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This seems pretty bad.
Hasn't it literally always been this way? The left has so many different news things to watch and the right has... Fox News.
Fox News has always been king of cable but losing that badly to MSNBC is pathetic.
MSNBC used to be a distant third
CNN was #2
>caring about boomer media
What does this mean?
I mean I understand the numbers, but what does the future hold, what will change?
Is the boomer generation finally dying out?
CNN is dying out
Fox News gets crazy ratings.
What's with the spike at the end from NBC?
I'm afraid these ratings are only in America though, CNN can probably survive with international ratings. Or not? They are huge here in my cucked to death country.
This. What kind of idiot cares about TV in the current year?
How the fuck does that retard Maddow get so many viewers?
Fox News seems alot more friendly and happy, whereas CNN are constantly foaming at the mouth.
brings a smile to my face
AT&T is trying to buy everything it scares the shit out of me.
Get fucked, CNN.
Now try looking at NBC, ABC or CBS you idiots
Fox, CNN and MSNBC are lil fish
>comparing hourly viewers to weekly
Get fucked Schlomo
It used to be called layoffs, then it was downsizing, now it's rightsizing... next it'll be "doubleplus goodsizing"
Its a 4 day average moron
>networks get more viewers than cable
No fucking way!
I'll never understand why retard Sup Forumsacks post this like it somehow vindicates them or shows something we don't already know.
meanwhile, anyone over the age of 18 knows Fox has always dominated those two networks just like neo-conservatives took over talk radio in the 90's. It's no longer a reliable metric of anything but baby boomer viewing habits.
but this is a boomer thread?
you gotta go back to that shit board you're so obsessed about
Nice jew tactics there m8 and not a single argument was found.
>muh joos
go back
What the fuck are you even going on about? Please kill yourself, leftist.
Fox's base is, not surprisingly, older people who consume far, far more TV news than any other generation.
i think the larger point was cnn is a failure. but go ahead and reee about it.
the people that would watch cnn don't even fucking have cable and get their news from social media
>this kills the Mexican Sup Forums spammer
Lol coz old fucks actually watch TV. If you're still using ratings as metric for "good television in TV", you might as well start sucking the barrel of a shotgun, you fucking loser.
I can't imagine being so mad about something so irrelevant
>Rachael Madeow that high
What the fug
how does she do it lads?
>who cares? fuck off
>wooow, can you believe being THIS mad? xD
Honest question, are they paying you?
Legit who are you quoting? and why are you so god damn angry? How can one person be physically seething over OP, who didn't even post a single sentence, I find it fascinating.
So they are paying you. Is it worth embarrasing yourself like this?
God CNN is god awful and it's not even entertaining anymore
I'm on a CNBC kick cause of muh finance now
You can't even answer now? Is that due to how angry you are, that you can't formulate sentences anymore? Like talking to a bot.
Incredible how a bunch of numbers about TV shows can turn a man into a blob of pure rage.
No, it usually switches depending on who is president.
Take Bill O'Reilly's dick out of your mouth first. His dad bod is blocking your vision from posting properly.
Don't cry, I'm just asking if there's money in making a mockery out of yourself. You seem pretty apt for it.
I'm not the guy physically seething, if anyone would be crying, it would be you when you made...let me check which post you made is the maddest one...
this one
CNN is on in every airport and lobby I go to . How are their ratings so low?
You're the only one who looks mad as fuck, actually.
This, its like they are paying companies to put their shit there.
before the iraq war CNN was number 1 and fox was last.
>I'll never understand why retard Sup Forumsacks
then go back to plebbit. This isn't your site it's ours.
>muh joos
Nice strawmen leftist. They are called Kikes. Don't act like they are just scapegoats their evil is real.
>have maintain composture this entire time
>have never lowered myself to "no you" fallacies, name calling, or projections of one own's insecurities such as "you're crying"
>have never changed the wording of my posts, unlike others switching between cap locks, bot-speech, and quoting imaginary beings
Mmmm, yeah. I think you're calming down now, but you're still not right in the head, as the logical part of your brain is still malfunctioning. I figure in about 5 more posts you will be calm and will start replying like a normal human being.
No that's you.
