>It's a Griff episode
It's a Griff episode
is that supposed to be bad?
Top sitcom
>smithers, i'm home!
>*laugh track*
is this show #1 in the list of things that cant be made today?
You think this should could be made today?
fucking kek
I love this show so much
You fuck. You beat me.
Aparrently this youtube.com
old one is much better
new one sounds like something out of Germany.
I guess Sony didn't want to pay for the rights to the original or something?
It actually makes me mad they did that.
Miss these bants
No, he always was a good character.
>that first one
what in the fuck, wheres sinatra?
Remember this when it was still relatively new. My super conservative, religious grandparents would keep going on about how horrible Married With Children was, and how it stomped all over "family values".
is this one of the few shows that Sup Forums universally likes?
hehe my how times have changed. Guess who would be all up in shit these days.
>It's an episode with somebody falling off the roof
>it's a Marcy episode
Her character literally ruins Fright Night for me. All I see is Marcy.
>its a kelly acts like a dumb bimbo slut despite being underage in real life
>Alright, it says to connect rod A with screw U
>What was that, Jefferson?
>I said screw U
>-throws him off the fucking roof-
They definitely got some mileage out of that dummy, didn't they?
Is Married With Children one of the only shows all guys of all races and nationalities would like?
I felt bad that Bud couldn't be with Amber.
Sex appeal and raunchy jokes transcend race.
I imagine in a few decades, things will change again with generational shifts on what each side is getting "outraged" about.
>The Original is best
>an Al Bundy thread
And they said Sup Forums was dead
>Men Like Married with Children
ALRIGHT Sup Forums.
Let’s put our hands in for a Whooooa Bundy!
>It's the Russian ripoff episode
did people expect differently?
>it's an officer dan episode
Marcy was such a babe.
>it's a Jefferson and his mysterious past episode
This show makes me genuinely sad to be alive right now. The 80's were perfect.