This is easily the closest ive ever seen to a legitimate 0/10

this is easily the closest ive ever seen to a legitimate 0/10

the only thing that keeps it from being a 0 is that it looks pretty sometimes, outside of that it has not a single redeeming feature, everything from camera work to different aspects of writing, there isn't a single department this show does well in

can someone explain to me what the appeal is?

the yeasss qweeen demographic loves it

>there are people who payed $12 a month to watch horribly written characters spout horribly written dialogue at each other while the camera moves around way to much at weird angles and theres extreme bloom everywhere

quite literally why we cant have nice things

This is the first time with any sci fi that I've ever refused to accept something as canon.

Michael Burnham is just Wesley Crusher but black and with a vagina.

But it has a gay married interracial couple. Disliking it would make you on the wrong side of history.

and acts far worse and is ugly as shit

This. Wesley is a piece of shit but Michael is far worse. I was afraid we'd end up with a turd like Enterprise or something bad but mostly watchable like Voyager, instead we ended up with the single worst piece of Star Trek ever devised.

>wait the entire season to see the horribly written mary sue charachter get what she deserves
>in the end all she gets is a chance to fingerwave at the federation and explain that she is a horribly written character who din du nuffin wrong and is always right
I was legitimately taken aback by how stupid that was, and thats saying something considering how bad everything was up until that point

It's a dead meme. Even if they really do push a second season (probably too late to save any money by cancelling it) nobody will watch it. Fucking horrible show.

At least with Wesley the writers got the chance to kick him off and take him down a notch after Roddenbury took his hands off the reins and then died. Michael Burnham is here to stay.

Stay where? The show is getting cancelled and has the lowest reviews of any trek show.

looks awful

Ahhh so STD isn't really canon right? Right? Haha oh boy.
God this is worst timeline for ST and SW fans. What did the Sci-fi fans ever do to deserve this?

From what i can tell the show is being worshiped as the second coming of christ outside of Sup Forums
I seriously hope it gets cancelled after season 2 so we can move on and maybe even get a legitimate startrek series but thats looking more and more unlikely

Youre on the wrong side of history sweetie :^)

I wouldnt even care if they raped the canon as long as it was a show with a good plot and charachters, unfortunately it has niether and rapes the canon

i liked it when L'RELL threatened her homeplanet with a federation-made detonator controlling a bomb (manufactured by the federation), placed by federation soldiers on a covert federation operation.
and her first action was to cease the war with the federation
it made total sense that the klingons obeyed her. she doesn't seem like a puppet at all.

as soon as she puts down the detonator they assasinate her

>Barely establish characters, hop straight into Klingon War

>Bench Klingon War for spore drive shenanigans (admittedly, figuring out these kind of scientific problems almost made it feel like Trek)

>Spend another half a season in the Mirror Universe for pointless death and murder

>Hop back into prime universe - somehow the Mirror tyrannical overlord is more eligable for any kind of redemption than the Mirror renegade starship captain we spent the whole season interacting with - and handwave the Klingon War away in one episode

>We are the Federation :DDDD

No appeal. It's Post-Modernism at work. This is it's purpose.

Take a thing that has cultural cache and is beloved , Star Trek in this case, appropriate it then bit by bit subvert every aspect that makes it beloved and culturally important.

People turn up to watch "Star Trek", but instead get "Anti-Star Trek".
Where everything is a critique of your norms, rather than an optimistic exploration of them.
It's meant to make the mainstream become alienated from it's own culture.

It was incredibly suitable that it ended up being about the evil mirror universe.
It's like the post-modernists/marxists are becoming self-aware on some level.

Wait, you're saying the Federation was behind the bomb plot on Qo'noS?

I just wish the numales that love the show for god knows what reason would keep to their containment board and stop ruining my comfy /trek/ threads


He has a man's name and looks like prince so why do you think he has a vag?

Its like subverting startrek wasnt enough and now they have to subvert the community too


The fact that you are even thinking about equating those shows that you have no idea what you are talking about.

>What did the Sci-fi fans ever do to deserve this?
Women organizing the first sci-fi conventions was literally a mistake.

Kligon governments are constantly being proped up by the federation in other series too. Its nothing new.
yea the way they did it here was retarded.
BTW Worf is no longer the fist Klingon in SF now,

No one loves the show. How could they? Shitposters pretend to love it solely to annoy trek fans, which isn't hard to do.

>imagine you walk in the congress building
with a russian-made detonator and threaten Washington DC with destruction unless the US congress declares you emperor
>and your first action would be to leave the NATO/UN and wind-up all your military bases outside US soil

>some people would say you are a russian puppet

A super soyan from my university was praising it on Facebook it's the first time I had ever seen anybody like it

I think you might be on to something...


