At What Point Did You Realize Star Wars™ Was Dead?

When did you finally lose hope Sup Forums?

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When the very first thing Disney did was cancel TCW. That's when I knew

Every time they say the word 'Hope' I lose a little bit more of it


Maybe you need a new hope.

as soon as george sold it

Somewhere in the middle during TLJ.

I will skip Holo completly, no matter the reviews. I will wait how Jar Jar Abrams will handle the mess, Johnson left behind.

Half when I realized TFA was a reboot of ANH. The rest of it died after seeing TLJ. It's officially over. Solo is going to be so mediocre and episode 9 will be a dud. Time to move on

Star Wars was never what you thought it was to begin with, you're a fucking low IQ retard.

When LucasArts got shut down. They hadn't produced anything good in years, sure, but it still hurt.

I didn't think for a second that Disney would actually explore the SW universe and give us something worthwhile. But I did not expect TFA to be such a soulless, mind numbingly boring experience.

R1. TLJ was just laughably bad so I didn’t really consider it to be a Star Wars movie

>who talks first, I talk first? You talk first? What about the people in the theater? *winks at camera* You guys better not be talking you're in a theater.

I wanted to get up and walk out. I didn't and I regret it every day.

When i rewatched the ot and it was just as bad

Return of the Jedi, in the Ewok village to be precise.

I lost hope when I was lined up to watch TFA and realized it was nothing but man-children dressed up as obiwan. As the movie went on everyone laughed excessively at simple jokes and quips. I looked around and realized starwars had become marvel capeshit.

In the Force Awakens trailer when you first see that dumb lightsaber with the light crossguard.

When they made expanded universe non-canon. They could've at least keep some of the good stuff.

Rose Tico.

Honestly, that was to be expected. Lucas was taking a loss on tcw. I liked it but the rating were getting worse every year and it was expensive and on a channel Disney didn't own. You had to know it wasn't going to last.

I'm surprised they let them finish as much of it as they did and then they let them put the storyboards online.

This. Only edgy contrarians hated George.

when I couldn't the Rogue One came out and I realised that they're going to pump out one movie a year and I couldn't even get through this one

the problem with Disney is that they've been pushing it out everywhere with all these movies to the point that people are getting burned out by Star Wars

Honestly I thought the 3 POTC movies were decent, if they could just achieve that with Star Wars, it would have been to me. When they announced JJ Abraùs I was a little worried but I thought they wuld have a solid script since KAsdan was listed screenwriter. I didn't know he was just hack who rode on George's back, I didn't even know who Kathleen kennedy was. Then I saw Force Awakens. When Poe started quipping I knew there was something wrong. By the end of the movie Star Wars was officially dead and beyond resuscitation. I can't believe people blame Rian, he only raped a dead corpse, that's necrophilia, not murder

this is the only correct post

Episode VI

I loved TFA and TLJ so I still enjoy it. Rogue One was boring and Solo will probably suck but we are never going to reach the levels of shit as the prequels so I don't mind

right about this moment


I still don't understand why the people complaining didn't drop it at TFA. Why do they continue to watch whatever Disney shits out?

>a pandering product perfectly crafted for the masses new and old fans alike
>better than the prequels
Imagine being so anti-art as to have "loved" any one of these cheap flicks.

The worse are the ones who make an angry review of TLJ and tell you they watched it 2 to 3 times.

Because those blockbuster movies are hugely successful and extremely entertaining. I will gladly pay more and more money to watch every Marvel and SW movie that is put out.

You will too, coward ;)

I did. I also stopped watching capeshit. It's nice but it also means that you have a lot less movies to watch, especially blockbusters.

>$0.02 have been deposited in your account
I wouldn't watch them even if I were paid for it.

It never was the comfyest fantasy setting of my childhood?
Fuck off

Attack of the Clones. Killed my interest in Star Wars overall until I kinda got back into the franchise in 2011.

The second they got rid of this guy.

False. You won't be paid to watch them. You will pay to go see them at your local theater and clap at the end of the fucking movie. Got it, you little pissant?

When it was announced Rogue One was another movie with a female lead. When TFA was announced with a female lead, I thought "Yeah it was to balance the female characters" etc..., but after Rogue One, it was clear to me that this was an attempt to kill male culture and push SJW narrative.

as soon as you found out who bought it

seeing Episode 1 in cinemas and realising, as a young kid, that Lucas didn't actually understand how people talked or acted in real life.

>a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
>opening music
>title crawl
>yo mama joke
>hype evaporated


Because you believe it just a fluke, and not a trend. Honestly I had dropped Marvel after IM2 or DC after BvS, or Fox after X3, but they just made great movies after those. But with Star Wars you now realize it's not an accident and everything is calculated.

>Lucas didn't actually understand how people talked or acted in real life
If you ever read comics, you realize Stan Lee or any writer has no idea how people interact.


Good? Because TLJ certainly was SHIT

Since Disney bought it I had my doubt but the definite death was within first 10 minutes of TFA that I was sure SW was dead.

