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how can you white wash a character if you are jewish?
they don't claim to be white though
jews are the only whites that matter.
Isn't the line in the book something "her high cheekbones speaking to her partly asian heritage"? Just because my great-grandfather had yellow fever and snagged himself a little asian fuckdoll 90 years ago doesn't mean I'll look like a ching who owns a convenient store and cant drive
you have to go back
One drop rule you faggot
>actors don't read the book along with the script and any other relevant media to inform their portrayal of a character
The absolute STATE of holy m Hollywood
Start calling it Jew wash to teach them a lesson.
Diversity is an anti-semetic campaign.
>t. Keanu Reeves
Herschlag, you're not white.
How horrible! Good thing she really doesn't give a fuck, because nobody really does, and just wants a fat paycheck.
Imagine the next Holocaust movie starring black actors. The left will tear themselves apart.
>it's a "innocent actress is forced into submission by the media and gets cucked into denigrating her own art" episode
Oh please. She fucking knows.
>calling Hershlag white
Why are some people so mean?
this has to be a thing actualy
somebody, do something with this
>jews are only whites when that matters.
fixed that for you
She should give her salary to black people.
>post blatant Sup Forums content
>mods let it live for hours then delete it, instead of killing it on sight
this is how boards die. do your job you fat janitor fuck.
There's nothing about her ethnicity in the first book
Source: I have the ebook
Jews are asian
In high school we read Wuthering Heights and everyone insisted Heathcliff was black because it describes him as "dark-skinned." When there's even the smallest hint of diversity people will read diversity into it.
What a jewy response.
She should donate her salary to Asian charities and then kill herself
"Jews are White" - Mike Stoklasa
I was fucking a jewess not to long ago and we got on to race over something. I said " Jews aren't know that right?"
She just stared at me like I was another person.
Power level slip.
It's the granddad of the sad guy on the couch meme
>Fuck white washing
Honestly, if you want to see a jew panic and sweat, all you need to do is point out their jewish. It's a crazy thing.
They're white when it's time to hate on whites. Jewish when they want to escape the hatred they sow.
It's hilarious that Hollywood likes that man. It's as if they know the American blacks are too ape-like.
Throw another dog on the slow cooker and figure it out
why wouldnt you tag OP's post too, unless you are some triggered faggot
Jews are literally not white and this has nothing to do with Sup Forums
>The left will tear themselves apart.
Wait, why would they do that?
>Natalie Portman Is Forced to Outright Lie Because Millennials are Very Sensitive and Whiny and Might Start a Fucking Riot Over a Stupid Flick
Hershlag is pure, white and Christian.
She’s the one indulging in their tantrums. Do you expect children to stop throwing tantrums when they always get their way?
>It's hilarious that Hollywood likes that man
Yeah its really hilarious that Hollywood likes good actors, and American blacks like Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman NEVER get movies anymore.
Are you honestly retarded?
Because muh six gorrilion. Noe one else can possibly imagine the suffering of dah Joos.
I thought she was wearing a hijab in the thumbnail
>“As a middle-aged white man, I can believe I might at times be guilty of unconscious racism, in the way that potentially we all are. But there was nothing cynical or conspiratorial about the way I cast this movie.”
kek, what a faggot.
No, she's a nice Hindu lady.
she is not English, you know.
noice. Does she poo in the loo?
The guy has been Irish, English, flamboyantly gay and a manlet. I think it can handle a racelift. It's not that good of a franchise, anyway.
Granted. They're all part of the problem. I wasn't absolving Portman.
Why would she?
This is now a Sup Forums colony.
Jews are literally a seperate racial group clumped with Arabs called Semitics. No coincidence the media doesn't like to claim anti Arab activities as Anti-Semitism because it destroys the Jew hate meme they like to spew out.
They are not European but like to proclaim themselves as such and use anglicized names out of habit through centuries of subversive schemes across Europe,North Africa and the Middle East and through which they were thrown out of hundreds of countries,city states and empires over the course of history.
