Recommend me artkino

recommend me artkino

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In terms of art nothing really comes close to Godard, but perhaps you would like Donnie Darko or Mr. Nobody.

Kino film about a truly kino author. Apparently it received financial and production support from George Lucas. A decade later he would be making the prequels. What the hell happened to that guy?

I thought it was hilarious the first time I watched it and Coppolla and Lucas' names are the first names to show up as exec producers


Mishima, right? Great film.

Watch this together with this for a real kino experience

This movie is like 30 minutes of good and an hour of bad

I assume this is the film he's rehearsing killing himself in in Mishima?

The poster reminded me of this

Yep, it’s the only film he ever directed


I own Mishima, but I've been meaning to get Filmstruck so I'll probably just watch Patriotism on that.

I hear Black Panther's pretty artsy

Black Orpheus*


Beyond the Black Rainbow*

Black Caesar*

Got this in 1.2gb, Is it worth putting up with shit quality?

>prime shu qi

why some critics pretend to like Spielberg that much?

End yourself please, Truffaut was the real auteur
Also watch Terayama, he is based

Because spielberg was good and anyone who denies that is a pleb or a pseud, which is worse

He's a master.

spielberg WAS good (not great) and is garbage now

2005 was the last year he made truly great movies (Munich and War of the Worlds), everything since has been aesthetically and politically worse
He was a GREAT filmmaker for a long time, and prolific as fuck. A good comparison to make would be John Ford.

how come no one has made fun of this comment yet

artkino thread degenerates into Spielbergchat. you're all a bunch of children


Isn't there a Criterion edition of just 15 minutes footage of an actual jap suicide?

Or did I dream that? Seems like it could either be art or something I made up

Im not arguing
It just pisses me to no end that godard gets all the glory


Godard gets points for that shit he pulled against """""critics"""""" with Film Socialisme
The subtitle trick was fucking brilliant

>Because spielberg was good
>He's a master
Ok, I don't disagree but I'm talking about recent Spielberg, how can people say that War of the Worlds or War Horse are some of the best films of the respective year?
Check Armond's list or Cahier's annual lists, it's embarrassing

>Ching chong ding dong j'ai vais bruler toi comme d'riz frit

Jesus Goddard and I thought Sam Rami was worse

>how can people say that War of the Worlds or War Horse are some of the best films of the respective year?
Because they are. You could've at least picked something actually bad like BFG or the Post.

Armond's been shitting on his last movies
Bridge of Spies, Lincoln, BFG, The Post all suck, and it's really sad to see Spielberg transition into pandering hollywood-politics, cult of personality and a dull gray aesthetic

Because most people don't actually watch a lot of films and Spielberg has name recognition. Munich was the last great film he's made.

I don't think you remember how good 2011 was, War Horse was a forgettable movie, but then again Armond included Jack and Jill in the list, so it doesn't really matter

I'll admit I've got a soft spot for it but I still think it's legitimately in the top 10 of that year.

The only movies without color that I've seen are Metropolis, Charley Chaplin doing the Hitler and Kurosawa samurai movies

Can anyone recommend me some so I feel less like a pleb?

>Godard is shit but Truffaut was a real auteur

It's funny seeing this french new wave meme being thrown around here often. I recently saw Jules & Jim and it's such a carricature (of everything wrong in this type of cinema) that i was actually wondering it was some sort of elaborate joke.

I'm french and i garantee you nobody in France falls for this meme anymore.

It was new at the time (Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol, Rohmer, Reisnais) and maybe needed because of how stagnant french cinema had been for some time back then, but in the end there's almost nothing left of it.

Unlike the work of Melville, Louis Malle, Gilles Grangier, Lautner, etc, which is what people should watch if they want to see french kino (although you'll miss on the fantastic dialogues for some of them because such brilliance can't be translated well).

Ozu is a pure pinnacle of kino. Stuff like Tokyo Story or Late Spring are brilliant. A film isn't better simply because it's black and white though. I think that Kurosawa's later work is some of his best, for example. Just focus on film in all its forms.

Well as far as French cinema goes I've only appreciated Melville (Le Samourai and Army of Shadows were brilliant)
And Painlevè, who's documentary collection I bought after watching them, extremely comfy

Anything by Pasolini
Chimes at Midnight
the films of Samuel Fuller
Early Bunuel
early Keaton
Andrei Rublev
the films of Von Stroheim
Eisenstein's stuff
Griffith's stuff, particularly Birth of a Nation and Intolerance (though that has color grading)
Eight and a Half
Bergman and Dreyer's shit

I thought Au revoir les enfants was mediocre at best. Can't say I've seen much more work by them though. Truffaut is still incredibly watchable though and a must for anyone with an interest in film.

You cant and wont go wrong with classics such as Joan of Arc (getting bluray release soon too), and I would urge you to watch Teshigahara's "trilogy" (Pitfall, woman in the dunes, face of another) ASAP
Start with face of another and see if you like it, its absolutely brilliant

His interview with Hitchcock is great, too

Please sell me on Tokyo Story. I watched an hour of it and while I can always get behind understated Japanese family dramas I don't (yet) see why it reigns so high

Just because someone has a certain level of taste when he consumes movies it doesn't mean that this very person is capable to create something of equal quality. People still mistake taste and talent in every possible artform.

