If Beethoven's late string quartets are considered the pinnacle of music, and Joyce's Ulysses the pinnacle of literature, and Mona Lisa the pinnacle of art, what is the pinnacle /kino/?
If Beethoven's late string quartets are considered the pinnacle of music...
>Beethoven's late string quartets are considered the pinnacle of music
>t.rap fan
what else?
hard mode: no 3 minute Sup Forums core pop shit
>Mona Lisa considered the pinnacle of art
By fucking who?
2OO1: A Space Odyssey
ding ding ding
by this normie standards then you want citizen kane
Joyce is overrated
2001: A Space Odyssey or The Mirror.
2001 is a novel while The Mirror is poetry.
nice b8
>and Mona Lisa the pinnacle of art
No one thinks this.
This is the pinnacle of art
The Pest
Greg Lansky
t. first year film studies majors
Star wars the last jedi
Hey, I'm just following OP's pattern.
>Michelangelo better than Leonardo
the best painter is Rembrandt without a doubt no one even comes close.
This. The kings have reclaimed their kingdom. Now they're coming to reclaim their women.