Wow, Marvel actually created an interesting character. Say hello to their number 1. villain I guess.
Wow, Marvel actually created an interesting character. Say hello to their number 1. villain I guess
>kills him off
I want to pop all of those chest pimples
He dindu nuffin!
> Kills off side villain who they set-up in Avengers 2
> Kills off interesting main villain
Those are self harm wounds. He marked his body every kill he made
Wow he's killed so many people I guess you could call him a bad guy
>Bane body armor
>CIA pose
>Vegeta color scheme
>Frodo's ring
It's like he's a living Sup Forums meme
already adopted to Sup Forums
You forgot
>Is obsessed with a mask in the museum that he ends up wearing it
>shoots his love interest after Serkis threatens killing her
What the fuck
is he literally a "Bane/pol/CIA"?
based MGTOW
Could there be even more of a meme name?
Does he die like all of Marvel’s other potentially interesting villains
What else they gonna do?
This shitstorm of a series is all coming to an end in like 5 films times with 20+ "important characters" all needing the limelight at some point.
I'm happy an good character like him got as much focus for even a movie's time, especially since he gets a resolution.
>fuck wypipo
very interesting
bitches ain't shit
>He doesn't know that Iron Man will be replaced by a female
>Peter Parker dies and is replaced by Miles Morales or whatever his name is
>Thor will be replaced
>Captain America will be replaced
They said they want to continue the MCU for like another 20 films
What if Marvel was playing 5D chess all along and made every villain terrible on purpose so the antagonist in the woke all black movie would be the first good one prompting more praise than usual
Did you even watch it? Half the movie he literally hates black people. He blames Wakanda for never helping black people in poverty
Doesn't matter. I know that I, and quite a few other people I know, are going to be dropping this shit after the Infinity War. I'd be willing to wager that a lot of other people are in the same boat.
The next gen of Marvel movies will not be so reliant on this generation's characters/stories/movies etc... So most likely not many of these guys are coming back for any of that.
>hellova move
>dropping it after 10 years and 20 movies
>disney BTFO
You know, as long as the villain isn't a CGI monster, I might be interested in watching the next Phase of Marvel movies.
I need a webm of Kilmonger staring down Black Panther during the Phantom Menace force shield like scene. That was Kino
Welcome to the world of Comics. Is this your first time?
Is his back covered? By him?
Was he autistic about symmetry too? Sounds like too much stress about just killing dudes.
>marvel’s most memorable villain is a nigger
Why is disney so fucking racist!?
First Half of Film
>Black hero starts off as an alt righter who doesn't allow immigration into Wakanda and doesn't want to help other nations in Africa who are poor and starving
>Black villain wants to help the poor Africans by giving them the technology
Second Half of Film
>Black Hero changes his mind and decides to help out other nations with the technology
>Black villain turns into black lives matter as he says for Wakandans to go out and slaughter all the higher up whites
This film's events escalated so quickly
He was clearly pretty salty about his daddy issues and also hated black hero deeply. He really just wanted revenge
"Bury me in the ocean like my ancestors who jumped from the ships because they knew death was better than a life in chains."
Was it Kino?
What's so good about him? I didn't watch the movie.
This is the new C-beams
Andy Serkis is too good for shit movies like this
this meme attempt will never take off for the sole fact that he's a nigger
Taser Face?
Man Andy Serkis is the only actor I've heard pull off a convincing South African accent
Absentee Father
how could they be his ancestors if they died jumping off the ships?
Ayo Doc. I'm Kilmongah.. but you already knew dat. Wats up with your boys here? They scrate? It ain't that kinda party big homie..
So, when his body was all bumps, he'd have to start putting bumps on bumps. That's not healthy. I thought niggers were supposed to be geniuses.
>hates BP for not sharing the tech of Wakanda with the world
>thinks Wakanda are selfish to let the world burn just because they're scared of their weapons being misused
>BP's dad killed his dad (they were brothers just to add to the shit that is Black Panther's family)
>Black Panther offers him a chance to live on
>compares Black Panther to a slaver saying "You'd just put me in chains, you're no better than them"
>villain's beliefs and morals actually effect the hero
>Black Panther ends up sharing Wakanda's fortune and tech with the world
Forced Diversity Villain #1
I may have fucked up with the quote. Replace "like" with "with" in the first part of the quote and it makes more sense.
What's he do when he runs out of space?
So wait, why is he the bad guy then? Fuck this shit.
>villain's beliefs and morals actually effect the hero
>Black Panther ends up sharing Wakanda's fortune and tech with the world
most retarded thing I ever read
>make richard spencer a ripped black dude
Inter sting
they could've impregnated someone before killing themselves. having some ancestors killing themselves doesn't mean them all killed themselves
Coloniser, I'm KANG
stop killing
wow you sure showed them, they only got 30 tickets out of you