Virgin Safespace edition
/who/ - Doctor Who General
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yfw Thirteen accidentally reveals she used to be an old scottish man?
would actually make me laugh desu
It's going to happen, and it'll be fucking GOAT. Just the look on people's faces, especially if there's a guy romantically interested in her.
yfw jodie trying to imitate capaldi during regeneration delirium
(Reposting from previous thread so people will actually see it)
You want to know what I mean about Day Of The Doctor and there should of been more than one War Doctor, just picture John Hurt, Tom Hardy, Mathew Rhys and John Rhys Davies all standing in circle, pointing sonic screwdrivers at each other screaming at each other about which one is reversing polarity and which one is reversing it back. Then picture Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, Christopher Ecceslton, Colin Baker, Matt Smith, Michael Trougton as Patrick Troughton, Paul McGann, Sean Pertwee as Jon Pertwee, David Bradley as William Hartnell all walking in on them at same time with David Tennant saying " Yeah Hi. Tell me, this party you're all currently having ? Is it just for yourselves or can anybody join in ? Oh, I'm The Doctor by the way "
>Tom Hardy
>in Doctor Who
weeabtrash in the sleem
>John Hurt
>in Doctor Who
John Hurt wasn’t in the peak of his career
The peak was when he did BF
Nothing to be done after and he perished
Going to listen to all the 8 audios before Ravenous comes out. Wish me luck lads
Rogue One is metatextual in a way that generates fuel for a new story, instead of metatextual in the way that the story offers nothing more than commentary (TFA rehash, TLJ backlash). Rogue One is about scale, in settings and narrative, and conveys this cinematically, through the cinematography, music, set design, not just the writing.
At the script level, the film is about scale. These characters are in the shadows of the mythical figures of the original trilogy. Instead of the chosen one, or the princess, or the dark lord, we see the grunts and saboteurs doing the dirty and menial work in the marigns of that greater heroic narrative. From this perspective, the Jedi, the Sith, it's all legendary, and reality is grim and legitimately dangerous. A main character dying in a main Star Wars movie (let alone unceremoniously) is very rare and a big deal, but here it's commonplace. When the ending subsumes the film back into the narrative folds of the grand original trilogy, it's earned its original perspective and commentary, told a new story by expanding the old instead of invalidating them. Repositioning the mad genre-mashup children's films that Star Wars was from that fatalist position of inevitable subsuming into the Campbellian narrative, that's just fantastic, inspired stuff.
In director Gareth Edward's previous film, 2014's Godzilla, his ability to frame Godzilla in interesting ways was easily the highlight of the film, as he displayed a curious fascinating with playing with scale in his visuals. In Rogue One he honed that fascination (his approximation of an auteur trademark I suppose), the Death Star being his new Godzilla to play with setting scale against, but examining other objects in such a way as well (pic related), all of which of course tied holistically into the film's narrative, again, all about scale. The characters are the tiny ships dwarfed by the Death Star. The plot is the tiny figures walking by sunken Jedi statues.
The irony of a film so slavishly devoted to Lucas' original Star Wars conception and aesthetic telling a more original story more originally than the actual sequel films doesn't escape me. A big part of this is ROTJ concluding the hero's journey that was the backbone of the original trilogy. It's fascinating because R1 shows you can indeed tell new stories in new ways in the Star Wars universe, but still retaining all the marketable iconography and hallmarks of the series that ostensibly make Star Wars Star Wars.
But as a prequel and anthology film it has the benefit of not being in the awkward situation of coming after Return of the Jedi. The easiest way to write a sequel to Return of the Jedi (or any hero’s journey), and the one Abrams and Kasdan of course took, is to invalidate Return of the Jedi. The hero failed. The setting reverted back to the status quo. A new hero and new procession of the hero’s journey is needed. A cynical mind might point out that, as Disney is determined to keep churning these films out forever, the sequel trilogy will face the same undercutting and invalidation in due time. There are other approaches, but the approach the Star Wars Legends EU largely took was to leave the conclusion of Return of the Jedi intact, leave Luke’s hero’s journey unmolested, and instead decouple Star Wars from that main cast and saga. Tell smaller stories more spread out. Use the natural next steps of Return of the Jedi’s conclusion (Luke training new Jedi, a new Republic bringing peace to the galaxy, etc.) as points to develop new stories off, instead of invalidating them to retell the same story beats with different characters.
Compare the cinematography of TLJ and R1. TLJ. Johnson and his team make a few great visuals (the hyperspace ram, the red/white contrast on Crait, Snoke’s throne room) but he proceeds to never develop on them, just repeating them. A director not finding ways to shoot things in interesting ways the second, third, fourth time is a sign of inexperience, lack of imagination, or lack of time I’d say - not sure which for Johnson, as I’ve seen him exhibit a good visual sense in other works, but his imagination only seems to extend to first images here). When we got the exact same establishing shot for Snoke’s throne room multiple times…yikes. And what exactly are these visuals telling? All too often, they're played for rule of cool, neat space scenes that would make good wallpapers, but in no way intrinsically tied to what's actually going on in the film.
Then look at R1. The Death Star eclipsing a sun as the day progresses and insurgents feel more and more out of time. Literal sunken Jedi dwarfing the tiny masses by them. Comparatively tiny Rebel ships stubbornly crashing into massive Star Destroyers played from the perspective of the latter. It's all holistically connected to the narrative; it's actual cinematography, cinematic storytelling through visuals, not just "pretty shots".
