Why are todays comedies so shit?
Why are todays comedies so shit?
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Most of jokes have been said. Also PC
Because comedy isnt allowed to be an insightful but humorous observation because that might offend someone. Instead its dick and fart jokes, the lowest common denominator.
because leslie neilsen and lloyd bridges are dead and mel brooks is way too old
>married, one child
>that didnt work out so he married a grown woman
just because they've been said doesnt mean they've been heard
>t. nigger
And then she blamed this event for having a broken hymen
Comedy is culture-specific. Now the globalism has reared its head, national cultures are overshadowed by the corporate mandated monoculture, resulting in comedy that relies on universal tropes and easily digestible situations. See for instance Office Party, or Game Night. These titles are nearly as staid and simple as Airplane, yet they aren't parody, these titles literally convey a nigger-tier "fun" premise to a global marketplace. Also, see The Rock's Skyscraper, not a comedy, but a literal shameless copy of Die Hard, where the twist is: China as the setting. This exemplifies how humorless globalism is, and will become further. And this is why Hollywood and MSM are pressuring interracial relationships, to hatch the egg (the mongrel audience) after the chicken (global mono-product laden with social engineering cues). OP asks a simple question, with a darkly complex response.
Cancel the wedding, pussy is ruined.
women are not so vapid... oh wait yes they are
That's fucking brilliant
Vice Principals and Eastbound & Down use women, gays, blacks, cucks, and women as their targets. That's why they're kino.
>kicking the rail
It feels like comedies often get done based on who is doing well in standup or skit comedies on TV, and we have none that are that memorable.
It became popular for figures like Patton Oswalt to do standup routines that consisted of telling stories that were vaguely humorous. That isn't really gut busting humor. Then you have to deal with the fact that they aren't wanting to piss off industry friends and it waters down their humor a lot.
No longer was it normal to have a routine involving real punchlines, but instead just telling a humorous premise that sits there.
In the past we had people like Steve Martin that got big doing ridiculous standup routines that got people howling, now we have muh vagina womyn going up on stage to talk about how disgusting they are.
you are correct but not for the reasons you are insinuating. Comedy does suck now because you're not allowed to make fun of certain people. The concept of "punching down" has ruined comedy because comedians are now afraid to write jokes that could come off as insensitive, and I can't blame them since it can ruin their career easily if the wrong person gets offended. It's not that we need to be able to make fun of niggers and faggots to be funny, it's that there shouldn't be such constraint on what is considered acceptable, which forces comedians into self-censoring and that leads to them just simply not trying to push the envelope, which is where the majority of brilliant comedy comes from; on the edge of funny and offensive.
This post is not LITTY, don't read it
Comedy switched to stammering improv style awkwardness and pop culture references a long time Ago
Much lower risk than doing an actual set up and punch line that might not actually land
My girlfriend was watching some stand up on jewflix and it was the occasional joke then 10 minutes of ranting and lecturing people on trump and refugees, it was fucking painful who would pay to see this shit live
Why is she slapping at her soon to be husband as he pulls her off the rail? It's not his fault she's an uncoordinated bitch.
>>Why are todays comedies so shit?
Strange how Leslie Nielsen managed to be funny without going "NIGGER XD" every five minutes
Physical humor is pretty universal , yet we don't get that kind of comedy anymore (admittedly it's hard to pull off successfully)
Interesting. Never thought about it this way.
because there was no niggers in his movies. inb4 OJ
It's not just about making fun of minorities, it's about not being constrained by political correctness in the social media age. Eddie Murphy's hilarious first album has an entire track making fun of faggots, so it's not like it's just white men that are being constrained. Dave Chappelle is being attacked left and right for not bowing down to Transgender people and making fun of gays
The same reason most TV and Movies are shit now. Lack of originality
A lot of police squad jokes require you to pay close attention and have a decent command of language. Audiences now don't have the attention span and language today tends to be simplified to reach a wider audience. It's like how much the Thick of It jokes had to be slowed down for Veep.
Comedy is harder to write than drama.
I haven't laughed at a single show since My Name is Earl was cancelled, every new "comedy" show thinks that making painfully obvious observations of everyday life and pretending to be a stand-up comedy show is fucking atrocious.
