What are some films about travelling and becoming a man?
What are some films about travelling and becoming a man?
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Stand by Me
Fellowship of the Ring, then the sequels are about becoming a homo so don't watch them.
The road from Loch Modan to Wetlands is one of the comfiest places in video games.
>spots you from 3 miles away
what did he mean by that
this shit was babby tier compared to stv on a pvp server
WoW is one of the comfiest games. I wish they made the movie 10 years ago when niggas were still hype.
>tfw no sequels exploring the zones
They were there to teach you a life lesson about never giving up
Horde don't even know the meaning of pain
who, the orcs ?
Most comfy starting zone after Teldrassil.
Nowhere near best zone even on that continent
What new multi-million dollar budget movie is this a still from?
niggy please
>taking north pass gate
>play in wrath
>come back for legion
>try out a bunch of different classes
>every one is build resource -> spend resource
>learn dev in charge of class design plays on a tablet
Most of the movies are, I reckon.
Is one of the things I remember most fondly from Vanilla, along with the Onyxia quest.
>things that never happened
Thank you for participating in the thread.
i remember this time when this OP pic felt like a real journey.
don't forget BIG HIT followed by 5 noodle damage spells followed by BIG HIT again. every time. kill command, templars verdict, bloodthirst, stormstrike etc.
These threads fucking trigger me, greatest game of all time in a way from vanilla to wrath and then just melted to shit, I don't know if I'll ever have that gaming feel again. Threw away a few years and would do it all again
Is two different thing.
You entered Stranglethorn going back and forth, and possibly stayed there for long.
That travel was the thing that was the closest to a fantasy travel adventure that the game could offer because it could go well, badly, anything in between, and with/without sidequests.
I got a warrior and a monk to 60s before it got too boring to keep playing. It was hellfire peninsula that finally took me out. Bring back wrath so I can play a combat rogue again. Fuck you and fuck blizzard
Vanilla is coming soon buddy, vanilla is coming soon...
Why the fuck is 70% of that map nothing but featureless mountains?
>*visits northrend for the first time*
what are some movies for this feeling?
I feel like there will never be another experience like it. All people want are pvp multiplayer shitheaps nowadays there is no real community just little groups watching fucking twitch.
>/who desolace
>1 person found
Feels so good having a zone all to yourself and fits the vibe so well.
Lord of the Rings is a better Warcraft movie than Warcraft.
Because the game removed all the "useless" travel.
So no surprises, thus no adventures, thus no camaraderie stemming from that.
>play each expansion because it's fun to try new content at first and play a game with friends.
>PvP with a pretty tight group of people who have proven they're both skilled and mentally stable enough to PvP with.
>ultimately end up world PvPing with those people since coincidentally we all also have interests outside of video games and therefore require more time coordination and organization than running some small businesses
>logging in to "punch your card" to play arenas each week in a video game feels really cringey
>Blizzard removes world PvP even on PvP servers.
All the late game zones are the opposite of comfy. Everywhere barring winterspring becomes a barren shithole plagued by undead, demons or bug monsters.
I feel like every zone post level 40 filled me with anxiety.
I love Mulgore but Feralas has that music and atmosphere. You felt submerged in the Warcraft universe there with the ruins and quests. It was always so desolate too and you were surprised to run into another player. I have some of my best memories from there.
I would give up my career, my job, my family and my house just to experience exploring my wow server on warm summer nights in 2006 with my friends, we were the only ones still up and felt like we had the server to ourselves.
fuck you i liked warcraft.
Well, that's all this is really. It's not so much nostalgia for a game a it is nostalgia for our childhood.
>enter stranglethorn
>it aint me starts playing
The Wetlands run is always hyped but I think the journey to Shadowfang Keep as a human paladin to finish the class quest feels a lot more like a journey to me.
I was amazed that there were human friendly areas so far away from any Alliance capitals.
>try to world pvp
>invincible guards come and slap your shit
Is it even possible to get the achievement for killing every faction boss nowadays?
Are there movies with this aesthetic?
Different kind of comfy.
>tfw desperately /inviting everyone you see into a group to deal with the undead hordes
I never did that but I remember being a druid and getting my water form being quite the adventure as well.
yeah that route is damn fine, especially when you're travelling it as a low level and have to care about 35 yd aggro ranges
>combat rogue
dude PIRATES lmao
yeah leveling a shaman for the first time as an alliance especially during bc since we got Draeni was fun had to make the wetlands run and go back and forth to get the ghost wolf and totems
Chillwind Camp was legit comfy.
