The Incredibles 2

No thread? Thoughts Sup Forums?

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I want her to choke me with her thighs.

>No thread?
dumb fucking shit

this. it's shit. next.



Elastigirl looks fat


Christ Elastgirl sounds like a chain smoking elderly woman now.

I thought your mom gave up smoking.

the elastigirl shadman porn is gonna be lit

Her feet are way too small

Why does nobody else think this looks like shit?

Bump limit is hit but based on the last half of the first thread this is gonna be shill city.


Virtually everyone from the first thread did think this.

Looks like KINO is back on the menu

Except the three shills who kept mass quoting everyone. It's so apparent it's almost disappointing.

>The leak was real

>no timeskip
>awful baby character because it's a kid flick
No thanks

Yeah, I know. It's virtually 1984; no wrong think, goyim. At least their arguments are weak, their motivations completely transparent and their insults completely impotent.

Double plus good.

Trump should just tweet 2+2=4 without any other context. Watch them rationalise that it equals 5.

what did he mean by this

The hype is real.

Looks really bad.


I'd do the opposite. Make him say 2+2=5 and watch them rationalize it.

no way is the stay at home dad thing the entire premise of the movie... r-right?

>One parent gets to have fun as superhero while rest of the family stays behind
Why the first movie again?


>Bob just wanted to be a hero again
>the luxuries Syndrome offered were symbols of the validation he sought
>Helen wants to be a mom, firmly says those days are behind them, reluctantly brought out of it to bravely save her husband and by extension her family
>Now embracing the luxury and adoration of being a hero for some reason despite never previously craving it


Doesn't work. He's wrong occasionally and they rightfully clamber over each other to say how he was. He's right more than enough and they're even more fervent to declare him wrong. It needs to be him saying a fact and them desperately declaring it to be wrong because he doesn't understand how things now are.

Mr. Incredible staying home and watching the kids is almost farcical, it just seems like a bad gag. I'm still gonna see it at some point as Incredibles was my favorite Pixar movie but I can't help but feel like it's gonna be pretty weak.

> Parents (moms) are real superheroes.

Looks about 12

>for some reason

The leaked plot has the reason.

REMINDER: Sup Forums has figured out this is anti-Nuclear Family propaganda based on the leaks, we've all agreed it's shit. Ignore shills defending it. That is all.

God I wish I can suck on Helen tits while calling her mommy

what leaks?

Is this your first Disney sequel?

I thought heros were reaccepted into society at the end of the first film but now being a hero is illegal again? I thought the parents were ok with their kids helping them fight crime at the end of the first film but now they’re back to being overprotective? I thought that since the last half of the first film focused on bonding as a family and doing things together that this film would build upon that but instead it’s a solo elastagirl film? God damn it if elastagirl wasn’t such a milf i’d probably skip this movie.
Also no time skip :’(.

has a Disney movie sequel ever been better than the original? nope


Literally never.

I was thinking that. Wasn't there a leak mentioning 'Tycoon' or some organization trying to bring supers back? Anyone have it?

This honestly but the trailer is trash, whats its suppose to mean and why the fuck can't the husband go on adventure with the wife. FFS if I'm left out with my partner on an adventure I'll probably go nuts.

>if elastagirl wasn’t such a milf
I'm watching this for her. Also hoping the daughter has hit puberty

Looks about 12

wonder who's behind this trailer


>it's another superheroes are illegal episode
I just assumed at the end of the first movie supers were accepted back into society

This fact alone makes me feel at ease because at the very least if the film flops i’ll still have something to look forward to.

>hoping the daughter has hit puberty
What a faggot

you mean all the porn shadman will make of this? i can already imagine 10 different comics of that red gremlin baby

Who the fuck is taking these photos? Is this instagram? We are on the precipice of Weimar 2.0.

Maybe the hype will inspire quality artists to make porn this time:

Am I on a list now?

>Who the fuck is taking these photos?
Russians, moron

not if you press Alt+F4

> Russians
Oпять мы винoвaты, eпт? Cкoлькo мoжнo?!

This looks like such a fucking tragedy compared to the original. Let's just hope that they won't dwell too long on the "staying home with the kids" stuff, and they've just crammed it into this trailer for... trailer purposes. Hopefully.

>cue Kronos Unveiled from the original's OST

ITT: People that need to grow up.

I'm 30 but the girl I have a crush on is 6. So I guess I don't want to grow up.

neck yourself, my man

have you tried an heroing?

But does a girl have crush on you?

Such as life.