Veep got stronger in its later seasons but I was so disappointed by the first few seasons. It was like watching an extremely slow version of The Thick of It, which was brilliant partly because of how quick the humor was. They're on HBO for Christ's sake, they can give the audience a bit of credit, HBO had Deadwood of course Deadwood got canceled because Americans are too stupid to follow the dialogue so I guess Ianucci might have known what he was up against
Jon Stewart really destroyed comedy by popularizing the idea that ranting against people you disagree with politically is a form of comedy.
The Deadwood movie is currently entering production stage at HBO, and creator David Milch is assisting with True Detective S3.
I agree about Veep. Both it and Silicon Valley are the most spineless series of HBO's modern era. Both belong on NBC, that's the edginess networks should have now.
because women are fundamentally incapable of taking responsibility for anything they do, so they lash out at the nearest man to try and shift blame to them, hoping that other people watching are influenced and blame him too. And what is most amazing about this tactic is that, because of the amount of whiteknights in the world, it actually works
In Chappelle's case, he got fucking weird with thinking there's a conspiracy to feminize black men so there's probably a lot more animosity in his comments than humor.
giv black gf(male)
>our next stop was a neighborhood known as little italy
>a fucking colloseum in the background
Dave knows what is up. I didnt care for his last special as much but his reading of the pimp story was basically telling everyone that Hollywood is fooling people with #metoo in order to lull them back to sleep. Throwing them a bone acting like they are doing something good when in reality its to hide the kid diddling and real fucked up shit.
Someone came up with a term for that: "Lecture Porn."
For some reason I read that in Leslie Nielsens voice.
Given how Dave ranted about being asked about wearing a dress from some sketch comedy skit, much like Kids in the Hall and every guy on SNL seems to have done, I'm thinking he may just be a little nuts when it comes to this subject.
Women and normies
these are staged videos right? ive seen another one with a similar idea of a girl getting hurt in public
Remember that shitty Peter Rabbit is being boycotted because it has allergy jokes and some parents got offended
I heard that about the movie, it sucks Powers Boothe died. Also he's the only reason I'm looking forward to TD S3.
I like Silicon Valley, it's an OK show, but I agree that it has no balls whatsoever. Extras was a much better comedy, as was Curb, hell even stuff like The Life and Times of Tim or Bored to Death are better than any of the gutless bullshit HBO tries to pass as humor these days.
No there are just a lot of stupid people
No because it's staged and Asians are obsessed with making slapstick comedy like this
no modern comedy will ever top this
No one comments but I find this eerie, how Jason Bateman has been silently anointed as the cookie-cutter face of the modern white male, for over a decade, in assembly-line garbage like Game Night, Office Party, Christmas Party, Identity Thief, Horrible Bosses 1 & 2, etc etc. He never plays characters in these movies, he's simply Mr Tucked-In Stressed White Everyman, who has no game and little self-awareness. At least Will Ferrell plays an obvious oaf, but Bateman doesn't. I don't know a single white person like his composite white characters. They're like vapor, except I suspect there's more to it, that it's how Hollywood will make all white characters in the future. What's more, 7/10 Americans can't even name Jason Bateman, that's how vaporous these "white" office drone movies are.
>watch american comedian
>dude trump lmao
Every single time
Sadly the last good consistent comedy ended a while back.
But it was basically a live action cartoon comedy by the halfway point.
>intelligent discourse is only encouraged on THIS board! haha! got 'em!
kys mate
Every time I see this scene I laugh for some odd reason. Leslie is a treasure that was taken from us
cringing for you rn
I don't understand the point of that cartoon. Are they making fun of that person who says things like that or are they really saying that kind of humor sucks?
its a korean woman thing, they do expressive gestures like that
Pewdiepie is unironically the biggest comedian on the planet, with the possible exception of Kevin Hart. He's also, oddly, the only one who still says faggot and nigger, and Kill the Jews, because his content productivity, and content delivery systems, surpasses the ability of the old entertainrnent complex to supervise and punish him, try as they might. Pewdiepie is the first comedian to use globalism against the globalist system, and you can sense their aggravated admission that he "snuck" through their net like a cute poisonous tropical fish.
haha xD
It's a hyper liberal comic that's meant to be relatable.