>playing through scata wpl story
>battle the horde for andorhal, and lose
>quest to report back to chillwind camp with news of the defeat if called "alas, andorhal"
Legit shed a tear and that's literally the only time neo-wow questing made me do that
Not the best starting zone but
>start as forsaken
>deathknell, brill, undercity, silverpine, sepulcher
>get on the zeppelin to durotar around 18 because why not
>barrens, xroads
>that one timed quest to take a thing to an apothecary in TB
>dont see the timer for the first 10 mins
>aw SHIT where the FUCK am i going
>chat tells you it's in mulgore
>follow the road south and take a right when you see cows
>walking through those gates for the first time
>green verdant fields opening in front of you
>music changes from barrens drama to relaxed starting zone melody
>everything is going go be OK
>have literally never felt more relaxed in my entire life
Never once started a Tauren character but it's still my favourite starting area by far
The Road
Alliance don't even know Mankrik's wife
>Horde memes
Troll shaman or dwarf warrior for vanilla?
Vanilla Feralas and Azshara were the most comfy zones ever. Fishing there was pure fucking kino comfy.
My first ever character was a human mage in vanilla. I remember the first time I ran into a shaman, I barely got to kill him, and he ahnked and pushed my shit in. At the time I had no idea what the shaman class was, much less what ahnk was.
I thought he was hacking.
>>you will never be a college kid on winter break and spend comfy times in the Kharanos inn
>tfw still regularly play WoW 4 hours a day and Mythic raid, do rated PvP, and all that other jazz
>tfw have a good career and a supportive gf who plays with me from time to time
honest thoughts on pezado?
Too bad there is ZERO comfy feels left anymore.
>ywn wake and bake before school just to walk around ashenvale doing nothing but takin in how awesome the atmosphere and music is
i hope your first born child dies in the incubator
which wow should i play?
top lad
>used to play wow 7 hours a day
>play league of legends 7 hours a day
I haven't played Cata but that's awesome. I can imagine it being an emotional moment.
good on ya m8
>used to play wow 12 hours a day
>play league of legends 12 hours a day
>get perm banned for nothing because they are fuckin sjw kike loving faggots
>go back to wow
That's a good memory. I have the opposite of finally leaving comfy Mulgore, getting into the Barrens, and realising the game starts now. I had no idea what a huge world waited.
*blocks your path*
>Night elfs
>plays wow for the PvP
well theres your problem.
I bet you play a dwarf you numale fuck
>played WoW since Vanilla
>enjoyed the old days, but also enjoy the new content for what it is
Sounds like you guys live a life of constant suffering.
>enjoyed prime rib
>but also enjoy eating shit
I would compare Vanilla to your first lobster. You spend 45 minutes trying to get into it and then the lobster is overcooked inside. But you still think it's the best shit ever because you've never had lobster before.
The Road
Django Unchained is also an underrated travel movie
>playing Alliance
If it weren't so soy ITT everyone would be reminiscing about the Barrens.
Couldn't you die once, and then just use the spirit healer near the Ironforge gates? I was playing on a private server and the run wasn't that bad, didn't die once. Probably because its overpopulated and people are everywhere
Alliance has better lore and comfier cities tbqh.
And objectively worse players. Every final raid boss from vanilla to wrath at least was taken down by a Horde guild (except Nef, that was a fluke). Top pvpers were always Horde also. This despite Horde having half the players Allies did.
Silvermon City -> Eversong Woods -> Ghostlands were better,
I still have my memories, after 11 years, lol
Darkshore sucks so much more now.
I'll give you the cities but
>better lore
I wish they made the movie before WoW turned into a parody of itself
You can see the movie took heavy inspiration from the current state of wow with orcs looking like bodybuilders on anabolics, plot being simple GOOD orcs vs. EVIL gul'dan and shit like that
They should have made a movie about Arthas somewhere around 2005. If they could get a budget comparable to that of a single LOTR movie we would have gotten some pure vidyagame KINO
Yeah dude. Seeing those big ass Knucklerot and Luzran when you first arrive, and thinking they are crazy bosses or something.
And when you finally defeat them with a group of people you met, and getting your first green ring...
But eversong woods is definitely one of the comfiest zones.
Mulgore was comfiest imo
Alliance are PvE mama boys.
what I wouldent do to go back to summer biking around with your friends getting pizza and playing wow with them all night
>Those two fucking centaurs fighting each other
>That lonely tauren station in the middle of the map under constant demon attacks
>That super comfy troll village by the sea
god dammit why did they ruin this zone?
Elwyn was best
>not being a mammas boy
the pvp lead designer twitted that he pvps on tablet and that he doesn't use the mouse, you are a moron.
me too man
>tfw ally
>tfw would always get destroyed by troll shadow priests at the Kodo graveyard and the goblins house
>tfw lvled as a holy pally
I always lvl as a holy pally but damn that was rape
It literally was the most magical experience of my life. I have so much more "better" things ATM but I think almost daily about the mid 2000s summers riding my bike going to play wow with my friends and bbqs and going to raid and just goof around
Sometimes i cry like a little bitch because I know i will never experience happiness like that again