What's PTA"s best movie?

What's PTA"s best movie?

Probably The Master. But my favorite is Magnolia.

TWBB and The Master.

Punch Drunk Love = The Master = Phantom Thread = Magnolia = Boogie Nights = There Will Be Blood = Hard Eight = Junun > Inherent Vice

TWBB and Boogie Nights

imo it's magnolia, but i didn't like it near as much on second watch. the master is overrated by this board. there will be blood is his definitive work to this point.

seen most of his filmography, but is inherent vice worth a watch?

Inherent vice. Its pure pleb filter.

Yes it is great.




Resident Evil

Phantom Thread tbqh

Mortal Kombat

Inherent Vice > There Will Be Blood > Boogie Nights > The Master > Magnolia

Gravity’s Rainbow adaptation

Yes just know that you’re not meant to really know what’s going on in the main plot on your first watch. It’s an adaptation of a Pynchon novel so it can be confusing. Just let yourself get immersed in the characters, performances and atmosphere. It gets better on every rewatch. I’ve seen it literally 20+ times.

>not able to objectively know what’s a better overall movie and not have it be your personal favorite

The Master


Its pretty boring desu


how many spectrums are you on fa.m?



Inherent Vice is easy to dismiss based on what seems at the surface to be just pulp. Every performance in the film is very good (especially Phoenix and Brolin). You may say the success of the movie is a result of the strong source material but PTA does an excellent job of transferring the masterful haze of this novel into film. Great movie and a very reliable pleb filter, someone who says it is worth less than PTA's other films did not watch it.

And if like me you enjoy the setting of California and the aesthetics that accompany it (Chinatown, Lebowski, parts of Mad Men, etc) you will love the film.

Yes but it's PYNCHONIAN so you're not supposed to be certain about what the fuck is going on

The thing is though once you watch it once you can easily connect all the dots

PTA has said that his favorite Pynchon’s book is M&D. He gotta make adaptation fast instead of homoerotic relationships with DDL.

He himself thinks that it's The Master, and he's right

Inherent Vice > Phantom Thread > There Will Be Blood > Boogie Nights > The Master > Punch Drunk Love > Magnolia > Junun > Hard Eight

Inherent Vice is the only one that's genuinely remarkable.

event horizon, resident evil xDDDD

no. leave it alone. please.

Never gonna happen after the reception Inherent Vice got


Phantom Thread

>tfw watch Magnolia
made me really think that i'm a brainlet

>tom cruise?
>nothing really happens?

There is really no answer to this question. Note the variety of responses. PTA may not make the most avant-garde films but his body of work is immaculate. I find the quality of his work difficult to express for this reason. His style is understated genius, you are not assaulted with "great film making" (like Birdman, not to detract from that movie). You don't immediately sense it, but all of his films move with great strength and quietly demand that you succumb. This becomes more apparent only for brief moments, often when one of Greenwood's scores becomes more frantic and you realize how tense and enthralled you have become.

This isn't really going anywhere, he is one of my favorite directors but I can't quite say why. If I were to ever write a study of films it would be of PTA, there is much more to learn there I feel.

It's easily his worst.

i'm sorry that i have to be the one to tell you this, user...
the signs are there, you must admit...
i...i think you might be a m-memelord faggot and we all want you to stop.

what separates PTA from other directors?

of the ones i've seen it's definitely
TWBB>Punch Drunk Love>Magnolia>Phantom Thread>Inherent Vice>The Master

t. pseud

>inherent vice
more like incoherent shit

this but unironically

he manages to convey his planet-sized ego even more than most by effectively playing his films at .75 speed.

Punch Drunk Love

>le shouty angry man movie
um no sweetie

for me, you're a faggot

Best nipples.

PTA unashamedly has 0 creativity or any artistic merit so just rehashes shots that have been done for 30 years and lets decent actors carry everything

I only like Inherent Vice and Phantom Thread, but those are absolutely fantastic and I look forward to seeing what he comes with in the future. How's Junun, also? It's the only one I haven't seen from him.

>its a fa/tv/irgin acts like he knows better

>directing has nothing to do with getting good perfomances
The absolute state of contrarian brainlets, ladies and goblinos...

Yeah we should have been able to follow a drug addled hippie private investigator caught up in a vast conspiracy without being confused or obfuscated

>we should sit through 2 hours of non sensical guff because le art

Wonder Woman was one of the best films of 2017 - Paul "La Creatura" Thomas Anderson


Best: There Will Be Blood
Favorite: Boogie Nights

>reading 13 reasons why
jesus christ what a hack

Boogie Nights desu.
But I've never seen a movie of his I didn't like.

what's so great about There Will be Blood? Why do people act like it should be up there with Citizen Kane and The Godfather?

God tier cinematography and gets the best perfomances of the best actors. He has never made bad movie, everything he touched is a 8/10 or more

I'm glad we have such an inspirational director as PTA who can finally push actors such as Daniel Day-Lewis, John C Reilly, Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H Macy and Paul "Classic" Dano among others into a good performance

Have you read the book?

I've watched it three times already and I want to watch it again.

>tfw Can kicks in with the intro

Glad we agree, I was beginning to think you were a pleb memester

The Master which is almost a perfect film

How can a writer and director with such bad taste write and direct such good (but not great) movies?