Can someone recommend me some comfy viewing based around westerns?

Can someone recommend me some comfy viewing based around westerns?

I need some entry level, but the real stuff. The only thing remotely related to a western I have seen is Tarintino stuff.

I am ready.


Dollars Trilogy
High Noon
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
3:10 to Yuma (1957, although I hear the remake is good too)
Rio Bravo

is Godless on netflix any good?
the outlaw josey wales

the searchers
the man who shot liberty valace
my darling clementine
mccabe and mrs miller
the wild bunch
butch cassidy and the sundance kid
red river
rio bravo
johnny guitar
once upon a time in the west
winchester 73

>is Godless on netflix any good?

Butch Cassidy.
True grit (new one is good too)
That gay movie with Mel Gibson where he’s gambling on the boat and it’s actually kinda ok
The rifleman (if you wanna just see what wasn’t popular back in the 50’s and get a healthy dose of old fashioned family racism)

Bone Tomahawk
The Assassination of Jesse James
True Grit (both)
Fistful of Dollars

It's far too long for what it is. Also the show sets up a bunch of plot elements for them to only to end up tremendously retarded or get murdered in the last two episodes. This is especially true for the two teenaged boys who have coming of age stories in the show. Spoiler alert: the native American kid forgets about the trees.

this guy is correct, but i would add How the West was Won and True Grit (1969) and arguably Rooster Coburn (1975)

>the searchers
>once upon a time in the west
Both painfully slow and boring.

this board has spoiler tags for a reason faggot

All western films are cheap imitations of Akira Kurosawa's samurai collection.

Watch Yojimbo,Throne of Blood,Seven Samurai and Sanjuro instead.

yeah I didn't complete the list, that was just some suggestions off the top of my head

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

>Watch Yojimbo
Watch Yojimbo, then watch the movies based on it. Fistfull of Dollars and Last Man Standing.

Do I need to watch the others in the trilogy to watch The Good the Bad and the Ugly?


No they are their own stories, but watch em anyway
>all westerns

some are but not all, if you honestly claim that you don't know the genre




Not that guy, but the second he was warned you knew he would forget later at a crucial moment.


Jango is a terrible western racist against white people


>need something entry level
that's every western ever

Pic related is shit kicker kino

The proposition

Il Grande Silenzio

It has a real comfy snowy mountain setting and the hero uses a C96 Mauser, not much action but it's a really great western.

Don't you dare compare Leone's art to that generic Hollywood garbage.

>John Cusack in a western
Somehow I find it impossible to envision this.

For the love of god don't watch this before you've watched all the earlier Clint Eastwood westerns. It's perfect as a cap off.

fuck no

Jeremiah Johnson. I dare you to find a comfier western-expansion movie.

>uses comfy
>The only thing remotely related to a western I have seen is Tarintino stuff.
OP is some Sup Forums soyboy who is excited about his western video game. GO back to to your containment board.

reminder that an average boetticher, mann, walsh and ford western is 100x better than any commieghetti-western (aka the capeshit of the era)

>The only thing remotely related to a western I have seen is Tarintino stuff.

Start with Sergio Leone, then move onto John Wayne stuff, then go from there.

great movie. filmed on some aussie reserve out in fuckin nowhere and you can feel the filth and isolation. good cast, great john hurt performance.

The Good, The Bad, and The Weird

>Entry level
Kill yourself

OP, if you want a comfy introduction to the genre, you can also gradually move backwards.
I recommend Slow West and after that Sam Neil's Appaloosa. Then work your way towards Once Upon A Time In The West if you're still interested. Then go for the old Eastwood ones.

I'm non-American and I've been only familiar with western tropes through scenes in cartoons (episodes in some shows spoofing cowboys here and there) - will these "entry level" films (as said) work for me too?

>Leone's art
Spaghetti Westerns are the capeshit of Westerns.

Rango is the best western ever made

Oh yeah, the closest I can remember to watching cowboy stuff in its entirety is [OP's pic], Rango and Shanghai Noon...don't know if that would help, though.


This is the best western EVER made NO DOUBT!!!

Open range is one of the most underrated modern Westerns. Kevin Costner doesn't have the best range but hes surprisingly good at playing a stilted, unstable killer.

Has a great build up, one of the best shootouts, and a comfy wind down.

Lots of snow in this one

great ending

Outlaw Josey Wales is pure kino

>is Godless on netflix any good?

I didn't know western had so much in common with samurai films. Do Asians like westerns?

What samurai film is Josey Wales based on?

>Leone's art
>Spaghetti Westerns are the capeshit of Westerns.

More like Anime of westerns. Leone suck every visual and narrative from Kurosawa. He is the original weeaboo.

>Both painfully slow and boring.
for fags

>The Assassination of Jesse James
Godamn masterpiece but it's the polar opposite of comfy man. Half the later scenes feel like they were extended just to make you that much more uneasy.

>All western films are cheap imitations of Akira Kurosawa's samurai collection.
>more like Leone and spaghetti western.

Excuse me but Sam Peckinpah and Howard Hawks says you are so fucking wrong, also, Kurosawa was a big fan of John Ford.

Tarantino is closer to Spaghetti western and acid/weird western than the golden era. But have in mind that most of that stuff was done with a ver low budget so dont expect the visual candy of Django or Hateful Eight.
My favorites:

>Bad Company
>Once Upon a Time in the West
>True Grit (2010)
>Dead Man
>El Topo
>Bone Tomahawk
>The Assassination of Jesse James
>There will be blood
>Dance with wolves (not great but comfy as hell)

Modern Western Kino:
>No Country for Old Man
>Hell or High Water

my nigga

leone was a literal commie, if he lived today he'd put michael moore, ron perlman, mark ruffalo and rob reiner to shame

Blazing Saddles

>B-but muh politics
Get fucked, you unstable individuum. Watch out you don't grow a vagina when you talk to women too much. Fucking untermensch I swear

>gay Mel Gibson western
Maverick is pretty good. Cheesy but enjoyable. James Garner and Mel Gibson were perfect for their roles, Jodie Foster was fine. If anybody likes this I'd recommend them the old James Garner western comedies Support Your Local Sheriff and Support Your Local Gunfighter.
>the Rifleman
I used to watch this a lot Sunday mornings when I'd involuntarily wake up early. It's a decent show, episodes have more variety and creativity than you might expect. Chuck Connors perfectly embodies the disciplined masculine paternal role model that's the staple of mid-century culture.

You could say all of Kurosawa's samurai films are cheap imitations of American westerns

TGTB&TU is the comfiest movie ever made. Probably not really but exaggerating for effect

That one pg movie that has titties

This. Should be the first thing you watch.

forgot to say clint eastwood movie