>used to
The headline literally says layoffs.
Agreed in principal tho.
>the headline
that's bait, read the article, don't be reddit
I can actually hear how mad you are.
Surprise, right wingers are more informed and watch more news. Leftists get their news on their facebook and twitter.
>getting in a dick wagging contest more embarrassing and inconsequential than console wars
t. shlomo shekelstein
All cable shows are failures though, viewership is down across the board and that's why you only see catheter and life insurance commercials on them. These numbers are basically identical to the numbers we were seeing 10 years ago, except MSNBC and CNN have no switched places.
and reddit.
Sounds like the schizophrenia is kicking in again then. my buddy. You know, there are actual pills you can take to lay off the hallucinations, according to a friend of mine they do the job perfectly and aren't that expensive.
Good fucking riddance.
Anyone here un-ironically miss Bill O? I actually liked his show.
I like tucker but he's more just for laughs he doesn't really inform that much.
don't be edgy, lots of people have jobs there, and they are all well educated individuals with their own opinions
>that effeminate passive aggressiveness
You should've just told me you were a roastie.
I would have called you a kissless virgin ages ago if I were one. I just thought about giving you a friendly advice, a friend of mine has schizophrenia, claimed she could hear people and see ghosts. The pills helped her, might help you too, sound like similar cases.
im guessing abc and cbs news piss all over these numbers?
Brit reporting in
What is the difference between these different news stations?
Yeah, they rape these old statues
How do we stop them?
>80% of viewers are 55+
wew lad
fox has heavy right-wing stance, CNN is heavy left-wing stance
Fox is center to center right.
Cnn Is center left to far left
Msnbc is far left to Karl Marx.
Honestly studies have shown time and time again fox news is the most balanced.
What the fuck are you talking about, that friendly atmosphere is a total facade while they spew equally insane shit.
>fox has heavy right-wing stance
False. That is only the perception because the media is so liberally biased.
Don't think I've ever seen a more limp-wristed attempt at a comeback. Make sure to add a lisp next time.
it changes based on president, since they are all echo chambers
Fox likes drumpf (drumpft is center right at best, not far right, if he was far right Fox would betray him)
MSNBC is commie shit
CNN is commie shit with FUCK DRUMPF jokes every 5 minutes
Lol CBS ABC are not even close. Most watch local news or cable news. Barely none watch NBC ABC or CBS nightly news.
neck yourself trumptard
No, Sup Forums is trump country.
Fox - pretty balanced, mostly focused on news and economy reports
CNN - buzzfeed light, extremely liberal
MSNBC - cuckville communist tier
why the article says right sizing
its sad that libcuck sheep actually think that any station that isn't bashing trump and republicans 24/7 is far-right
What we are witnessing is the death of an entire way of life. What we are seeing ia the end of a marxist plan hatched in the 1960’s and carried out until this very day. It has all come crumbling down. There was a plot to weaken our nation with political correctness, sexual deviance, feminism, and the disease of liberalism. Now that plot has been utterly destroyed. The sleeping giant has awakened. 2016 was just the beginning.
MSNBC is pretty balanced.
its literally CNN
No, CNN is way more liberal.
All 3 are liberal, its just that one (fox) chooses profits over promoting agendas
The Overton Window is shifting lads, we are winning.
wait only 1 in 3? If you gave me a list of 6 individiuals. 3 blacks, 1 white, 1 Hispanic, and 1 Asian. Then you told me to pick 3 rapists out of them, I would pick all 3 blacks.
who's committing the other 2 rapes?
Is this seriously what Americans believe? That a private news corporation has a bias towards fucking Marxism? Read a fucking book.
Women (or what has immedietly happened to them) are what shift the overton window. Sup Forums will always operate outside of it.
This video explains it very well and backs it up with tonnes of evidence.
Only to a communist.
you should start reading books yourself, and no, not vampire ones
Woah dude, completely got me there! Absolutely BTFO exdee, amirite Cletus?
Just because somethings a corporation doesn't mean it doesn't pander to the regressive left.
i bet anderson enjoys being tucked
>soy response
>thinks he's clever throwing passive aggressive insults like a soccer mom
You should've just gone with roastie faggot