Yes, Disney. Get rid of all the audience that might see Incredibles. They are too old. They should not see this movie. This sequel is about the new fans that never saw the first movie.

So they're gonna copy the first movie but this time the parent roles are switched?

wow orginalo.


i feel like they're holding a lot of stuff back and this is only like the first 15 minutes of the movie


>implying Disney would tell menchildren like you to grow up.
Seriously just end yourself. It wouldn't make any difference to society most likely and I doubt anyone would really miss you judging by the level of delusion ozing from your post

Looks like a cookie cutter Pixar movie for small children and women. I'm not a soyboy so I felt nothing watching the trailer.

dopey disney shill

It's a kids movie by Disney. Parents will bring their kids to see it no matter what it's about just like they always do and did back then. Not that you'd know anything about parenting.

god it pisses me off that its the same exact fucking story except the mother/father roles are reversed....

Why does everything have to lack originality? why does every fucking movie have to be a remake or a sequel?

Based Brad Bird


either deluded retard or underage shitstain

I'm looking forward to it. I trust that Brad Bird isn't going to fuck it up. The major question is how much will it be focused on Helen's midlife crisis and Bob being forced to adjust to a roll of stay at home Dad.

Either way, people who think that the theme of this is going to be "Dads have to suck it up while the Mom provides for the family" are dumb.

Because you like capeshit. You deserve the shitshow that is being handed out now because you helped create it.

>and Bob being forced to adjust to a roll of stay at home Dad.

Looks like way more of that, but hopefully they just dont want to spoil all the good shit.

But right now it reeks of just a generic '3 men and a baby' style ZANY humor.

I'm scared.

>character assassination for the sake of regurgitating the same propaganda we've seen thousands of times
>just a character swap of the first movie
looks like shit


No I don't? Quit being such a faggot in all these threads. Fucking retard.

>likes the incredibles
>Says he isn't into capeshit

The Incredibles came out in 2004 you stupid faggot. Its a nostalgia thing. How do you not understand that?

>why would they change math


disney shills need their rat skulls compounded into shit-paste with heavy machinery and then evaporated with various chemicals and poisons
please go to sleep and never wake up!
please slip and crack your fucking head open in the street on a busy monday morning!
please kill yourself!

Man. Your life must be a pile of shit.

beginning: the movie takes place immediately after the first movie. the underminer is defeated by the family within the first 10 minutes, never to be mentioned again. violet's love interest is zapped MIB style and forgets who she is because he saw her without her mask

city arrests them after seeing the damage caused by underminer, assuming they did it. back into hiding and staying a motel for the time being. frozone comes to them and mentions a tycoon played by bob odenkirk.

tycoon wants superheroes to be legal again and uses resources to persuade world leaders to sign an initiative. he enlists elastigirl with his technology to record her doing good to change public perception of superheroes. tycoon's sister makes all of her technology and she makes a new suit

tycoon believes frozone and mr. incredible are too high-risk after running damage analysis, so mr. incredible is at home dealing with the kids.

violet's love interest forgot who she is so she thinks he flaked on his date with her

jack jack is manifesting powers again including going into another dimension and walking through glass windows and walls. really funny scene with him beating up a raccoon and dad finally sees he has powers, but doesn't tell mom because she's on her mission

main villain is named the screenslaver. can control people with hypnosis by hijacking tv streams. elastigirl thinks she figured out who it was and put the guy in jail but the guy has no idea what she is talking about and no memory of what happened after she takes off his goggles and realizes there's hypnosis screens inside

but dude, muh shills!!!

So? Fuck off and grow up. It's not like a bad sequal is going to ruin a movie.


elastigirl tells tycoon sister what she found out and tycoon sister puts goggles on her and controls her. she coordinates a plan for when bob odenkirk is having a press conference with world leaders and superheroes on a big cruise ship. bob has no idea what his sister is doing and is genuinely confused when she controls all the superheroes in the room.

mr incredible comes to save her but gets hypnotized too. frozone goes to save the kids at home but is hypnotized. the kids go on the cruise ship to come save them and they pull off all their goggles.

tycoon girl escapes on a jet stored in the top of the ship before steering off course and headed to the pier.

kids and dad stop the ship from hitting and elastigirl stops her by shooting out the jet windows

pathetic samefag holy shit
learn to do your job right you repulsive and piece of black dogshit

Incredibles isn’t capeshit you retard. It’s about superheroes but the main appeal of the first film isn’t the main characters fighting bad guys with their super lasers or whatever.

god you're a loser. your dad was right and you should kill yourself
