Soprano Thread

Why are bitches always all over Tony? He's fat and ugly and I bet he smells like shit desu

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Charisma, Confidence and Power.

he's da boss. First time I watched it with my mother she asked the same thing
>"Why would ANY of these women be attracted to him? He's so fat and ugly, and he can't breathe right"

if Tony met your mom irl, he would fuck her brains out and she would love it

>Why are bitches always all over Tony?
tall, strong, broad shoulders, nice eyes, powerful criminal, rich...

>Why are bitches always all over Tony?

He is literally the alpha gorilla. Primal instincts kick in and gals can't resist

Tony is a genuinely charming man with money and power, and compared to the other mobsters in the show he's an absolute gentleman to his goomahs.

Who was in the wrong here?

You for being a memefag

>that one late series 20 something chick that fucks him after Chris dies
That was complete horseshit

pussy's wired for sound


Have you managed to find an insightful discussion of The Sopranos on any imageboard yet?

Take your time

>leaves one covered in 3rd degree burns and tells her he's betting back with his wife and takes a phone call over her saying she'll kill herself

Supreme gentleman

i bet she was biting her lips whenever he fucked a slut.

>and compared to the other mobsters in the show he's an absolute gentleman to his goomahs.


He said compared to the other mobsters.

Because it's not real life.

HBO made a documentary about James after his death and had people talk about how great he was. Everyone was teary eyed and upset except for Diane Lane, who talked about how fuckable he was

Women like a man with principles (and Tony's principles were, ultimately, what the show was about) even if they are flawed ones. The strength to stand up for something.



women love men who give them free sex and free money

Has anybody tried gabagool? Is it good?

Once Courtney love said this,"attitude gets you laid,not looks"

>Chrissie's former Goomah
>"Chris told me about you (Tony)"
>Degenerate whore stripping through college
Oh yeah that made zero sense sure


Pretty much this.

>threatening suicide
>letting a hooah guilt you into staying with her
get a load of this soyboy

I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm

When did Vito first appear in the show? I remember seeing him in a few season 3 episodes, but I can't remember if he was there earlier

it was a BOOTIFUL jacket made of fine corinthian leather and Tony looked BOOTIFUL in it

capicola? yeah, grew up in the italian part of Australia
tastes pretty good

And money

Is chase /ourguy/?

Back in Christmas of 2002 I was hiding in my bedroom while some family was visiting in our living room. I stepped out of my room to go to the washroom and I overheard my uncle talk about how he had an uncle that was a retard and our family had to send him away to a home. This was a big family secret because I never heard about him before and it was never brought up again. I was always kind of curious about this retarded great-uncle I might have. 4 years ago I watched The Sopranos and realized that what I heard back then was Tony explaining to Melfi that Uncle Junior had a retarded brother.

that's actually hilarious
that did happen to my mum's family

He learned his lesson from Gloria

cant forget this one

Fuck off wog

I'm anglo, just lived in freo and went to a catholic school where I was naturally one of the only non-wogs there

He was a charismatic gangster. And a sociopath. Women love that shit.

Meadow was such a piece of ass in s5 holy fuck every time she appeared i got a rock solid erection

I want to fuck Carmella

Tony wasn't a sociopath. No sociopath would fret over his kids like he did, nor spend his whole life upsetting himself over his mother's opinion of himself.

>Being attracted to a 26-year-old Jewess

Several actresses including Drea di Matteo, have said that Gandolfini was extremely sexy. Women like confidence and charisma, but thats something nice guys and gym babbies will never understand.

user, one of the greatest things in the world is a pair of khazar milkers.

he is the strong silent type


for what it's worth he was pretty loud.


That's the joke you faggots.

In fact that's the point of why he said it in the series. He obsesses over the strong silent type which explains why he's depressed. He's an impulsive loudmouth and he's also weak (mentally of course). He obsesses over stupid shit when in his words "he has the world by the balls"

always pissed me off how dr milfi cast him out at the end, very unprofessional and all because her jewish psychiatrist friends told her he was a sociopath. Wouldn't she have known if he was considering hes her patient for however many years ?

how did they all get so fat by the end of the show ? tony was chubby to begin with and ballooned by the last season. Silvio looked fat and melting at the same time by the end, even chrissy developed a gut as did artie brucco

even dr milfi packed on the pounds. Bobby didn't even need a fat suit anymore. Johnny sack ballooned too

was it all that gabagool ?

Agreed. That scene had to have been rushed.

he's not even ugly really, just fat and balding

how the hell did they get away with so many crimes and murders ? they leave prints everywhere and wouldn't cctv catch them out ? like that scene where chris and paulie shoot that waiter outside the restuarant

and vito stayed the same the whole time

no it made perfect sense. She MIGHT rather fuck a 25 yo with Tony's power, money, and charm, but she'll still fuck the 42 yo version.

actually the opposite, when hes first on scene hes not a main character and is real timid and fat, just look how ralph fucked around with him.

they even had the storyline where he loses weight on the atkins. He also had hip surgery which is why he walked like a penguin


the dream sequences will never be topped, holy shit i would never be able to describe what a dream is like but the sopranos did it perfectly. Those little oddities in the scenes such as a random squeaky sound or how tony never finds it odd in his dreams how it goes from day to night in a few seconds and people randomly appear

He's tall, well-off, and a well-known, high-ranking criminal.

are people meant to remember dreams?
I completely forget them five seconds after waking up

yeah you forget like 90% in the first minute after awaking, that is why some people have paper and pen on the nightstand to write down as much as they can remember as then they believe dreams can be interpreted

I don’t know if I’d fuck Karen, but I’d definitely make love to Dr Melfi

I prefer genoa salami/sopprasetta + mortadell, but gabagool's alright.

I used this technique and an odd sleeping schedule to become an active dreamer. So as someone who’s spent a lot of time in dreams, the sopranos got it pretty damn close.

I can't remember dreams 99% of the time. Did today though.

sopprasetta, stinky hard cheese, cheap beer.
I’m going to go call my dad.

I thought the poster was being sincere, you know it's hard to tell through the internet.


>mfw there's a nigger next to me

I've heard that sociopaths can be attached to their family members, and can go through depression/self loathing. I'm not an expert though, and I haven't watched the Sopranos in a while, or that many times, so I forget a lot of the scenes and can't really tell if Tony is one or not.

I thought I saw him during season 2 at a Jenny Craig. Turns out it was some other fat piece of shit.

check out the actors twitter, pure old school racist italian its fucking hilarious


Tony definitely isn't

The show makes it clear that he could have been a good person, but the life his father chose and the way he was raised helped create the person he became. A part of him knew that he life was wrong and he tried to keep his family away from it

women like powerful man, doesn't matter if they are not exactly good looking. Tony wasn't a bad looking guy at all.

The way he bites her ear is peak gorilla

For some reason this dream sequence is just so unsettling for me

He is ugly. The fuck are you lying about?

Shittiest things in movies and tv shows. A brainlet filter to the nth degree.

>Turtle tapped that in Entourage and IRL

>tfw killed by the worst character in the show