What will it be like
New Matrix
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Black Mirror
>not a reboot or a continuation
then what the fuck is it? some kind of gay interquel?
A "reimagining".
Prequel with Morpheus, Niobe(or whatever) and that third nigger being the MC.
holy shit can they please stop making reboots
did hollywood run out of creative ideas, wtf is this?
A film by risk averse studio execs too scared to put out a new IP
a new movie that just copies the concept of virtual reality but will feature new characters and a new overall plot
did you know a black man invented the matrix?
>jacks in to DA matrix from ghetto in Atlanta using iPhone
>yo I'M HERE to stop BLUMPF
>SPIN SPIN DASH block arghhhhhhh whoosh
>yo we did it let go back to ZION
>*Dance off ensues*
ayo hol up...
>man falls in love with women in the matrix
>they can't be together in real life because they're married and social pressure is very high in their society
>will they abandon their real life and live together in the artificial world that is the Matrix or take care of their real life responsibilities?
Movie about the 1st Matrix version. Might be a cool sci-fi.
Finds a way.
>The new film will feature people taken out of the Matrix, who turn out to be a different gender in real life, thus proving that they aren't mentally ill and are in fact people who can see the Matrix for what it really is.
A reboot or continuation.
They should just bankroll more Animatrixes. The best way possible to expand it all would be little one off side stories to explore all the details that the films can't. The comics did an amazing job with this.
A prequel. We have to see how the machines took over.
don't give them ideas
Full length second renaissance would kill.
>trying to sell animation to executives in suits
i wouldnt get my hopes up
Surprised the first one even happened at all really.
wellllll fuck.
So you be sayin'...
Wasn't this supposed to be the original intention of the lesbo girl on the first movie?
It's a prequel focusing on Morpheus
Sounds like cool concept ruined b the fact that its going to be used as a political statement.
It was pretty dumb that they knew what they looked like in their mind despite never having been awake before. Unless the machines can tamper with memories, but i doubt the wachowski fags ever thought of thay
A blackboot. All charchters are now niggers.
these two mixed together, white gay man wakes up and is actual sassy black woman
screencap this post
>Switch and that other dude are the main characters
reeeeeee you leave kanye out of this
A spin off. Its the story of Lisa, the little girl Neo saved from the Matrix. But she didn't know anything of the real world and she became a prostitute in the slums of Zion.
>Sense8 The Movie: A The Matrix Story
it'll be a SOFT reboot
One of the many other incarnations of the Matrix, basically a shady soft reboot.
It better be a take on The Animatrix otherwise I'm not spending a cent on it.
>Zak Penn
That should tell you all you need to know. It's going to be shit. Like movie based off a video game shit.
>new female hero
>Morpheus recruits her, believing "she is more powerful than Trinity, agent Smith, Neo"
>she actually is
>it's a trilogy, so Morpheus is killed at the finale
>Neo appears in the next movie
Oh boy, can't wait for WB to choose a director other than the Wachowskis to direct since they are shit nowadays and all the cries of transphobia and how hollywood have a representation problem
So the same plot as Terminator?
The machines will represent white males
No human will be white
A seaboot
>not a reboot
>not a continuation
So, it is something that occurs around the same timeline as the other movies. Like a universe expansion. Why not make a new IP instead of milking an old one?
This guy called it.
Include me in the screen shot.
>Sounds like cool concept ruined b the fact that its going to be used as a political statement.
No, it isn't cool. It is degenerate bullshit that is ALWAYS political.
All the stuff outisde the Matrix was uninteresting though. Then again, Hollywood prequels always tell the most uninteresting aspect of a franchises story.
>Why not make a new IP instead of milking an old one?
Risk-averse studios are terrified of losing even a cent, so they'll milk old shit people like because it's safe. Honestly can't wait for Hollywood to be unable to support itself with hyper-bloated budgets that simply cannot make their money back.
It's a me, Mario.
It'll just be more Animatrix type stories where it's a world with the Matrix as a concept but different stories. Nah, jk. It's going to be some stupid shit like Trinity as a teenager
Young Morpheus.
