Isnt this the cutest couple ever?

Isnt this the cutest couple ever?

Jenna just stop it's been years

He had more chemistry with Rashida Jones. Pam was literally a failure at everything - at art, at name it

>incompetent unfaithful whiner
>aimless perpetually dissatisfied manboy
Reminder that everybody in the office was pretty unanimously sick of Jim and Pam by season 4

Please Jenna. Let it go. It's time.

how did the expect the average viewer to be able to connect with chad and stacy?


Thats okay everyone watching was as well.

Jenna Fischer can't act to save her life. The episode where it is revealed that Michael dates Pam's mom really shows her lack of talent.

No they’re annoying smug assholes. The show goes to shit once they get together

this. Pam and Jim where the weakest part of office. Dwight will always be /ourguy/.

This, they were like fucking middle schoolers
Especially with Jim telling Pam he loves her then leaving and Pam dumps Roy and DOESN'T tell Jim just starts going on blind dates. Shit fucking enraged me

>imagine being such a soyboy that you think Jim is a chad


Holy shit the delusion, he’s literally R*ddit: the character
>hated by everyone else in the office
>pulls unfunny childish pranks on his superior coworker
>always ruins funny scenes by making faces at the camera
>is a douche
Roy was the real Chad, and in real life Roy would have stayed with Pam

ITT Jenna and her alts

Jim was was a beta coward. Every time someone confronted him on his 12-year old prank shit he turned into a sissy.
Pam was an empty shell of a character with no special qualities or traits. She only existed to be loved by Jim. They literally only fell in love because sat face to face.
Jim is the most boring character I can imagine.

Roy was a chad

>nerdy, universally disliked manager’s name is Michael
Hits too close to home

The only chad in the entire series was Creed

Creed was the only good character in the show



Can somebody pls post the compiled photo showing the insight into jenna's madness?

No, but this is

>*Steals your bitch*

this frame is iconic

>watching any episode after season 5

On the contrary, this was one of the first mainstream shows where it showed it was okay to be the beta nice guy whos kinda attractive. Bascially the everyday guy, though Jim was a beta he wasnt a nerd/loser,he was funny, he played sports and had cute girlfriends.

Jim was fucking Reddit tier normie shit.

>Robert California
>Thicc Phyllis
>Autisitc QT Erin


Thats made me laugh harder than I ever should have.

holy shit nice one user


>Roy and Pam split
>he gets in shape
>starts his own business
>buys a house
>learns to play piano

I second this request.

he got redpilled

I have always thought that Jenna Fischer is mad cute but she'd probably be a fucking hassle to be in a relationship with.

>Roy playing piano


In fairness, he's a 6'3" athlete that fucked Amy Adams, Rashida Jones and prime Jenna Fischer. Plus, despite being shittier at the job, was routinely promoted ahead of better qualified people while barely working.

>Isnt this the cutest couple ever?
No, pic related is.

No, this is.

Who the fuck are these gooks

>I feel bad for her.

Jesus christ someone shoot and caast the movie of Jenna Fischer's life falling in love with a sitcom character and after the show ends she's left with nothing.

It could be a really good idea for a movie.

The cutest couple ever. Can't you read?

that is just sad

>Falls in love with John
>cannot get out of the role

Did krasinski actually fuck them