No Trek fan watches this show. Trek fans watch The Orville.

yeah, this show is for a real loser. a joss whedon fan

It's the same shit. Maybe not as classic marxism but the notion of "cultural" marxism is essentially post-modernism.

The federation plan didn't even make sense

>Destroy klingon homeworld
>Klingon fleet still vastly outnumbers the federation's
>Still get your shit kicked in by enraged klingons

Character Rundown:

The Good:

Captain Lorca. For most of the season he was an able captain who cared for his crew despite his PTSD. Still had moments of logic and attachment even after his heel-turn to hilariously over-the-top evil in the Mirror universe. Mortally wounded but absorbed by spores so he'll no doubt be back once the ratings tank. Either him or Prime-universe Lorca


Eccentric but ready to sacrifice himself for the benefit of the ship and her crew. He's gay, and the initial setup of his gay relationship with... Hugh? (don't know his name) was too sappy for me. Fortunately, they took a good route and showed how his relationship got strained as Stamets got more and more invested into interfacing with the spore drive. His lover is now dead, and there's a semblance of character there to build upon.


Jumpy, nervous alien who has to push his natural instincts aside to assume a command. Interesting look, interesting mannerisms and a great actor playing him. Good character to have around, though with his enmity towards Burham resolved I'm wondering where they'll take him.

God-Emperor Georgiou

She's evil and she knows what she wants.



Too peppy and one-note for me. She might even out into a proper character like they did with Bashir in DS9.

Ash Tyler

His nature as a Klingon sleeper agent was interesting, but his relationship with Burnham was a flatline. Also, I don't think we needed multiple instances of him (almost) fucking up under duress just to remind us how damaged he is inside. We got that the first time.


Michael Burnham

Barring her colossal fuckup during the pilot, she gets praised for her humanity when taking strange irresponsible decisions and enters Vulcan logic fingerwag mode to lecture others (and the audience) about their failings. Her tryst with Tyler was a dud and I don't know how they'll turn her character around and have her assume any kind of command without it feeling forced.

I think STD convincingly showed why other Treks have used the Mirror universe for one-episode romps or joke spinoffs.

That whole multi-episode segment was awful. I sure enjoyed all that death, murder and suffering.

When's the next season due, anyway?

Some Voqs are born made to bear the torch
Ooh, they're white and not blue
And when L'Rell says "Hail T'Kuvma"
Ooh, they will not again fail you, Lord

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't Tyler, Lieutenant

they previously said 2019 but shooting starts this April which suggests they could make late 2018

so i must have skipped an episode or some shit

but remember when the two klingons were exiled on that blown up ship.. what happened afterwards and how did they get rescued?

>but remember when the two klingons were exiled on that blown up ship.. what happened afterwards and how did they get rescued?

No fucking clue, but apparently they had enough clout all of a sudden to get involved in the klingon sleeper agent shit.

> Dunning–Kruger effect, the post.

you made wammen feel unwelcome.

aka, you kept your fandom's commercial value too tied to the male 20-40 demographic, and companies really really want to tap into the female 10-30 demographic because women spend money like a broken tap, and your fandom's resistance against being turned into a hair salon is gratting.

fuck you, muhsoggyknees'ts

>worst timeline for ST and SW fans. What did the Sci-fi fans ever do to deserve this?

Refusing to fight back against the feminist menace. All male entertainment is being blatantly stolen and corrupted by SJWs. Star Trek, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, video games, comic books, science fiction Hugo awards and the entire country of Sweden. Sup Forums warned you, Sup Forums. But you didn't listen. Why didn't you listen?

it's not even because it's a progressive female or black protagonist, or that it has current real world progressive political stuff shoved in it, even if you removed all those things and "fixed it", it's still a bad show, the writing is awful, the world is too star wars/Battlestar looking it feels like it's copying something else instead of its own look, a look that should be slightly more retro due to its setting, I'm not asking for light bulbs, bleeps and blooms and levers like original ST but at least try a modernized version of that, like Orville did but with an actual budget, or black mirror, it's modern but with a retro style.

Everything feels like it's on a hurry, like Prometheus, nobody can't stand still like they're afraid yo take it slow like a star trek show should, and there's too much action, star trek is not for action, it can have action, but it's supposed to be boring and by that I mean what people who are interested in mind was Sci fi action would consider it as boring.

because the generations that popularized sci-fi and fantasy got old and no longer have the patience/attention span to watch something remotely challenging. they want easy to digest content that both them and their partner will enjoy.


feels nice to have this shitty show on netflix here in my cuntry while the fat faggots over at murica have to pay 12 dolar signs a month to watch it hahahaha

i hate low effort writing in modern shows. used to be in television a lot of cringeworthy episodes came out of the pipe, but they'd at least try.

Much like your sickening autogynephilia fetish, wanting something to be true does not make it true, or even possible.

for me it's a 2/10

i have to get high to watch it