Black Panther Box-office

Box Office Pro tracking Black Panther to make a president's day weekend of, wait for it:

$215 MILLION!!!!!!!!!

It may actually end up becoming the 3rd largest opening of all time behind the two Star Wars movies.

Overseas it is outpacing most Marvel films including Ragnarok which made $540 million overseas. This assures that $500 million is a lock overseas for Black Panther

MCU phase 3 average multiplier is 2.62. February movies usually have very long legs that even an R rated Deadpool managed a 2.76 multiplier. Black Panther virtually has no competition for a month and even after that the releases are no biggies. Even if assume a low multiplier of 2.5, this is making $500 million domestic.

This means Black Panther might actually end up becoming the first superhero solo and the 33rd movie to make a BILLION worldwide. It might actually end up outgrossing The Dark Knight!

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has Sup Forums ever been so wrong about a movie?

>Sup Forums BTFO

>Sup Forums BTFO

>Grace BTFO

I won't make that much overseas. Saw it today. It's a holiday over where I live (southern Netherlands) so school is out. Saw it during a midday screening. Barely anyone was there. Big hall as well, but still empty.
Flick was okay I guess, genuinely not worth the hype. But I forsee another Wonder Women situation where it makes a FUCK ton of money from America because of your fucked up politicized culture, but not a lot overseas because we genuinely don't care.

what are some movies primally aimed for 12% of citizens, that cucked one of biggest nations in the world?


It's making more than Ragnarok overseas. Ragnarok made $540 million in the overseas market.

Thank God Disney agreed to give 25% back to black communities. Now black communities will look like a real life Wakanda

>Black Panther virtually has no competition for a month
>bragging about this
>thinking all of this means a damn thing
>its 2017 and Jews are still making money at the expense of niggers

It won't have legs.
It got a high gross in the UK because they have a ton of niggers, and it got a lot in South Korea because they had 10 minutes or so set there.
It won't have legs. I won't even touch Ragnarok.

Fuck off, most of those are false figures

Don't they have to make like $400M to break even?

If it doesn't break every record it just proves America is a racist shithole.


>Box Office Pro tracking Black Panther to make a president's day weekend of, wait for it:
>$215 MILLION!!!!!!!!!
>MCU phase 3 average multiplier is 2.62.

Please save all these predictions everyone. There's no way in hell a mediocre Marvel movie the sole hook of which is pandering has legs. It'll have a huge frontloaded 4 day weekend and probably break records but for fucks sake people are donating tickets to this like it's food to starving African children.

The crash afterward will be something to behold. The anti-Jumanji.

It's going to make a billion if the tracking and the overseas opening is true

ugh... I don't want this ad campaign to succeed cause then we'll get more of it.

How much will it crash. There's virtually no releases for over a moth. Will people simply top going to movies till April? Even Pacific Rim 2 is tracking to be a flop in NA.

It isn't better than The Dark Knight

Of course user will now argue shit won't hold well, overseas doesn't care about muh race but they'll go to see how the cat boy from CW is doing. Also no competition, really doubt it will make a gorillion though. I'll eat my movies in a wedding dress if that happens.

If it opens to as much as $215 million, does it even matter if it crashes that hard? It would have literally made back its budget and more in the very first weekend just in North America.

All MCU has legs.

Overseas, people will ignore the race aspect and watch it like a normal MCU film. MCU films regularly makes more than $500 million these days. That alone is enough for BP to break a billion

It actually looks like it's going to make a Billion! The absolute MADMAN

>MCU film in the deadest month of the year does well on the most active weekend in post-Christmas winter after nonstop marketing
If it didn't make at least $150M opening weekend I would feel embarrassed for it.

>feel embarrassed for it.
>implying it's retarded marketing isn't already embarrassing


>How much will it crash. There's virtually no releases
>If it opens to as much as $215 million, does it even matter if it crashes that hard?
>All MCU has legs.

