This movie would of been the perfect coming of age teen romance movie if it wasn't gay, your opinion is invalid
This movie would of been the perfect coming of age teen romance movie if it wasn't gay, your opinion is invalid
>a movie about an intelligent young girl
>intelligent girl
>would of
I meant Armie Hammers role should be a girl you fucking mong
>a talented and intelligent young woman who is a researcher
>ohhhhh no mummy the internet man used incorrect grammar even though it is still clear what he's trying to say
You could be right... but I'm never going to watch it
no you're just retareded. it's not just wrong grammar but a word that makes absolutely no sense just thrown in there. might aswell say Goofy instead of movie because it somewhat sounds the same
Your right. I could care less about grammar
desu if you can get over the gay shit it's almost worth watching just for the well shot scenery and soundtrack
Americans were a mistake
>caring this much about grammar on a mongolian fish market forum
you're a soyboy
Not him but Unironically kys. I'm not even joking.
>would of
Jesus Christ an hero please.
or as you would say it: joytoy
FUCK everyone who watches this
Kill yourself OP. no one wants to see this faggot shit.
This is a great film to filter out both poltards and sexually assaulted lefties. A true cinematic experience for the thinking man.
>ok for a middle aged man to fuck a 17 year old girl
>not ok for a middle aged man to fuck a 17 year old boy
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
They should be both girls.
>faggot movie
>they arent burning in hell
its not ok for any age man to fuck a man you degenerate
>what is Blue is The Warmest Colour
>what is Blue is the Warmest Colour
It's different. They are both young women. Carol is closer to this, but Rooney also didn't play a teenager.
stop fucking men poof
>24 year old female
inarticulate soyboy
It's an incredible film no matter how you slice it. If only from a cinematographic angle.
it used to bother me why straight guys would not want to see this movie just because the characters have a gay relationship until I watched Thelma. I went in blind and was pretty hooked until protagonist girl started acting weird with anther girl. then they kissed and I no longer had any interest to continue with the hit me that's what straight guys must feel about gay theme stories
This movie would have been more interesting if the mom was homophobic or the dad was trying to sabotage them because he was attracted to Oliver.
>the dad was attracted to Oliver
he wasn't. The gay film director made it ambiguous so it may seem that way, but the father in the book is just wholly accepting of his son and encourages his son's love for Oliver