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Lucius Vorenus

A gaul ginger cuck


>snows always melt



the age of vorena the elder when she had the babby


did they have smug cats in ancient rome?


vorena the younger was supercute in S2

it's almost as if you want to kill off rome threads user.

>tfw had to pause and have a fap because of the Octavian x Sister incest

what do you mean?

I mean your faggotry is killing the rome threads user.

how exactly? it's a normal part of these threads

It wasn't before fags like you showed up.

Little user, have you penetrated anyone yet?


God I wanted to penetrate her vagina with my penis so hard when she said that.

fellow citizens of the aventine


fuck yourself

What was his opinion about Jews


>It wasn't full moon
>It is unlikely that he seeded her


The Jewish-Roman wars didn't happen until much later.

He thought that mockery of their one good should be kept to a minimum

he was a son of hades

Julius Caesar was very good to the Jews and they wept when he was killed. True story.

That's true, Jewish emancipation was part of this new empire and it set them on the road to being strong enough to rebel against the authority that fostered them and start a series of three devastating wars.

I think Vorenus is a pretty cool guy. Eh fucks Concord in the ass and doesnt afraid of anything.

What was the acoustic posing for?

Literally what they did when Britain created Israel too.

impudent whelp!

Hi! romelads i'm on episode 7 watching it for the first time

>those 2 last episodes in egypt

Would have been even more kino if it got a whole season, more emotion in those two than the rest of the series

very gaullish looking centurion altogether

I love when Vorenus is dying and tells Pullo "Take me home, I don't want to die in this fucking shithole!"

As a woman i don't understand why the romans didn't just elect a female emperor??? Ugh they could still exist today

Go back go Gaul you ginger knob

I don't remember them ever going to Haiti

Julius Caesar was the original SJW

Will any other show capture what I felt with Rome? And let me just preemptively say fuck Spartacus.

I, Claudius is generally considered the best Rome kind, starts a few years after Rome ends too

Julius Cesar, the first cuck, who let the Jews fuck over Europe countless times in history.

>Mark Antonys speech at caesars funeral was cut due to production costs

>a speech would have been too expensive

Good ol HBO, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


childhood is idolizing Julius Caesar, adulthood is realizing Cicero made more sense

childhood is idolizing Cicero, adulthood is realizing Clodius Pulcher was right to do nothing but fuck with Cicero





fuck off with your Playboy Presents: Rome for mouthbreathing plebeians shit you faggot


>yfw cross the Rubicon with the boys


This guy is now doing a wine program on BBC or some shit

The only good porn scene in the shitting show and they didn't screen it


>No Atia mommy gf to ask me if I have penetrated anyone yet

The gods are laughing at me.

Cato was pretty /fit/ for his age

Would have been hotter if it was Octavian and Atia

>Have you penetrated anyone yet?
>Does that mean you have or you haven't?
>I'm only a boy it's only natural that-
>Enough of that. Come to bed and let mama take care of you.

This. A shame the showrunners were autistic and the BBC dropped out.

He may have a gallic look about him but he's a solid roman as any man.

They shot in the actual city of Rome. The dagos were milking them of every cent they had just for the privilege of being there.

He was truly our guy.

Ascended Mastery is realizing Cato the Younger did nothing wrong

never fails to make me laugh

What makes ss so kino lads?

IRL he was younger than Caesar. He just was born with the personality of a bitter old man.

>the virgin Popularus
>the chad Optimatus

We all wish it happened to us when we were younger. It touches on the collective unconscious of every heterosexual male.

Rome was the better show, but there is no denying that Spartacus was fun.


Is it really? I could never get into it. I tried watching ep 1 and I closed it off. Then again, I really hate stuff like Vikings and The Last Kingdom as well. The only half-way decent one out of all these historical ones (not counting Rome) has been Black Sails. Actually had a great story.

>this guy

you're not worthy of the gift that is James Purefoy, why is he so perfect bros?

Note he said Spartacus was "fun", not "good". It's the same way people try to pass capeshit off as viewable, when really it's just turn your brain off bro level garbage.

Well, I meant Black Sails was fun too. It actually had fun moments. The others are just super serious and unaware that they're absolute bullshit.

The first 3 episodes of Spartacus suck rank asshole, but after that it gets better. I think if you enjoyed Black Sails you should give it a shot.

Mmmmmhhhaa the Gauls

Spartacus sucks it's just a shitty 300 rip off with tons of diversity, gay sex, and meme dialog.

>MWWWWAAaaugh the Fillonian grape hasalwaysbeencelebratedforitsexcellence


Go back to rebbit, your kind is not welcome here.

Wrong, you're not welcome here, fuck off, this faggot can't even say reddit.

I can never utter CACK! without it sounding like Im mad for some cock

go away plebbit

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised a Spartacus fan is only able to come up with 1 insult. The originality I would expect.

>autistic plebbiter acting superior to anyone

I'm a diferent user, and I've never watched Spartacus. I got you confused with the Spartacus fag

You're digging your own hole.

Go on


Would have been nice to get a few seasons of Augustus

How did they get away with this?


Would have been nice if we got the planned 5 seasons so the Octavian actor wouldn’t have to be changed.

Do we think the show was planning to go much further than where it ended after 2 seasons?Or were the events of the second season going to be spread out across 4 seasons?

Martin Scorsese’s planned show about Caesar is going to be so pale in comparison to Rome, isn’t it?I really, really want more shows set in Ancient Rome but I’m worried none will live up to it.

It was supposed to go past the death of Jesus Christ. That was the big reason for the jew side story.

Scorsese has been shit for decades now, I wouldn't hold out hope, and since he's terrible at casting he'll probably get De Niro to play JC and Dicaprio to play Marc Anthony. Fuck I hate modern Scorsese so fucking much.

sweet gaius