It will matter in the same way it mattered that TLJ ate shit in the long run and a nothing movie like Jumani got oxygen to become a blockbuster.

People pro-Marvel will say IT BROKE NEW GROUND and others will say it fell below expectations (and probably broke new second weekend dropoff records). Nobody will be happy and have a real solid story to tell, but they're hyping it so hard and basing it off "buzz", when half the buzz is bad.. it can't live up to expectation.

I'm not even being an asshole about it, they just keep making these social crusade movies and then having them peter out, while unapologetic (if crap) movies blow up. Deadpool, It and Jumanji of all things were the big multiplier stories of last year.

Shit like Star Wars may have high numbers but their multipliers aren't massive.

I haven't seen it yet, but reviews are strong, and word of mouth, even here, has been very positive, as well. I'll reserve my full judgement until I've seen it, but if it's accurate to all that then I'll be glad it does well.

When Black Panther underperforms projections by $100M+:
>dozens of articles on “How racism in America hurt black panther”
Cap this. The soyboy “””””””””journalists””””””””””” are setting themselves up ahead of time for writing material

TFA had a multiplier of nearly 4.0. Even TLJ had nearly 3.0. BP just needs 2.5 to make 500 million at this rate. It just needs to play like a normal MCU film overseas for it to gross a billion worldwide and its doing better than that

from objective point of view doing TLJ thing would be only good thing
if movie opens well and gets bad words of mouth, there is chance people stop giving a shit about capeshit
Justice League had great "screening reactions" but finally it was not a big hit.
Many people already stopped beliving critics after TLJ, some say BP got great reviews only coz of black cast, so there is chance.
If it does well, cinema is doomed. It will not only spawn shitload of more MCU, but also make studios push more and more black cast into every other blockbuster.

The marketing guys at Disney found the perfect balance of pandering to normie retards while simultaneously triggering Sup Forums retards.

A shame that people won't think it's because it's a good movie (or as good as Marvel stuff can be) but because it's a movie with a primarily black cast.

Yeah....Black Panther won't even come close to a billion. It will bomb in Asia, wait and see.

>Grace BTFO
She'll just say that it's "fabulous" and parrot everyone else saying how game-changing the movie is.

>Many people already stopped beliving critics after TLJ

I know people will retort the public is dumb and forgetful but the amount of bullshit is stacking up. Both overhyped bad movies, pandering movies propped up and movies attacked for arbitrary or irrelevant political reasons.

The disparity between RT rankings and what people like to watch is just growing bigger.

not everything is lost
if disney disagrees with that 25% thing, they gonna lose in eyes of PC-brainwashed normies, so they "may" boycott it
it's not a big deal, but hey, it could be last hope
otherwise ger ready for neverending capeshit till end of days

it had the second largest marvel opening in south korea already

That doesn't count

Isn't South Korea an Asian country?

Depends if you follow the Voight-Arnau theory of Korean "spacetime" as an enabler for trans-imperial intellectual networks

I don't get it, Sup Forums told me that everyone hate niggers and it would flop compared to other Marvel movies? And yet it is doing fucking well everywhere, even in South Korea (supposed to be very racist cause asians lel).

>Sup ForumsSup Forums btfo

>racists btfo

Most marvel solo movies make around 500-600 mil overall, black panther should be no different.
>BP actually has a chance to make more money than justice league which was meant to make over 1. 3 billion
How embarrassing

after $350mil of shilling it better open in that range

>It would have literally made back its budget
ya, no

Phase 3 solo films

Doctor Strange: 680 million

Spiderman Homecoming: 880 million

Thor Ragnarok: 855 million

The only post-Avengers movie to have performed in the 500-600 range is Ant-Man. Infact no Marvel movie besides Ant-Man after 2012 has made less than 650 million and BP is outpacing most of them

BP's production budget is 200 million you mong

Same except I havent seen it, I live in a major UK city and this is the prime time showing for tomorrow.
This movie is going to do meh overseas, with a massive drop off second week.
America it will probably break records opening weekend and then have BvS type drops because barely anybody will watch this twice

>Infact no Marvel movie besides Ant-Man after 2012 has made less
which is sad, coz he actually had some cool shrinking feature.
Doctor was just garbage filler and Thor was awful CGI-shitfest.