The famous Vader scene at the end of the film works so well because, in dispensing of its characters and configuring the film right into the moments leading up to Star Wars, it's thrilling to be resubmerged into that story from this new perspective, the canon fodder. Spending a whole film in the minds of cannon fodder, it's dually horrifying and exciting to experience a moment from both sides in that way. As the music plays, a much-slowed arrangement of Vader's Imperial March (
why is there figure skating in the stream
Doctor Who is dead.
You can figure it out
Good take.
I can't help but feel like I'm just not into Star Wars enough to enjoy this film. The only praise I see for it is in comparison to the other films and not on its own merits. (Except for the stuff about the cinematography, I wholeheartedly agree with that, I was legit impressed). Which isn't to say that the praise for it isn't legitimate of course, it's just completely lost on me.
he's a cute fucking boy so I can't complain
Unknown adding political videos in the stream
Casual reminder that JNT faked his death, lost weight, and is now a brazillian pop culture commentator
When are Newman streams?
There's stuff I didn't touch on that I'd count as its own merits but most of it is the context of the series, yeah. I think it could be reconfigured to work as a non Star Wars film but it'd just have to lean harder on it happening around an oncoming hero's journey, and would lose a lot of its specific magic and ability to use the iconography as cinematic shorthand. The mainline sequels are the ones I think are hopelessly dependant on the original films, either repeating them or pivoting their stories on specific comments of them (where Rogue One's commentary on Star Wars is broad and narrative, like centring around the grunts getting a macguffin for a hero, Han's TFA arc revolves specifically around his characterisation in the OT, Rey and Snoke rely on more specific Star Wars tropes, etc.). Either rehashing parts of Star Wars, or straightforwardly subverting parts of Star Wars, neither is really kicking off to new stories, and I think they're inherently handicapped from locking themselves into aping those earlier movies too much. Perhaps where R1 is supplementary, the sequels are unnecessary.
As in what time do the Newman streams happen?
Neo and Kinda gushing over Trump in the stream
Holy shit you're not even memeing
>b-but he's totally a liberal guys! he liked one cucked australian president one time!
> Starts Doctor who thread
> posts walls of text about star wars
What is wrong with you faggots?
Blame Neo.
Why are you here?
sorry sweety
left wing in australia is more centre than left wing in the US
Yeah blame him for someone asking him a question and him answering it, what terrible behaviour
fuck off kinda
Here's your reply
it is though
policies considered left wing in australia would be considered centrist in america
heres another reply for ya
Isn't left wing in the USA already pretty much the centre by European standards?
What time of day is the stream most active? Is it when the americans and british people are up at the same time?
basically around this time i find
but it's almost 2am
I don't want to have a fucked up sleep cycle again :^(
im with you man, this keeps me up until 3am frequently.
Same, but that actually fits my work schedule just fine heh
Was annoying back home though
don't you have uni?
Maybe you should go to sleep lest you go on more political tangents as usual.
But Neo LITERALLY supporting Hitler is fine. Got it.
doesnt start for another couple of weeks
We desperately need Ingiga to tame Neo tonight
Why what's he been up to this time
Idk where to even fucking start
Oh boy
Gimme a straight answer fellas
Neo's time is up. Now I'm in control.
Asking you not as a joke to please reign him in, he's gone full nazi this and last thread
the requirements for 'full nazi' have really gone down
If you think this is funny Ingiga, you're a fucking Nazi as well
Speaking honestly, why are you friends with him? I understand why people here like most of his posts, I do a lot too, but why do you actually like him as a person? He hates a huge amount of the population (and /who/res) and has extremely antiquated, oppressive views. I don't understand how people here are just casually friendly with a member of the alt right. I get enjoying his content, but the man himself?
I can separate my views and my entertainment.
That's not me, I would never make excuses for white supremacy. Don't worry, I'll be sure to give Neo a "re-education" if you know what I mean ;^^^^^^)
I love a bad boy. Unironic answer on the disturbing off-chance this is all serious: I'm more familiar with Neo's politics than you are and he isn't a Nazi.
Imagine being this fucking triggered
RTD on set. This time it's not a ruse.
This is why you're the worst trip.
> I'm more familiar with Neo's politics than you are and he isn't a Nazi
What is he then and are you comfortable with what he is
So you agree he's a Nazi then?
doesn't she know that 'fanny' refers to the posterior in the US too? So bumbag is the exact same meaning
is 'bum' even crude?
What does this have to do with Doctor Who?
What does your post have to do with Doctor Who?
What do you think he is?
I don't care what he is.
But what do you think he is?
>It's okay when Neo does it!!
What does your post have to do with Doctor Who?
>doesn't she know that 'fanny' refers to the posterior in the US too?
There is no 'too' here, it doesn't mean your bum in the UK. If you grew up as a kid in the UK and you heard Americans talking about 'fanny packs' you'd always laugh because as far as you knew, fanny meant vagina.
What does your post have to do with Doctor Who?
>Stop criticizing my favorite tripfag
Here's your reply
Either an accelerationist or center left.
i bet jodie would call it a bum bag
fanny = vagina
I thought you guys said that off-season was comfy.
The last 2 off-seasons were pretty comfy. This one is a lot more up and down.
New logo revealed in about a week, apparently.
Can't be as bad as this one.
During on-season we wish for off-season. During off-season we beg for on-season to return. There is no salvation.
the "too" is in reference to "bum bag"
"fanny pack" and "bum bag" are synonymous in the US
It will calm down soon.
The Lodger in the stream cytu.
What signs?
Who is this?
Could be related to the BBC Worldwide Showcase starting in 3 days
BBC Worldwide Showcase is next week
The idea that the logo is that important is stupid. But at the same time, I'm genuinely hyped about the logos and stuff
(neo is back online)
Neo's back in the stream. Come back and pretend to be interested again.
Nobody cares.