>decide to download thor ragnarok last week even though there were still only camera recordings on tpb
>watching it today
>sound quality is passable and the audience is quiet for most of the first third of the movie
>suddenly sakaar
>start hearing noises resembling claps in some scenes, but they're far and inbetween so I don't think much of it
>thor vs hulk starts
>as soon as hulk starts slamming thor like he did with loki, crowd erupts with screams and claps
What the fuck is wrong with you, americans? I thought this was just a meme but you actually clap at fucking movie screens? I'm still watching the movie but I'm almost 100% sure that when the credits roll there will be clapping and ovations from the audience.
Decide to download thor ragnarok last week even though there were still only camera recordings on tpb
What the actual fuck
americlaps are one thing, but the real hardcore kinoplex experiences happen in india
Are you sure it wasn't a shooter, last camrip I saw kept having popping sounds from the designated shooter, it was annoying
>download star wars camrip
>can't hear shit over the pirate's falcon screeching close to the mic
>movie is shit
>they poo in their hands and start throwing it at the screen
Falcons can sense shit films
Probably a recording from a major east coat or southern US city (like Atlanta). That shit dosn't fly in the west coast.
Theater experiences very a LOT depending on where you are in the US.
Very different atmosphere, much more like going to a concert or sporting event. I would personally hate it, but I do admire their enthusiasm
Are you from the west coast? I'm not saying that I don't believe you, but your post gives a somewhat biased vibe.
Nevertheless, the clapping continued to resurface throughout the whole Hulk fight. I reckon it's just a cultural thing and a way to show your appreciation (even though there's no one involved in the movie there to acknowledge it) but it can get fucking annoying, I can't even imagine how terrible it must be for a "non-clapping" person like you seem to be to watch a movie while this shit goes down.
That's what you get for using tpb. The web-dl has been on real sites for like a month now.
I am but I have family in the DC area and have flown out a few dozen times, along with driving up and down the eastern coast. There is a NOTABLE difference in the... intensity of the people. Even simple translations like buying something from a fast food joint is much more friendly in the NW then it is anywhere on the east cost. There is so god damn much yelling at movie theater screens if you're in poor neighborhoods in Baltimore.
which is why it's bait, the leak has been out for a month
It's not bait.
You can see for yourself if you want, then decide if I was baiting, but I doubt you will.
this. Living in semi-rural CA right now, lived in europe and nyc also. Peeps clapped like mad in CA during the last jedi, but don't that often for other movies, sometimes at the very end when the credits roll. I don't know when it started to be so bad with clapping specifically, but I know that Americans (specifically lower class ones) have always been loud as shit during movies as long as they've been around. The "silent audience" thing has snooty upper class/white connotations to it, and people see going to the theater as a group experience like a magic show or something, rather than a place to go and sit and silently enjoy something. I think it's dumb but I don't give a shit unless they cover up dialogue with hooting and clapping, then I get silently nerd mad and do nothing anyways.
Not just Americans, Indians too
OP here, I'm from Brazil. Funny that you mentioned TLJ, when I went to see The Force Awakens it was the first and only time I witnessed clapping at a theater, as soon as the SW theme song started playing and the opening crawl started playing, people started cheering and clapping like crazy, but that was the only time this happened for the entirety of the movie so it didn't weird me out as much as the constant clapping on the recording I'm watching now.
How does the camrip existing prove that there wasn't a better rip?
OP is either lying or a retard, the web-dl has been on TPB for more than 3 weeks.
Just cut the clapping sound using your media player of choice. Really easy to do. Most of the recent players have a function to mute embiant noise.
His problem isn't quality of the rip but rather quality of american audiences.
I admit that it is indeed puzzling to hear them chimp out like that.
yeah. here it was when Luke first popped up, during Leia's space boogaloo (which was a hilarious combo) when snoke got knifed, and worst of all, during the silence after Holdo's jump thingy. That one really miffed me because that was one of the only things I thought was done really well by R'ian El Johnson, and they clapped all over it.
I never implied that there wasn't a better rip, retard, for someone who's calling me either a liar or a retard you don't seem too bright yourself. I don't know how I didn't see the web-dl there when I downloaded it, since it's been up since January 21 and I downloaded the camrip on the 31th (pic related), but it is what it is. I'm not baiting but you can believe whatever you want I guess.
>on tpb
Check out this reddit newfag
Why would he go as far as to make a thread about americans? Is he jelly or something?
Because it weirded me out and I wanted to read other people's views on the subject.
Bullshit, I live in the DC area and the time I went to the NW for 6 months it was full of loudmouthed, obnoxious pricks.
>cam rip
>from america
nice try, but 98-99% of american cinemas have armed security and cameras to stop people from recording, most cam rips come from Europe/Eurasia
>armed security
So how is free access to guns working for you?
Had any fun school shooting recently perhaps?
OP here, can any american confirm this? If yes, then it's probably a recording from an EU english speaking country, since the movie had no subs on, and the 3 silhouettes that walked in front of the camera by the beginning of the recording all seemed to have straight hair.
where in NW? I could see that in one of the bigger cities, or one of the college towns (looking at you, Eugene.)
Why are you watching a cam anyway? There's been a HD rip floating around for some weeks now.
These people are not human
im pretty sure hes meming about the armed security, but they do have cameras and people come in every once in a while to check if anyones recording, it's more lax in european countries
>watching capeshit
>downloading a camrip of capeshit
what the fuck is wrong with you, OP?
topkek. Now I know why the music in the dance numbers is always so loud, they're just trying to drown out the audience hahaha
Missed the web-dl somehow.
I honestly could see the armed security thing being real, there have been shootings at movie theaters in the US after all.
I love clapping at movies. It gets the rest of the audience wrapped up in the moment too. I literally bond with someone every time I see a movie. I always bring candy from the convenience store because it's cheaper and every movie I go to I laugh and clap and the person next to me feeds off my energy then we start whispering here and there and I eventually offer them some candy and make friends. The last time the women I bonded with had a bunch of fried chicken so I traded them candy for chicken. Good times.