>I am forgotten

BFRO failed to find evidence.
Ghosts are trending now.

Bigfoot is fucking lame, so that's a good thing. OoOoOo a mysterious gorilla man in the woods, how fucking interesting.

Not really in one of the xfiles eps from this year, mulder actually gets back home in a gillie suit after looking for bigfoot. Think he called the hobbie 'sqautching'

there's no conspiracy about bigfoot anymore, its pretty obvious he's db cooper in hiding

Kids are more interested on getting likes and retweets now.

I'm only content if my likes and RTs come from Bigfoot.

>BFRO failed to find evidence
>implying they aren't told to shut down their investigations early by execs so that they don't find anything on purpose

>The execs are bigfoots in disguise

the jersey devil is more interesting.

yeah and it's also not real

>Not real
This isn't /sci/. I'm ok with that.

Is bigfoot fucking real or not!? Why doesn't the government do thermal scans of all the forests? It can't be that hard and we would know for sure finally we have the technology


All bigfoot "corpses" have been debunked as bears or something similar so it would be a waste of money to look deeper with out evidence.

Someone would've shot one by now if it was real

A lot of these shows also tend to stay close to roads or civilization

If you want bigfoot kino, then watch the Survivorman bigfoot show. He doesn't stick to the nearest trail or stay near roads, he goes deep into the wilderness

The Bigfoot is actually just the vestige of the Neanderthal's TRUE appearance, whitebois.

>blacks missed out on having 2% DNA of this badass Planet of the Apes looking motherfucker

I'm a cryptozoology-head but I acknowledge 99% of it is bullshit.

Squatchfags BTFO

I like what Joe Rogan has to say about bigfoot. If you go in the woods looking for bigfoot, you're more liking to find it than a black person. The only things out there are unfuckable white guys and wild animals, you'll never see a black person looking for bigfoot.

A mysterious gorilla man in the woods who, depending on who you listen too, may or may not:
-have sonic powers to put the spoop into people
-imitate people to lure them into said woods
-have hypnosis abilities
-eat crystals to turn invisible
-be extra-dimensional beings
-be aliens
-abduct people to eat them
-abduct people to fuck them

The lore's crazy fun once you get into it.

sounds autistic

>rothschilds bow down to bigfoot
>in contact with aliens

Dogman is better