHAHAH

go through the archive somebody uploaded it all to Mega.