ITT: horror movies where none of the protagonists survive

ITT: horror movies where none of the protagonists survive.
God mode: they do survive, but in a state that's worse than straight up death.

Sarah survives the first one though, with no memory of the caves...

i think she survives in this one, which leads to sequel
God mode contender: Silent Hill (2006)

What you mean to say is "every horror made since 2001"

It's actually more refreshing when the protagonists live and defeat the antagonist.

I haven't seen a single horror movie made since 2001 where this happened, user. Granted I don't watch that much horror because most of it is shit.

>silent hill 2006
Unironically loved it.

Real god mode. The protagnosts are/becomes the antagonists.

>no one does it to you like Roman Polanski
Does what to me? Fuck me like a little girl?

REAL REAL God mode: The protagonists were already dead at the beginning of the movie.

>I saw the yank version

She's pretty much dead in the original cut


the ruins


Name one?

The Others

Rogue one

They deserved it actually

Shit trope but Final Destination

you'd probably like that.

The Thing.

"Everyone dies at the end!" is not a rare horror movie trope, it's actually one of two common endings for the genre. You need to watch more movies.

But I'll just throw in Cabin in the Woods since I really liked that dumb ending.

>that tagline


Literally every found footage movie

Triangle, the others.

>dude let's let 7 billion people die instead of killing 1 person lmao
>dude I'm smart because I smoke weed lmao
If I was the girl, I'd fucking wreck that little fag's shit on the spot.

well, has anyone fucked you like a little girl? See, they have a point!

They said it in the movie themselves. The rationale is that if it's come to a point where they are constantly sacrificing people every so many years and doing all this clandestine, evil shit then maybe they aren't meant to exist. Plus it gives the "gods" no one to control thus belittling their status.

Fucking brainlet.
>durr i break down real simple and it bad cause i would not do

Silent Hill is the GOAT video game movie.

there are no protagonists in rogue one

>I'm smart because I smoke weed
What are you going on about? His character was literally “the fool”

But why? How the fuck is 5 deaths every few years a big price to pay for humanity's continued existence?