Why are they being so mean to our girl? — edition
HoH: Colombian qtie
Veto: TBD
/bb/ Celebrity Big Brother
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James won veto
glad i dont have to make a thread today
>marks face when metta offers to put the cash in his pocket
Today is O's birthday. Say something nice about her.
fuck her she fucking sad and these HGs are getting told to protect her for the sad ratings
It's not her birthday you double nigger
better than expected competing against the Olympics t.b.h
nicoles season averaged 5.78m
so IMDB got it wrong?
what did they mean by this?
fat fingered
>A former "Survivor" champion bit a cop on the forearm shortly after she was found unconscious behind the wheel of her car and subsequently revived by authorities, police said.
>Police, meanwhile, say they saw a passenger in the car placing a zip-lock bag featuring multiple syringes into her handbag, which an officer confiscated. He also says he removed another syringe from her wallet as well.
oh jenna
Can someone link me to the previous thread?
I think this was it
jokers says HoH comp will be live on the feeds after friday ep
endurance comp
How the fuck are you so retarded? I hate posting with idiots like this ITT.
im not sure what part of retarded you are implying. i was just offering some perspective on current numbers
bb18 aka nicoles season is the lowest viewed bb of any season so far at 5.78m views
the fact that BCC is averaging upwards of 5m is pretty good all things considered
why are you so aggro, aggro bro?
Lol sorry, I figures you were implying the opposite, saying that CBB ratings are bad because they don’t beat BB16, forgetting the fact that CBB is competing against the Olympics when BB16 wasn’t.
ross and marissa are already planning their winning speeches. someone needs to shut those two fatties down
I'd fuck her thicc ass
shannon trying to turn them on ross an marissa
good for her at least shes trying
please someone cap the results of Shannon doing Ari's hair
Thank you, today will be a great day
Looks like it's gonna be a James HoH unless Brandi can pull something off. lets pray that Shannon reveals the truth about the fatties before she gets booted.
Ok, put Omarosa up, then 'we' vote to give either one of the noms a coup d'etat, they both come off and Ross and Mark go up.
>Veto: TBD
James won
The post you quoted already said that.
Looks like OP isn't the only one that makes mistakes, huh?
how low does your iq need to be to actually enjoy this show? i'm going to say about 90 or less
Aren't the low iq fags out fucking and getting shitfaced?
it takes a certain kind of intelligence to understand Reality TV
for people giving reasons why shannon is going home as playing to hard and what not
the truth is she is going home because ari hit a lucky bank shot off rock she wasnt even aiming for. she never would have made the shot if it didnt go right in the hole.
so just remember no matter what your strategy is it can all be undone by crapshoot comps
she wasnt even holding the club right to start with lol
delete this
>it takes a certain kind of intelligence to post in the reylo general
Would that be considered a crapshoot?
You probably could master it like real golf. Ari just swung and prayed and it worked out for her.
somewhere a black panther RT rating thread is missing its village idiot
thanks for stopping by you double nigger
it did require some skill to but they didnt get to overnight practice like in previous years. it could be mastered with a bunch of practice but that last curve shot is textbook crapshoot.
it takes a certain kind of intelligence to believe TLJ is a good movie in any way
one of the comps too where going last gives you an advantage, you can see what people did that worked and didn't work..
I always liked that Plinko Style golf/hockey comp
yes. We all know there is a luck element to BB
based James wins HOH tomorrow, Ross goes home
>t. shelby posters
I hate how people on social media keep referring to him as "Joshua"
Makes me root for him even more
mark nominated in place of james
shannon is done for sure now. only hope was a ross/o/marissa renoms
Shannon is one of my least favorite players, so I'm good. It'll be fun seeing her be bitter in the end.
rip mark
eh, brandi is lame and a try-hard. omarosa is just there to promote her sorry self. ross and marissa are annoying as fuck. james and mark are total douchebags. metta is pretty good but he doesnt have a clue what is going on. how you end up with shannon as your least favorite is incredible
What a stupid post. Maybe if she didn't play too hard and what not, it wouldn't matter if she won the comp or not. You should feel horrible about your post.
>James HOH
>Omarosa saved by Grodball
>Ari/Brandi on the block
Fully expect "We should have kept Shannon..." in less than 48 hours
im mean yeah ok ari is eye candy too
Agreed about Shannon being one of my least favorites. If it was a 3 month season, I'd be sad to see her leaving early, but this season is like 3 days long and she already played through half of it. The show will be fine without her.
Are you sure this program is for you? It doesn't seem like it is.
>2 evictions
>half way
she wouldnt even have made jury
This. Ari and Brandi are absolute wastes of a nomination for James though. He needs Marissa out of this house. He has the physical comps locked down but Jewmanji will blow him out on memory or quiz.
>Metta accidentally wins mind comp
What do you mean "wouldn't"? Why are we talking in hypotheticals? Butterfly effect, no point talking about another season where things could play out drastically different.
The fact of the matter is, she is gone pretty much EXACTLY at the Halfway point of the Feeds-season.
Oops meant to reply to you
No need to talk in hypotheticals though
well sure and they had their silly "half-way" party last night which is dumb considering there has been only 2 evictions
this season blows i hope they kill it
It's ok to not watch it user
Ari/Brandi are the best part of this season, no question
I love every person left in the house, but I like Shannon the least. She's already overplayed so I'm cool with her going at this point.
>this season blows
You sure don't know how to read a room, that is a sign of Autism by the way.
By the way, their halfway party is celebrating halfway through the time, not evictions - Just like in Regular Big Brother
le mark face guy
>we actually have anons posting opinions like this
James made a final 5 with Are/Brandi/Marissa/Ross
If he wins HoH, Omarosa and Metta are going up
>hating James
opinion discarded
yes i know every year i openly mock your self inserts such as james and mark
>muh Sup Forums tho
you probably think you look like paulie when you look in a mirror
nah I do
Does anyone know what Brandi was kvetching about earlier? she was saying that James disrespected Metta last night but I never saw anything like that.
Is this the guy that was defending Paul last season? only person worse than him was the alexfag. if they weren't one and the same.
Brandi hates James but really wants to fuck him
>self inserts such as james and mark
I self insert as Ari
I'm a girl btw
this is a very weak season for feet
>not shelby on the right
Post Your bb waifu
Implying you would want to see Brandi's veiny monstrosities, Marissa's meat hoofs or Omarosa's ashy zombie feet. Ari's might be decent.
me too
i'm a guy tho
I blame the camera operators!
we're all girls here teehee
but if i were a guy, id like to self-insert pic related
Why can't I get hard to white women?