Why has nobody made caveman kino yet?

why has nobody made caveman kino yet?

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Quest for Fire? I watched it a long time ago but I thought it was pretty good

10000 BC


>he hasn't seen the TV show with Nick Kroll about cavemen



Would it be possible to make a half decent adaptation of pic related?

But Black Panther just came out user...

These two OP

Interesting theory this guy has, which is that Neanderthals were essentially Orcs and raped/ate humans;

“Red Ice Radio - Danny Vendramini - Hour 1 - Them & Us: Neanderthal Predation Theory”




Two jews on a poster

>can't decide if it wants to be a caveman movie or a biblical movie

>year one
the fuck?

It would have to involve tons of hot rape.

>mfw ayla turns into a roastie slut in later books
>mfw i have no face


Superior animation right here

Aardman is making a caveman movie right now.

I hope this ends up good. Isn't the director one of the niggers that made From Hell and The Book of Eli? At least it will look good.

DUDE FORESKIN: the movie

czech kino coming through

>Show has 2 cave kinos


>red ice

>Thomas Jacob Black was born in Santa Monica, California,[1][2] and raised in Hermosa Beach, California, the son of satellite engineers Judith Love (née Cohen), who worked on the Hubble Space Telescope and is also a writer, and Thomas William Black.[3][4][5] His mother was born Jewish, while his father converted to Judaism. Black was raised in the Jewish faith, attending Hebrew school and celebrating a Bar Mitzvah.
>(née Cohen)

Complete horseshit, but would make B-kino.


Someone needs to adapt this

Looking forward to this, but Im affraid Im probably going to be dissapoint.

You didn't scientifically accurate caveman kino.


10000bc is Kino though, its supposed to be over the top and campy, like the old 50's/60's prehistoric films.

*eh-hem* i think your forgetting this one

Does Primitive Technology count?

>an aussie with some dirt outtechnology'd 50000 years of african "progress"