How bad is this gonna be?

how bad is this gonna be?

Terrible, if it sticks to the book. Soyboy story for soyboys.

I can guarantee that the story and dialogue will be absolute dog shit, but manchildren will show up in droves for the epic references.

I listened to the audio book narrated by Will Wheaton. This movie cannot possibly be as bad as that experience.

>book is garbage
>speil(((berg))) is a talentless hack
>0 good actors

soyboy manchild: the movie

It was always going to be bad. The only question is, will it be successful?
I hope it tanks and kills off the nostalgia market for good.

Better than Black Panther but that's not saying much

Hey, bros. You know what would be hilarious? If we all went to see "Ready Player One" on opening night, just to stick it to Disney and Marvel! Making this movie a massive financial success would send a clear message to Hollywood: no more movies about women or African Americans. Those Democratic Party of America members in the film industry would be blown the heck out. It would surely be "the Happening" we've all been waiting for! Hope to see you there, my fellow youngsters of the Alt Right.


literally the worst thing ever fucking made

I'll be wearing my adult diapers to trigger the libs

>how bad is this gonna be?

-its going to be tron legacy but with pop culture references
- it wont be as good as tron legacy
- it will get a sequel unlike tron legacy

screencap this.

so just eye candy?

Disney should give 25% of the profits of RPO back to the neckbeard community. Sign the petition on

Spielbergs loins are constantly satisfied by 8 year old blonde children.

Of course it will be good.

the book actually motivates me to write because I know anything I write will be better than it

It might be cool to see a couple high budget CGI things thrown together like Godzilla vs Optimus or something but otherwise it'll be shit


worse: back in the real world it will all be global warming and overpopulation causing all their world problems

How do you fuck up reading a book out loud that badly?

>last name weiner
>be sexual deviant
is it everyone named weiner?

I liked legacy why didnt it do well?

As bad as the shitty book.

Bad main character and story was a bit dull

It was an incredibly successful music video but a relatively unsuccessful movie

Main character was dull even though Olivia Wilde was the most qt.314 of all time and Jeff Bridges was the best zen master since Yoda. The plot was also really broken and bizarre. Couldn't follow a three act structure and really struggled to hold together in the final act.

He's literally wearing a "ZIMBABWE" shirt.
What do you think?

Spielberg is more child-molester now, than director.

I have my doubts and fears about it but I'm surprised at the lack of faith in Spielberg, pol shit aside, which isn't relevant to this one. His last three sci-fi films were minority report, AI and war of the world, very respectful of the genre and with bittersweet tones and themes, fully aware of darker areas of the modern zeitgeist, focused on the eternal humanism that exists simply within us even when society feels alienated by technology, themes of looking forward to the future rather than dwelling in the past. He may have his flaws but the man has cinematic intelligence and integrity. His last films for kids and teenagers like the giant or warhorse didn't connect with modern audiences but were incredibly well made, very old fashioned and sincere, superb lighting, no pandering to any trends. I doubt it'll be a blind embracing of nostalgia and will feature some subtext to counter the novel and the current trends. Even a film like hook has interesting subtext on this matter and it was done decades ago. You treat it like it's a faceless Hollywood hack project or done by cynics like jja or retards like Trevorrow who just regurgitate the 80s without understanding why their films were exciting. It's not another glib facsimile riding the trends like stranger things or Disney reboots. It's fucking Spielberg himself, and it's the older wiser Spielberg who is still in touch with the spirit of classic cinema, of John Ford or frank Capra, the one who made bridge of spies just a couple of years ago, a movie that had more tonal subtlety and maturity than 99% of movies coming out these days.

I can't wait to see it , I really enjoyed the book.

>mooooom. i called them that name again.

inb4 contrarian fa/tv/irgins hate it despite (or rather because of) the protagonist being literally themselves

Post is to intelligent for this site brah

No one gives a fuck about vr goggles and they never will. Except for porn.

Movie looks cringe cheese

>muh pleb pop ‘culture’
kill yourself faggot
you too


her head is gigantic

I wonder if kevin smith is pissed that Spielberg didnt invite him and jason mewes to cameo as Jay and Silent Bob during the battle scene.

I've listened to about 300 audiobooks by now and, as much as I despise Wheaton, he was actually OK. He wasn't even near Marc Thompson or Jonathan Davis god tier, but made good job. If you want literal shit tier reader, listen to the parts of Stephen King's Heart in Atlantis read by William Hurt. It's fucking insufferable.

dumb normies didn't know or care what tron is and they definitely don't now. also belated sequels to movies everyone forgot about were oversaturating the market at the time so it kinda got lost in the shuffle

woah, nice trip dubs

Better than black pander

wheaton also reads "what it, serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions"

pretty good one that i got for free somehow

black panther will probably be fine, with some social/politcal commentary added in to drag it down, and hordes of progressives hailing it as a "masterpiece"

It looks like it won't stick to the book with all this "welcome to the resistance" stuff.

>be angry at being named a soyboy
>post a picture with soyboy
hello, plebdit. how do you like Sup Forums so far?

>being such an egomaniac that you wrote all that
>all of which could be summed up in 4 greentext
>comparing MR, WotW, AI, to a story about pop culture references in a VR world
you need to take a long hard look at yourself buddy