Who was in the wrong here?
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>that retarded camera swing at the end
Woah, Hitler was gross and evil!
I love jews now.
the writers
This man who was not a member of government or military was executed merely for saying mean things about Jews. Imagine that. One day we could all be executed for things we've said on Sup Forums.
>the way he spits out the food
is this supposed to be a comedy
Reminder Rumbelle is THE otp
Jesus, Adolf - eat your food omg!
Whoever thought it was a good idea to cast Begbie as Adolf Hitler
They never portray him
As he really was. They always make him like a comical monster
why did they cast this manrat?
he looks nothing like him
Yeah, they always portray him as some sort of always on edge neurotic when in real life he seems to have been a slightly awkward spergy type of guy
Haha, xD, Hitler the comically and deraged uber evil villain :D.
Now where have I seen that portrayal? Yeah... in practically every single movie about Hitler. They should have at least made him say how he plans on holohoaxing 6 gorillion jews when he comes to power, but I guess that'd be a little too obvious for the goyim.
>implying this isn't exactly how Sup Forums talks
>don't pick on Hitler he dindu nuffin
A major pillar of lolocoaster propaganda is that nazis were all completely irrational and mentally deranged. You cannot show any kind of internal consistency and logic to their actions becuase then the plebs might look into said logic.
>A major pillar of lolocoaster propaganda is that nazis were all completely irrational and mentally deranged.
Is it though
He specifically practiced and cultivated his zealot persona for politics since it worked to get his way rather than his natural monotone way of talking, yelling like a madman is literally how he got into power in real life. So saying "wh-why's my hero hitler who I learned everything about from an anime website depicted as yelling ;_;" is detracting from the man's cunning.
This is Hitler's talking conversational voice. Notice any shouting like a madman? No. everyone who ever met hitler said he was very polite and friendly, and would always let people finish what they have to say before directing all his effort into rebutting them. He wasn't some loon that just spits and interrupts people at the dinner table.
>tfw you remember your unironic nazi phase a few years ago
why must i be so autistic
even if you agree with the ideology they were absolutely batshit in practice
A lot of the middle men in the SS and administration of the Nazi state were corrupt opportunists more interested in personal gain rather or were just unhinged. Hitler himself was a good person however and did nothing wrong.
Did run around in the corn enough.
and on that day we come out blazing like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
It's the fucking jews, pushing us into the nazi alt-reich trap to weaken our countries
Obv not hitler you soyboy cuck sjw