>"Normal people do not want niggers in their movies, only nig nogs and SJWs will go see it! it will be a flop"

*manage to have one of the best opening of all time*


>"At least there is still Asia, they hate niggers like us, it will be Marvel biggest failure there"

*Has second best opening day out of all marvel movies, and the best opening day for marvel solo superhero movie in South Korea*


Give Sup Forums some credit, it accurately predicted TLJ would underperform.

It has already a great opening day n UK. Opened higher than Thor Ragnarok and Deadpool mate. Do you live in some shithole cockney North of UK?

Literally nobody said Black Panther will flop
Almost everybody said it will bomb in China though and it will.
Unless you are a a moron you should know that Asian countries have different tastes.

It also helps that BP was filmed in South Korea

>Literally nobody said Black Panther will flop

You can't be serious.

I live outside of the real shithole, that is London, if thats what you are asking.
An opening day the same as 50 shades Freed is nothing to shout about pal and it isnt going to gross anywhere near Thor3 in the end.
Complete flash in the pan for the inner city Londoners

The absolute state of 56% land

100% guarantee that the cuck who said this was a white man

>be disney
>see 12% of the population committing 50% of the crime
>make a movie about a successful black isolationist ethnostate, pay journalists to promote it as a significant part of black culture
>remind blacks that Liberia has been a country for a long time, offer to pay for blacks to all live there
>spend profits on relocation of the blacks

Does anyone ever wish the jews were on our side? We could get a lot done.

>Its two-day total in the U.K. is $7.2 million, ahead of Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Wonder Woman and Deadpool.

>wow it's fucking nothing

>barely anybody will watch this twice
To be fair, only the biggest retards watch a movie in cinemas more than once.

ladies and gentleman, we gonna broadcast Trumps first speach after Wakanda opened it self towards the world
>after I heard that one of the poorest countries in the world is gonna start to exchange technology with other countries, I was surprised what could they give us, considering that we have the fire and the wheel not only since yesterday
>I can say for sure that I was even more surprised that Wakanda actually had technology not even since yesterday which surpasses our own, including and especially when it comes down to weapons
>and my first thought after this was, how we are gonna defend ourself against that?
>at this moment, their king is telling us that, he wonna live in peace with us, but people of america, how can we be so sure of that, considering that yesterday we still thought that Wakanda would be some backwater dirthole like everything else in Africa, but instead it was the nation with the strongest weapons worldwide

>America, and the World, don't believe the lies of the King of Wakanda, I can say for sure he is only going to make us lull into a false sense of security, so that can conquer america and the rest of the world
>I say, we need to make our army and our weapon technology stronger, so that we can defend ourself against Wakanda, and if it's needed even conquer it for ourself, cause as long they are sitting on that huge magic-rock thing the world will never be save from this country
>I say we need to make our army stronger, so that we can make sure that we are safe from in the future
>and to all our allies in the west, I ask them to help us in this task, cause only together, we can stay strong against a country like that

I thought South Korea was chump change compared to China

>This assures that $500 million is a lock overseas for Black Panther
I have some bad news for you, yurop hates niggers

So not only will shitty comic book movies continue to be made, but now more Afro-Centric comic book movies might be made? Sounds like we're living in hell.

>tell audiences that they have to watch it or be arrested for a hate crime
>have millionaire blacktivists buy out entire theaters for opening night
>convince black kids world-wide that if they watch this movie, whitey will die
>breaks records
Bravo, Disney! Now watch it break records for largest second week dropoff

You realize that every black celebrity in the country bought out their local theaters for opening night, right?

