Nice board you guys

Nice board you guys.

shut the fuck up, rēdditshit

thats a big board

He'll never hit these levels
>you will never be forced to browse the game of redditors general because its the only thread that could last the spam

Why is that always spammed here?

I bet you're the one spamming it aren't you?


wtf why doesnt mod ban Paul Dano threads

No idea, I imagine Sup Forums or Sup Forums would react a lot more than Sup Forums

These new janitors are clearly working out great

They just disable the report function instead of checking the report queue. It's hilarious.

I ask the same thing about all the pedo spam

pedo b8 is a time honoured tradition

Honestly I hope it gets much worse so that the moderation is forced to do something.

thats just a bot though
the turk spammer is just mad his country got rangebanned so hes bringing it onto other boards

Go back to veddit

no, they're fucking cancer, don't you remember when they actually posted here? and by posting i mean derailing good threads and shitting up the place


Be grateful there at least there isn’t trap shit

can someone please explain why black penises are such a source of humour for this board?

Ah makes sense, these guys must go through a shit ton of proxies

its only funny when australians do it

*blocks your path*

false flagging of 1kb images no waifuist would ever use with the help of swaglord and /q/eddit

most of the major VPNs are already banned

shift+click to hide posts faggot

Baneposting cancer opened the doors

Its an improvement from starwars/capeshit

of course, the naked black guys don't get the poster a ban, they don't even delete the thread.
My theory is that most of the janitors are retarded girls.

Almost half the board has been pushed into the archive. You can only ignore it for so long

Just filter it

Can confirm this, most of my VPN IPs are banned for CP

My favorite is when Sup Forums has a meltdown.

You can't ban a bot that changes IP and one pixel on the image every single post.

Why is a board as big as Sup Forums only given moderation like a slow board(ie: /lit/) when HBO isn't paying?


based karaboga is btfo r/t_d fags

Holy shit kek

>all these confused redditors/tourists itt
go back to your starcapeshit threads and generals

its over guys

the karaboga is only here because of the r/t_d migration from pol, btfo them and he will let us live in peace


Sounds like someones planning this with his friends on discord
forwarding your posts to mods on irc my dude
enjoy for range ban

It was really a different time

Based doge

Its an organized thing by the leftypol crowd. They're spammig cuckshit, gay shit and feminism shit on all the major boards. Most likely organized on some discord.

We are already rangebanned wh*Te boy

Kys I talked with him in turkish was just curios plebbitor