Natalia Hershlag is her real name.
delete this
>Natalie was born in Jerusalem, Israel, and moved with her family to the U.S. East Coast during her early childhood. Natalie’s father, Avner Hershlag, is Israeli-born; his family were Jews from Poland and Romania. Two of Natalie’s paternal great-grandparents were killed in the Holocaust. Natalie’s mother, Shelley (Stevens), is American, from Ohio; her family were Jewish immigrants from Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine.
Its not as if the series of books is afraid of outright pointing out a characters race, the main character of the second book is hispanic and his rival is a black woman.
I have no idea what the fuck they are talking about here.
At one point Portman's character stops being human anyway
The most prominent and influential Jewish publication in the world, The Forward, has the official position that Jews aren't white. White nationalist Jared Taylor, says Jews are white.
This was the Jewish trade empire across the known world in the early middle ages, it was known as Radhanite(in blue) and the purple are other routes that Jews also used with other traders. This would later evolve into trade networks run out of Islamic,Christian and Pagan kingdoms and empires. We know of them thanks to a wise Islamic scholar who mapped all the trade routes of the Islamic world and their connections to other places,Otherwise they would have never have been recorded in history.
They subverted and blackmailed all these places and served all sides to kill in the name of whatever cause, all in pursuit of their ultimate goal...Israel as promised by God in their bible. The only way to get it was via manipulation,infiltration,blackmail and propaganda.
Muslims,Christians,Hindu's,Buddhists,Pagans,Spiritualists,Ancestor worshippers everyone owed the Jews favours due to these trade routes and connections to far off places and envoys in diplomatic circles. The Jews could buy things in bulk(iron for weapons,grain for bread,silk for luxury clothing,spices,exotic furs,exotic animals, exotic slaves etc) that others couldn't due to differing ideologies,historical rivalries and agendas.
Typecasting as always.
They think that it's some kind of subconcious magic that will fill seats in the theatre.
Just because she was the love interest of "Ani" Skywalker doesn't mean you have to cast in the movie ANNI-hilation.
You now understand that diversity just means getting rid of white people
lazy kike didnt even read the book
cool it with the anti-semantic remarks
>finish movie completely
>get to reap financial rewards for finishing movie
>backlash comes from social media
>still reap financial rewards
typical jew
same thing happened to hellboi
>whitey gets casted
>everything is cool untill someone makes a petition and gets 30signatures
>whitey exits the film
>the cast and producers aplouds him for his brave move against social injustice
One thing is Adam Driver not watching his own movies, because he doesn't want to nitpick and doubt himself, something quite another are actors who never saw or read original material i.e Scarlett Johannsen in the Ghost in the Shell.
stfu faggot
>"It's a shame what we goym are always doing to non whites, they should really go after us and create more racial tensions, me and my fellow whites really have it coming", Portman said
black everywhere
the ethnicity was not mention till 2nd book.
Despite my initial hatred of Sup Forums, I have come to loathe the Jew.
note to the The Telegraph and misc medias: if you want me to be racist, just continue to race bait like you do... just make up bogus conflicts between races , bogus guilt and so on: you are doing a better job than the online nazi communities when it comes at making me not care at all about the griefs of non-whites. just go ahead and continue to milk that trend of bogus outrage and virtue signaling for clicks and "relevance" so you stay alive... just go ahead and don't question what you are doing, you are doing fine and its ok if you have no problem sleeping, at all. your careerist cynicism is the worst kind of cynicism and you should all fucking get muted from the public space.
they are crying wolf... and we all know what happen in that story, right: when they will call to point out something relevant we just won't care, we won't pay attention.
>when you see a palestinean who commited the sexual terrorism act of looking at you
>"Jews are not white."
They look exactly like white people and they've lived in and around central Europe since before the Anglo-Saxons even existed as a people. Saying they're not white is like Japanese people saying Koreans are not Asian just because they don't like them
They are easily recognizable if you know what to look for, and living in a place doesn't make you part of the people that live there. They have kept themselves apart for thousands of years. They aren't White and don't want to be. They just wear the mask when it is convenient.
^see what happens when you call (((them))) out.
they themselves claim they're not white you retard