This shit is actually a quite decent one among capeshits. In fact, it isn't the movie itself but critics and SJW on Twitter that ruined the experience.
This shit is actually a quite decent one among capeshits. In fact...
Other urls found in this thread:
capeshit is called capeshit for a reason
There is LITERALY black peoples in it
It's completely idiotic and political.
Lol kill yourself
das rite
i dont know if its just cherry picked but every leaked scene ive seen looks objectively horrible for reasons that dont relate to the race of the actors
When will Marvel stop killing off every single villain except a select few?
I was excited for this film but all the SJW articles make me want to see it bomb you know.
That is what I assumed it would be. Given MCU's and the creative talent behind it's background I assumed it would at least be good. It is the fucking horrible journalism about it and general treatment as something more than a Disney cape film that made me not pissed about it. I'm sure its at minimum decent. But it also isn't a "revolutionary" "masterpiece" either
made me pissed about it* changed my senctence in the middle of writing it
At minimum it's boring and generic, not the worst MCU film but not the best by a long shot
Let them have it. They get to have their "powerful black movie" or whatever.
Maybe it might cause some of these lazy niggers to make something of their lives as inspiration.
if it was a random MCU movie I'd agree but I think Coogler is better than mediocre MCU movie.
congrats, you got fooled into thinking aggressive marketing represented the film entirely because you dwell in an echo chamber full of twitter screencaps and headlines from actually fucking literally who's. you should have been ignoring every thread about it until release, and even then maybe waiting til the dvdrip to discuss it. because all that shit is a waste of time.
>but critics and SJW on Twitter that ruined the experience.
You mean all the alt-right fags complaining about a hyped-up movie just because it has black actors in it? Fucking sheep
Nobody said it would be a steaming turd. It's just it was obvious it wasn't a msterpiece and that the people pretending that it is are a very cancerous bunch that shouldn't review movies.
>alt-right fags
is that what we call everyone now who's not a raging leftist sjw?
>decent capeshit
yeah fuck off, i wont fall for this again
this shit needs to die asap with or without niggers
that's why you don't give a fuck about those. Sup Forums too who just loves to lap that shit up.
Would you prefer cuck? I hear soyboy is the rage with the kids now.
Will there ever be capekino that will be worth watching in the future? I remember I used to like them until ant man and the winter soldier.
You would know.
I'm not guessing, that's my actual opinion I saw it yesterday
>Black Panther = Overrated
Black Panther = Gay
>Black Panther = Really not deserving of as much praise as Blacktivists are trying to get it
Black Panther = an Alright movie if you can clear your brain from all the Cancer surrounding it
>Black Panther = going to be watched for free online :D
He "died" off screen boys, he still might be alive
I thought Sup Forums might be ok with the politics of this movie considering the black radical who wanted an actual white genocide was painted totally as the villain but I guess not
>you mean the politics surrounding the movie
Looked pretty dead when they opened up the bodybag with him in
B-but black panther has no cape.
Does that make it okay now?
thats the biggest problem the past few years especially
>They want to Force their Ideology on you by ruining your experience
that's cat woman you fucking retard
>no shit
he was literally the only good part of the movie
only if you're a disney shill trying to force a narrative. guys srsly don't do that here, it will backfire, remember David Brock?
can someone deepfakes some white people on the movie?
Sure, it's Marvel. They're as mass friendly as it gets. But as you said. They'd hyped too much.
Sup Forums tends to counter positive hyperbole with negative hyperbole.
This is like one of those well-meaning redneck memes, without the parody.
I dunno, he had about fifteen minutes of screentime and a lot of eccentric mannerisms to play around with and make a memorable character out of. Also a fucking gun cannon arm.
Age of Ultron wasted him if anything.
Just got back from seeing it. I honestly found it boring.
Lot's of talking. If I'm watching a capekino, I wanna see fightan
Seems like they're once again subverting expectations.
>make Star Wars hollow and despressing
>make Marvel boring talking
Yeah, I thought it would probably just be standard, formulaic MCU fare but that would be overrated by critics and the media because it features mostly black people.
Fuck Marvel for doing that. A good villain is more important than any spandex wearing soyperhero.
>paying to watch a black-glorifying, antiwhite movie
what are you cucks doing?
Does he become a fucking sentinel?
>mfw even "critics" in my shithole of a country thought it was mediocre/boring/disappointing
I await for more burger reviews desu.
I'd love if they did this in the sequel
He's a being made out of solidified sound vibrations. He turned into this in his very first appearance back in the 60's.
For those who saw the movie, anyone get a Phantom Menace vibe when Michael B Jordan and Black Panther guy were fighting below and when they were separated by a train when those energy field things came on and they were standing just looking at each other waiting for train to pass - was so much like Maul and Qui Gon
>my shithole of a country
what country isn't a shithole these days?
>He turned into this in his very first appearance back in the 60's.
No idea how you manage to read all the comics and know everything about them but I appreciate you for being very dedicated.
I like this poster.
>tfw when Marvel Studios doesn't understand how to build a comic book universe
>Literally weaponizes his discography
The museum scene was FUCKING KINO!
>Serkis lets a security guard live if he promises not to tell anyone what happened
>guy starts to run away as Serkis turns around and shoots him in the back
Fuck you Marvel for killing him off in the worst way
Touché, i was talking about our critics not really mattering in the end. But it's fun seeing it get 2-2.5 out of 5 desu (only one 4/5 and it's from a SJWesque site, that was kinda expected)
>It ain't Andy
I do know a lot, but there are also plenty of resources for finding stuff out.