Morpheus: A Matrix Story
Kill Me: An Hero's Story
Wasn't that shown in animatrix?
>Yung Morph
Matrix Cinematic Universe
how soon until they will start to make this thing a race thing? We matrix now.
I hope it's about kids dicking around in abandoned buildings.
What is your favorite Animatrix short?
That video is absolute kang kino
Spinoff or prequel
Who in the fuck is asking for this? It really was a product of it's time, no need for it to rise from it's grave, can't think of a better way to run the IP further into the ground.
That already happened in matrix 1. The white dude is a girl inside the matrix
>Who in the fuck is asking for this?
Nobody, it's just a safe tactic to make some quick bucks
Finally some loli kino.
The Matrix series was good because the got the Hong Kong cheroegraphy director to direct all the action scenes, without him the movies would be nothing like it
>current year
>Zak Penn still getting work
Shit, because it won't have /ourguy/ Keanu
something like the cloverfield movies, just with the matrix name tacked on, like a preprequel about little black girl designing a proto matrix and her bigger brother (that one nigger from creed who looks like that blacked guy) is the first one to enter that proto matrix because he is deadly sick and that's the only way to survive and he fuses with it and becomes the machine master mind, we wuz AI and shiet
All you faggots responding like this is new news? It's probably been canned as well
This was the original intent back in the day. Will Smith declined Neo's role, and they never pulled the trigger on Switch having the gender switch gimmick.
A prequel. They'll explain about Neo's midichlorian count.
>Unironically implying this won't be SJW Reloaded Revolutions.
I would love that
If you can make a new successful IP in Hollywood, you are given a lot of leeway for future projects.
>it's not reboot or continuation
then what the fuck is it? what's the word?
A movie set in between 1/2 or 2/3
>reboot movie series
>it's not a reboot.
please fuck off
>we are making a new matrix movie
a sequel?
>it's not a continuation
so a reboot?
>it's not a reboot
so a continuation?
>it's not a continuation either, but it's a new movie from the established matrix franchise
>it's not a reboot
so it's a new franchise that's not about the matrix?
>it's about the matrix but it's not a continuation or a reboot
He's played a major part in ruining Star Wars and Pacific Rim. Why can't he leave movies alone?
If they make it spiritual successor I'd be cool with it
Something that explores the Matrix universe outside of the events that happened in the previous movies
If done I'd watch it
aaaaa hahaha. that means they will change the aesthetic slightly , maybe make it steam punk or baroque or somthing lame like that, and use the same beats of the first movie but use a black or a lady as the lead. maybe a black lady.
This is the worst fucking meme ever. 100,000 years ago, people weren't white. 60,000 years ago? Sure. Not 100,000.
It's a prequel. Continuation would suggest a continuation of the story. Since it ended with the suggestion this was a temp peace.
>*insert rap song*
>*shoots up white folk*
>*shoots cop*
>*looks at white women
>*title card pops up*
Prequel (to undermine original trilogy)
female hero (or some lgbt)
Why would anyone watch this?
It'd be literally no different than every other "robots take over the world" movie and we already know they lose
previous iteration of the matrix
Maybe they’re actually doing the original plan of a prequel and a sequel instead of two terrible sequels.
oh so where going to see those other matrix versions the architect mentioned.
thats weird, we already know what happens, it just resets.
Even by the mid 2000s the Matrix was considered cringy. Anything they try to do with it now will be DOA.
What story is there to tell? The Animatrix took care of how it all came to be and the trilogy ineptly finished with the whole Neo as Jesus symbolism laid on rather thick. But it won't be about story development - just updating the Matrix aesthetic with modern CGI, gender and race swapping, heavy-handed political virtue signalling and it will get a meh reaction from everyone.
Prequel, there have been over 6 the ones in the past but have all taken the path of one instead of like Neo who instead chose to save Trinity and go with the Path of Neo
Please no
Let that franchise be dead
so its gonna be a more advanced machines that control the real world with racisms