In my California town that sits around 100k people where big movies usually have sold out screens on thurs or fri, so far Black Panther has none.

And yet it opened above the Nordic god, well Reviewed Thor: Ragnarok (which made $540 million overseas) in Europe.

$500 million is a lock even if it doesn't make $100 million in China, which MCU do

Grrr, this makes me so mad. I really hate niggers!

Those are are overseas numbers you mong. Which celebrity is buying out local theaters in Europe or South Korea?

>tfw it doesn't open to 210 million plus and Sup Forums can officially call it a box office disaster regardless of how successful it is

Thanks over hype!

First week sales don’t count anymore when Disney buys their own tickets. Nobody cares. These movies have zero cultural relevance and nobody ever remembers them after first week propaganda push.

My predictions were for somewhere inbetween Strange and Ragnarok, with Domestic being huge and international being solid.

>Disney bought more tickets for their own Black Panther than their own Ragnarok, so the comparison is not valid

Such mental hoop jumping even within conspiracy theory confines. KEK

>It may actually end up becoming the 3rd largest opening of all time behind the two Star Wars movies.

>using non-inflation adjusted lists for biggest grossing movies of all time

So in other words a list of the biggest movies from the last 5 years

Multiple GoFundMe campaigns have been started to buy out tickets world-wide. Disney also buys their own tickets for first few weeks. Learn how business works, you moron. This movie isn’t going to get Trump impeached. You buffoon.

Not him, but they literally are buying their own tickets for "charity" on BP.

Not that those purchases are significant enough to matter.

Why are you fucks giving money to it?

Strange made 450 and Ragnarok 540. If you average it out, it comes to 500 million overseas. A 215 million opening practically gurantees 500 million domestic, which means Black Panther is going to be a Billion dollar movie

You assume it wont have massive drop offs

Yes, because Thor has already had two movies and was a well-liked character prior to the movies. Black Panther has never been a character that anybody gave a shit about.

You will know this movie is irrelevant when everybody forgets about it after Disney marketing division moves on to Avengers propaganda push.

>500 million through GoFundMe

The delusion

It's not going to be a billion dollar movie.

It will do much larger domestically than overseas, finishing up a bit lower than Ragnarok totally. It won't have any replay value.

>using estimates as facts
kys loser. Trump will still be your president no matter how much Disney robs Peter to pay Paul.

With a 215 million opening, even the most massive dropoffs won't matter. Februaray movies have legs. Even an R rated Deadpool which had the previous February opening record had a 2.75 multiplier and Black Panther virtually has no competition

It's not going to open to 215 million. This marketing push is beyond retarded.

It's going to do around 115.

and "rag'nbone man" had the second highest selling record of 2017.
the masses are braindead sheep.

215 million opening easily 500 million domestic. Most Marvel movies make more than 500 million overseas. Non-Americans just have to watch BP like just any other Marvel film for this to break a billion

>implying you can track opening weekend better than actual box office analysts

The tracking started with 120 million and kept going up as pre sales information came pouring in

Deadpool hit with audiences though.

Black Panther is a long ass movie about the political strife of a fictional fantasy land with two mid budget action sequences.

I just don't see it performing like that. I don't think controversy/politics translates to sales as well as Disney is hoping.

that's not how box office works, fag

to be fair UK and Korea are cucked countries

>production budget

Yeah, but it's not opening to 215 million. That's pure retardation.

It will do Ant-Man numbers overseas, but Ragnarok numbers domestically.

>people are donating tickets to this like it's food to starving African children
It IS food for starving African children though. The only difference is that it feeds their egos rather than their stomachs.

I wonder if they will delete this when it under-preforms like with TLJ

so before it's massive marketing campaign AND before you factor in that the studio doesn't keep all the money from the box office? So yeah, 215 million domestic wouldn't equal profit