ITT: Actors/Actresses that unnerve you

ITT: Actors/Actresses that unnerve you

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scared motherfucker? well you should be


Ainsley harriot gets blacker everyday

you may not like it but this is what peak blackness looks like.

You can't get more black than pic related.

yeah he is one ugly mo fo

She constantly looks like she wants to fight you.


More like sucking you off.

i think shes retarded.

retarded people freak me out

didn't he get caught with kiddie porn before Deadwood?

You know you done fucked up right?

*bites off your penis*

Deep Cover was actually a good movie

she's got some tig ol bitties though

tits are for faggots


>tfw she sees your dick

What sucks is that nigger is in anti gun commercials now


He has a face like a fucking ransom note


Painfully ironic, given his most iconic movie scene.

Go away



Gonna have me sum fun, gonna have me sum fun


>There's just one thing I don't understand
>every fucking thing you're saying


>I remember.. when I was young.. I was a stronger man then I am today

Kek and check

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: Actors/Actresses that unnerve me - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


That scene never ever failed to make my eyes water. Jesus.

>Golly I was strong back then