
I am unashamedly excited about this movie.

he's a friend to you and me.

>big meets bigger
This poster is asking for bane edit.


But in the end, this is a movie about family.

I am going to totally see this steaming pile of shit on the first day. Because Rampage was a GOAT arcade game and a great console game too.

Will we get any monsters other than Lizzie and George?


>monsters weren't originally humans

Ralph is there too


This movie gets an additional star if:

1) monster eats a woman in the shower
2) monster eats a toilet then spits it out
3) monster eats a tv and gets shocked


no ruby = no care

i am predicting 700 millions on box-office

>I’m going to see this pile of shit because I recognize the IP
You’re the reason why movies are shit now

So like they had to use a white gorilla to make sure people dont confuse it for a nigger?

If the monsters aren’t actually humans and the Rock doesn’t transform at the end this will be a failure. The trailer already made it look like they’re just mutated animals, which is fucking boring and stupid

dont confuse it for a King Kong*?

that looks more like a synopsis.
thanks for ruining a potentially neat flick, (((marketers))).

Why waste three movies building a universe up to Godzilla vs King Kong when you can whack it out in 9 months starring Dwayne Johnson?

whats the difference?

Oh ho! Very clever


>that looks more like a synopsis.
The video game had so much more narrative depth. It's a shame that they reduced such a compelling and rich story line in that way.

>take orginal game plot and change it for the worse
>nigger music in trailer
>da Rock
>all white people evil or idiots
Not sure about you guys but I'm definitely seeing this :^)

kek, this