Was it kino?
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alexander payne is the tyler perry of white people
t. buzzfeed
of course, its was excellent. thats why downsizing was such a disappointment, cause you know what he's capable of
yea, it's unironically one of my favorite movies
this was kino
Japanese remake was better.
It's a fine film.
Nebraska is the true Payne kino though.
>be me in 2007 working in a wine shop
>couple comes in and looks around
>come up to tasting area and see merlot
>"we are not drinking any fucking merlot"
>we all laugh
>month later couple walks in
>I thought it was them again
>they come up to tasting counter
>I slam my hand on the counter and say I am not serving any fucking merlot
>they look at me stunned
>I realize they aren't the same people
>Next day I get fired
It's believed that the film indeed caused a significant drop in demand for Merlot and a spike in demand for Pinot.
Why isn't he in more? He's always great fun to have in a movie.
It is, and it's superior in every way.
Paul Giamatti is a great actor that doesn't get more roles because of his looks
He's old already and doesnt have much range but he was very good in sideways.
Yep. Giamatti can do no wrong.
Spider-Man 3 would have been his big Hollywood watershed role but Sony cucked him out of it by being out of touch and greedy.
He gets a ridiculous number of roles, though.
he was in george of the jungle
Right in the feels.
He's in Easy A, one of my guilty pleasures.
That's some god-tier facial acting.
That just makes white people seem superior
if you thought this was a good movie, if it made you laugh or you weren't disgusted by every single character in this film, then you deserve a permaban from Sup Forums