I also had this poster growing up. So it made me curious to find out who a lot of these characters are. There are still a lot I can't name off the top of my head.
If you're curious, you can see Klaw there above Kingpin and She-Hulk on the right side of the poster.
Marvel's been stepping up their poster game. One of the main posters for Thor Ragnarok was really good. It's the one with Hulk at the top, Hela in the center, and Thor on the bottom.
>mfw even "critics" in my shithole of a country thought it was mediocre/boring/disappointing
Because it was
>Youtube clips and trailers promise lots of action and fight choreography
>80% of film is dialogue orientated
If you are a normie, something like that sure would annoy you
Not to mention the horrible editing which removed this awesome fight choreography by the main actor:
The best kind of superhero movies keep you entertained and appeal to your emotions while remaining grounded in humanism. If you're lucky, they're also smart and witty like Iron Man and Captain America. Black Panther, though, fails to be entertaining, moving or intelligent.
Black Panther feels stuffed with too many characters none of whom come to life enough for you to root for them or care about them as human beings, even T'Challa. A few glimmers of wit don't compensate for the pedestrian, dull and shallow screenplay that has no surprises or memorable dialogue for that matter. The action scenes fall flat as do some of the attempts at comic relief. Also, there's a clunky flashback that takes away from the film's ever so slight momentum.
At a running time of 2 hours and 14 minutes, Black Panther is an insipid, soulless, and overproduced bore.
Still giving it one star on RT
If you've seen BP, is there any possible way for him to return in this incarnation?
I mean imagine being this actor who probably went through hours trying to master this fighting and then to learn that 50% of what you learned was cut out...
Marvel editors really are shit
Killmonger walking into Wakanda and demanding the crown was my favourite scene, fucking Alpha as fuark
>Does he become a fucking sentinel?
Explain to my autism what a sentinel is
No. Because Christopher Nolan ruined comic book movies.
Killmonger was a SJW black lives matter protestor that got btfo by a conservative anti immigrant country
A big robot
Haven't seen it yet. So I ended up spoiling myself, but it's not like "Bad guy gets beat in the end" is much of a spoiler for a superhero movie.
Besides, we're talking comic book logic here. I'm sure they'll find a way.
Big robot bad guys from X-Men. They're mostly used as things for the heroes to beat up and use their powers on, but there are alternate timelines where they destroy all mutants, and go so far to end up killing all humans, too, since mutants are offshoots of humans.
>Killmonger walking into Wakanda and demanding the crown was my favourite scene
This. He wasn't even in the wrong.
I also liked some of that high pitched choir singing you briefly heard during one of his scenes over a rap beat playing.
The music to this film felt so unique as it should have and didn't feel generic
>mfw Black Panther has better music than Justice League
>I'm sure they'll find a way.
I'd like to think so, but they just straight kill or make disappear 99% of their villains. If ANYONE has to come back, Ultron is at the top of that list.
>Sup Forums not allowed to like a decent flick because of muh niggers
What else is new
Considering the nature of his comic book powers, you could say that someone threw him in the device that gave him his comic powers, that he had it built in secret or whatever, and it revived him in his sound form.
If people like the villain enough, they'll bring him back. It's why Loki's been in more movies than most of the heroes. Besides, if this movie is as successful as I expect it's going to be, they're going to want to make sequels, and Black Panther has a pretty shitty villain roster. Most of them are basically just poachers and militants. A lot of the time he just borrowed villains from other heroes. So they'll probably have to bring one of the few semi-recognizable ones back.
It's not like he hasn't died and come back before.
Kilmonger + Klaue are the best parts of this movie
>marvel actually had complex and interesting villain
>kills them off anyway
That's comics though. I'm looking at the MCU in isolation. Marvel seems very content to just throw all their villains away like they'll never run out or something.
>Most of them are basically just poachers
Kraven The Hunter when
>like they'll never run out
Because they won't. Even with as many movies as Marvel churns out, there are so many god damn characters in their archive that they'll never, ever be able to make enough movies to go through even all the ones people have actually heard of.
Still, again, if people really like a particular character, especially one with a guy who's finally been getting his deserved spotlight like Andy Serkis in the role, they'll find a way to bring him back.
I'd love to see that, but it also kind of highlights my point that BP himself traditionally doesn't have a lot of villains worth a shit, and has to borrow other heroes'. He'd fit a BP movie way better than a Spider-Man movie though, that's for sure. You could have some amazing Predator-like jungle combat scenes with that guy.
Still, there have been cases of the MCU taking nothing villains and actually doing something with them. I haven't seen the movie yet, but people seem to fucking LOVE Killmonger, a guy who was as literally who as you could get in the comics.
They'll probably find a way to make fucking Madam Slay, Killmonger's booty call from the comics who could control leopards, into something decent.
That was the part of the story that bugged me.
Killmonger did everything fair and square to win the crown according to their traditions but the "royal" family are already throwing a fit because their boy lost. And then a scene later they show the "oooh he's a bit bad isn't he"
>MCU taking nothing villains
I'm not heavy into the comics, but beside Killmonger, we got Batroc, Whiplash, Crossbones, Kaecilius, Malekith, and maybe some others?
Yup, a lot of those guys were basically just throwaway villains, or otherwise forgettable. Not like most of those ones were much more in the movies, but Whiplash was at least pretty memorable in Iron Man 2, Kaecilius had some good moments in Doctor Strange, and everybody seems to love the movie version of Killmonger. Movie!Batroc also got a pretty good fight scene.
They'll probably find something to do with fucking Stegron, too.
>caring about what people say on the internet