Is this the most overrated movie of all time?

Is this the most overrated movie of all time?

>wastes entire act on useless Michael in Italy plot line
>too many characters to keep track of
>ridiculous cotton mouthed Marlon Brando
>just an overall uninteresting storyline
>meaningless themes
>muh family values shoved down our throats

I never really understood the love for this movie. It’s average at best, forgettable.

good thing nobody gives a flying fuck about your retarded personal tastes and opinions

go fuck yourself


im watching the squeakquel rn
the visuals are more consistent but still some sleepy parts
everything having to do with the jew guy and fredo is boring so i don't really pay attention

It hasn't aged well.

I don't care much for it, I love Part II though

The ending is retarded too
>he just *decides* to kill everyone and magically happens completely cleanly
#3 really goes full retard though

It seems Wakandaland is a better flick for your tastes.

I think it's the greatest film ever made.

What are some of the films you think might be more deserving of that spot OP?
Also do you care for Coppola's other films?

There’s plenty of other movies, I don’t this godfather is even a top 50 movie. And not really

Not op but apocalypse now is better than the godfather and that's just choosing from the directors other works

Pic related is the greatest film of all time....

With this being #2

This is literally one thing it's not. It's a generation crime drama, a period piece.
>doesn't care for apocalypse now

I like part I better than part II. The stuff with Cuba and the flashbacks about detailing the origins of how the family became mobsters isn't as appealing to me as storylines. In part I Michael's descent from a pretty decent stand up guy into the ruthless Godfather is pretty great character work.

I've fallen asleep during it every time I've watched it.

>Is this the most overrated movie of all time?

I wouldn't quite say that but the book was certainly better. I found the film quite underwhelming in comparison.

I don't really like Charlton Heston as an actor so this never did it for me. And the religious aspect is just meh until the end when it became too melodramatic.

>There’s plenty of other movies
name one

muh sonnys big dick

I love the flashbacks and Cuba because it gives Part II this epic scope that Part 1 lacks. It's also fun to just see Michael being a badass Don, whereas in the first movie he doesn't have any scenes like that until the last act

Maybe the original is the better movie, but I rarely rewatch it while Part II I've seen at least 30 times

It insists upon itself.

OP here, I'd go with Blade Runner 2049

Stop pretending to be me you fucking animal

I think it was a brilliant movie, i just really disliked the Michael in italy plotline, i thought that was fucking garbage and completely out of place.

OP here and for me, it's gotta be Drive.

Then name a film yourself. I made a safe assumption for someone complaining about a 50-decade old film classic. You probably streamed it right now on Netflix like the pleb you are

attacking his taste does not make the godfather a good film, why dont you just defend it's merits pleb?

>The Godfather is five hundred years old

White Heat

Back in the day when the mafia was powerful it was something people used to whisper about. This was the first glimpse the average joe got to see of mafia life.

nop. you're looking for goodfellas.
>crime story told from first person
>entire arc is predictable from premise
>violence is purely gratuitous
>marks the beginning of the modern era of pop film
>overused period music throught
>simple voice overs telling you to be interested rather than drawing you in
>fetishization of drugs, crime, money
it's shit.
the godfather trilogy is timeless. get fucked.

>t. woman

>i thought that was fucking garbage and completely out of place.

How is it out of place? It's about Michael having to flee America after killing those dudes, but it doesn't work because they still send people after him, so his bride ends up dying in his place. It's a pivotal moment in his arc.

>fetishization of drugs, crime, money
>implying this isn't core to what motivates gangsters in the first place

I'm honestly not sure how you could possibly having a gangster movie that doesn't fetishize those things, even Godfather does to an extent even if it's not as gratuitous.

>thinks the Godfather is mediocre
>thinks Ben-Hur is GOAT

Actually godfather emphasizes family and culture and looking out for your own

my god, it's full of soy

>Italians can't maintain family and culture without crime

top kek

The cinematography of Godfather and Godfather II are so crisp and perfect that they age like fine wine. You couldn't be more wrong. This isn't one of your capeshit flicks chocked full of CGI. It looks as great now as when I first saw it.

Brainlet the italian hideaway for tony is integral to the story. Its to show tony had an option to stop and live a peaceful beautiful life

Last time I watched this I cringed at Brando's acting.

I've noticed it's not even the mafiacore movie among teens anymore. For them, it's Scarface.
About overrated garbage, I'd say it's Schindler's List. Every pleb, when asked for a sad mobie, will say SL. In my experience at least.

I honestly don't understand why he's considered a GOAT actor.

>implying the murder of over 6 million jews isn't the saddest moment in history

Shawshank Redemption is the most overrated movie of all time.

You're an idiot.

>>implying the murder of over 6 million jews isn't the saddest moment in history
It isn't

>wastes entire act on useless Michael in Italy plot line
did you not see how his character changed? a part of him died when his Sicilian qt got blown up. he was completely dead emotionally by the time he came back to America and his relationship with Kaye was entirely engineered
>too many characters to keep track of
>ridiculous cotton mouthed Marlon Brando
>just an overall uninteresting storyline
>meaningless themes
>muh family values shoved down our throats



Part 2 is

Go back to Sup Forums.

It's not out of place and the scene with the car blowing up is funny for some reason.

shouldn't you be working right now, Dad?

I just watched these and I had no idea that was Marlon Brando.

it's really not


So strange you say that. Michael is the protagonist of the godfather and we were always going to follow his character with much detail. Like other anons said, the experiences Michael endured during his time in Sicily developed him into the Mafioso that was capable of running the corleone family. As you saw earlier, he was very clumsy with the assassination in the restaurant and this trait followed him to Italy which got his gf killed. After that, he was no longer taking bullshit

I'll destroy you cunt


Part II is more overrated

The Flashbacks were cut from the first movie's storyline.

IMO they fit much better with the first movie because the parallels are more tangible. With Part II you have to stretch it.

I honestly watched the Godfather for the first time last week. I expected it to not live up to its reputation, but it did. I thought it was a great film. I agree with you about the Italy part though, that could have easily been a single scene

No, Tokyo Story. Still good though.

>but the book was certainly better

the worst opinion in this entire thread and possibly the worst opinion currently taking up residence on this board

The book is pretty good.

>lol sonny's cock was huge

There's a reason it was a best seller and I honestly think that cutting out the flashbacks to Young Vito and putting them in the sequel was a dumb idea.

Anything Bergman is overrated as fuck. He was a hack.

It's a soap opera for boys