Because they view all those jokes from the 90's as just too offensive to enjoy now.
leftist artwork is hideous and betrays their unhealthy minds
underage b8
It's a tranny that is offended because he is watching Ace Ventura vomiting over kissing a tranny.
Sadly if you made a joke like this in today's films, Sup Forums would call him 'autistic'.
She's coping with the pain, similar to gritting your teeth or biting down on something hard people often hit things to try to deal with the pain. I had a friend that busted his knee once during football practice and he started punching the ground to help himself deal with the pain.
Is this a meme or not I can't tell anymore
Slap Shot, in my mind, is the funniest film ever made, and it simply could not be made nowadays. This scene would be seen as homophobic and would lead to a boycott:
And this scene would turn that boycott into a riot:
>leftist artwork is hideous and betrays their unhealthy minds
Do they have any self awareness at all? How can they not see how ridiculous they sound?
Black dynamite is the only kino comedy coming to mind atm
you might be autistic if you actually think that. hell every joke would be over-praised. if this movie came out today it would be a diamond in a world of shit.
Black dynamite is the greatest comedy of all time and thats (Sort of) recent
>gutless bullshit HBO tries to pass as humor these days.
Why does everyone on Sup Forums forget about Vice Principals? Imo, it's exactly what this thread claims it wants, yet ratings were low, and it still hasn't been discovered. The main characters burn down a black bitch's home, then ruin her life.
which is upsetting because in the context of the film Ace is a straight man so the idea of kissing a man disgusts him, plus it's a fucking joke
apparently going against your sexual orientation is now considered bigotry
the answer is PC obviously
and it came out 9 years ago
artists like disney got where they are exploring different mediums and artstyles with peers. these people live in a bubble of opinion with expensive drawing tablets drawng the same ugly expressions over and over until they become deformed caricatures of themselves
Not at all. Sup Forums would call him autistic for not responding correctly to that joke, or they'd say it's 'lazy comedy'. Come the fuck on, user. You don't come here enough if you think Sup Forums has any ounce of critical thinking outside which company is less shit than the other.
Thankful a sequel is in the works. I’m keeping faith in White. But yeah, pretty pathetic nothing within a decade and desu can’t rhink of too many prior to That. Personally Billy Madison/happy Gilmore? I think it’s todays overly PC culture where sound bytes are taken out of context to inflame audiences. Shame really
Vice Principals is the only real ballsy HBO comedy made in a long time, I'll give you that. I'm surprised they got almost no flak for a scene where the main characters burn down a black woman's home in the deep south and laugh about it later
thanks for the laugh
i actually thought this movie was pretty funny
Terrifying. Fuckkkkkk. Time is moving differently.
You're a bigot if you're a straight man and you don't want to fuck a dude in a wig. It's a weird time we live in, rather than sexual oppression, it's closer to sexual subjugation. Your sexuality isn't defined by you and your choice isn't your own anymore.
>the main characters burn down a black woman's home in the deep south and laugh about it later
And women are bipolar roasties. And it makes Asian women gold digger sociopaths with nasty mothers. I know AV Club or some site asked for a boycott, but it got away with everything.
what if a lesbian doesn't want to fuck a man in a wig?
But he's right. It's not a matter of perspective, it's actually happening regardless of where you stand.
She's a bigot too, men in wigs are the peak of the hierarchy of sexualities, so they're to be catered to first and foremost, lesbians next, then gays, then straight women then straight men.
God i hate this shit.
>>ey yo! 'memba DIS?
In a matter of fact, i fucking do. So fucking what?
They wouldn't. And don't call me Sadly.
really? fucking really? where???
....no fucking way, source?
What kind of allergy jokes? Peanuts I'm guessing?
Well this has certainly been a stupid thread so far.
Here's the right answer though.
Comedy is exactly as funny as it was however many years ago. The reason you aren't laughing at sanitized corporate product anymore is because the internet can be several magnitudes funnier, more shocking, more outrageous than anything a corporate entity can produce.
Also reality has become a parody of itself.
what a time to be alive
it's like that scene in Spiderman Homecoming where Aunt May enteres Peter's room and finds him in his underwear while his friend from school is sitting next to him and instead of having her react like "woooah" like the usual gag she just enters and leaves, like it would have been offensive to do that kind of gag