But also superb dialogue (especially one near its end is an absolute gutpunch)

I like how Kurosawa used color in his later movies
It felt like it was a whole new dimension to him because he worked in black and white throughout his early career, he didn't just have things look like they normally look in real life but used light in colors that wouldn't have naturally been there. Very nice. But then again I'm an idiot so what do I know
Thank you for the recommendations

Thanks user!

exploration of post war generation gap

That's literally all of Ozu's movies though

kek, true. i keep falling for it, though.

Oh dont get me wrong, I love it too
On another note, who here can sell me on finally watching the Human Condition trilogy? I have it in a great encode and quality but never had the motivation to spend 10 hours watching it, but I have 3 days off now and can attempt to

You're right about Kurosawa really being one of the best at actually using color to their benefit. Something like the beginning scene in Kagemusha, with all the soldiers, simply wouldn't work without color. I think you see something very similar in Jacques Demy's work, as he also had to make the transition from black and white. I think that most modern directors are fairly lazy with their use of color, simply because they've never had to work in a world without it.

>that cherry tree scene in Dreams
How can a scene convey so much emotion by being so fucking beautiful?
It gets me every time

Which ones of his movies do you like exactly ? Cause from my point of view it's a bunch of massively overrated and self-centered good-looking crap.

But it's hard to be neutral on this topic when you're french because of all the political / social aspect of this french new wave at the time.

The goal was to erase and replace what they called "daddy's cinema", meaning the old fashioned, pre-war generation movies. Except that since then, all those movies became nothing more than a meme for US school of cinema while "daddy's cinema" is on TV every single night, still (i live in France, i can tell).

Also want to add that, one reason why the FNW is seen so poorly in France is because of how influential it was on some of the "elitist" cinema that came after, and how ridiculous it was (if you remove the novelty aspect of the FNW, it's basically the same).

As a result, it has been mocked quite a lot, and when you know the carricature before watching a FNW movie, it's so shockingly close to the mockery that it can't be taken seriously.

I litteraly exploded with laughters at time, watching Jules & Jim, despite the fact i love Jeanne Moreau and enjoyed the visual.

"French Auteur Film" is 200% fucking meme.

I wasn't that crazy about Jules & Jim but it wasn't egregiously bad or anything. The ending was p funny and out of nowhere though. I prefer Vivre se Vie desu

More like Godart.

>Truffaut is still incredibly watchable though and a must for anyone with an interest in film.

>Which ones of his movies do you like exactly ?

> I prefer "a Godard movie" desu

I was asking what Truffaut movie you liked since it's "incredibly watchable though and a must for anyone with an interest in film". Cause if you haven't seen them at the very least stop spreading the meme.

>*sucks on cigar*
>"black panther will usher a cultural revolution"

new wave in general is really gay and boring

>"French Auteur Film" is 200% fucking meme.
>tfw you will get called a "pseud" for liking it and a contrarian for disliking it
why must I live among plebs?

share it senpai, I only found it on shit 1gb rips

just be yourself

not even worth the energy

That Godard guy wasn't me. I think the Antoine Doinel series is pretty much what one should focus on with Truffaut. 400 Blows alone is already a very beautiful and well-shot film, but I think the whole series is important even just for laying the foundation of these biographical type film series. Stuff like the Before series wouldn't exist without Truffaut.

And while you may not like the New Wave and its social background, it nonetheless had a tremendous impact on modern film. From an art historical perspective, the likes of Truffaut and Godart cannot be ignored, even if you think it's all laughable from a modern view. Though I do agree that the ''elitism'' that followed it was rather sad. Then again, most serious film is rather elitist by its very nature.

>Joan of Arc
did we watch the same movie? It's silent. Just couldn't stand it.

Sorry lad its from a PT

I thought those were hot dogs

>brainlet soyboys are still praising Godard here

his directing>his politics

the least of these films is still mesmerizing and no one is making films at this level anymore, not even close, ladybird was barely above-average indie fare. only malick is at that altitude

Jean Renoir > Godard

>the least of these films is still mesmerizing

blah blah blah I'm just hearing memes and buzzwords fuckboy

I mean that's a given any day, hell even jean vigo, marcel carne, jacques becker etc are better tha him

>only malick is at that altitude
Spam this every time Terrence Malick is brought up positively from now on

>jean vigo, marcel carne, jacques becker
All shit
>Jean Renoir
"The conventional critical line on Renoir is that everything he made before Grand Illusion in 1937 is primitive and everything he made after it is decadent. Ironically, Grand Illusion continues to be preeminent in its obviousness"

Is Godard the most soybait director?

Godard is unstoppable. He is indomitable


sounds like a soyboy incarnate

>fucking Anna Karina in her prime
>soyboy in any way, shape, or form

lul end it

Diluting the discussion with your lowbrow rhetoric.

>caring about a man's looks
Shut up, faggot

nice try soyboy

And the soyboys come out the woodworks

I know it's you, griffithposter. Stay mad amerimutt

Go read a book soyboy

remember to take your meds user

at least you posted an actual director

Top tier bait.


>I-I bet he didn't even see Blade Runner

Next time be subtle

The best art doesn't try to be art