I guess you could say he was mimicking the wooden, theatric performances of Flash Gordon and 40s serials, but as II and III proved he hasn't got a good ear for it. It's so weird how bad it all is.

TLJ all but flopped though
>When a shitty fucking YouTube cartoon unironically made a better movie than all of LucasFilm, Disney and Rian
>When everything in TLJ just made it clear that this is DisneyWars and that the old fans can die for all they care

When Star Wars 1313 was cancelled.


the prequels and then again at rogue one

isn't Disney still developing at least two live action shows anyway?

When Princess Leia told Luke she was his sister and from that point on everyone of significance in Star Wars had to be related to everyone else.

Faith was shaken after Rebels bombed, Rogue One however was something worse than I anticipated. People know what I mean when I say I nearly fell into a coma watching that film under the battle of scarring.

The prequels were just as calculated and pandering as anything in Disney Wars, if not moreso, it's just that the movies were shit so you pretend they were stylistically bold and daring

remember, the prequels retconned the entire series into being about the saga of Space Jesus Darth Vader and made the entire clone wars about Boba Fett clones made from a clone of Boba Fett

>Sword fighting with silly good evil religious ideals and powahs when technology allows you to shoot fucking lasers.

>A New Hope.

>five minutes into TFA
That's when I knew Disney was a mistake.

Episode II

Attack of the Clones.
TFA revived the tiniest bit of hope that it could be revived. TLJ killed that hope.

"Look Mommy, I'm shitposting on the 4chins"

TFA. After like 1 hour I realise i'm not the target audience anymore and stop caring at all.

Star wars was a simple fun space adventure. The new movies aren't even that.

No, I'm serious. Be honest with yourself, it's a shit concept.

Flying Leia.

I understand this, but don't really get this. They have ALWAYS been kids films and fans really should have realised that by Episode VI.


probably this... although I didn't realize it, I needed TLJ to wake me up

If it's perfectly crafted for masses of new and old fans alike, wouldn't that make it good? Any time I want to insult something I usually avoid using "perfect" to describe it.

But yeah ik what you mean. You're right they are indeed shit.

I remember times before the prequels were made how we enjoyed EU content. Among many good games and comics and books a lot of fun and wonder could be found. We saw our heroes grow as people and create New Republic and thrive in every sense. Did you people know that Coruscant as a name and concept was first introduced in EU?
When Phantom Menace came out I was not angry. I liked it a lot and it did have a little bit for everyone in there but we old fans who were not manchildren were blown away when we first saw Coruscant. To see this planet in the movies meant a lot to us. Georgie was giving us a nod. He could have made up another place with another name but he gave us - and out comic and videogame and book hobbies - a nod. A big nod that said "I see you there. I see your love and devotion and passion and I acknowledge it. I will create around what others contributed so we could all together weave a big beautiful story." It was magical.

To answer your question, Sr+tar Wars died when Mouse threw out our stories out the window, and with them our love that we poured into this setting. Escapism is a powerful drug and when someone messes with the smoke and courtains of it he will alienate all those who seek shelter in your stories.

Also, fuck you Disney, Wedge Antilles was never an Imperial cadet and Death Star plans were secured by Bothan spies and Kyle Katarn.

Came to post this. Saw Rogue One in theaters and it’s wasnt bad. Saw the leaked Superman Leia Webb and thankfully didn’t see TLJ and have no plans to follow the franchise anymore

When the first shot of the trailer for TFA was sweaty panting groid John Boyigger in a stormtrooper costume. I thought I clicked on a parody but when I saw that it was legit, my expectations plummeted.

when I saw the audience score on RT for The Last Jedi

Star Wars has had more shit content attached to the brand than quality content for more than three decades. Anyone who says otherwise is either an late 90s underage who grew up on the licensed trash, or an autistic person who's not smart enough to obsess over more substantive fiction.

>Saw Rogue One in theaters and it’s wasnt bad.
how was Rogue One not bad? apart from the Scarif assault it was like a tv movie.

I'll admit to my ignorance, having never seen that show, but is it not based on/in the same style (I can get used to the animation, but I'm talking about the obnoxious characters and dialogue and shit -- you know what I mean) of the animated Clone Wars move they shat out just before the show started? Or was it really a significant improvement over the movie? Or did people on here watch it mostly for that deepest of lore?
Also my understanding is that pic related is in the show. I don't know how they could pull off something watchable with this smug asshole in it, but if they did bravo for whoever salvaged that somehow.

In the 90's


TFA, it wasn't because I felt ripped off but because this was Disney, this movie would be the trend starter for the rest of the franchise, plots that will be barely held together by nostalgia bait, tearing aways classic character arcs, no characters to care about, marvel humor, etc. Right away I knew that Disney didn't want to make a true continuation for fans, but want to replace the OT and PT with their own shit so that a time will come when someone says "Star Wars" you will think of Disney, not OT or PT. TLJ, Solo, and what they're doing at Disneyland have confirmed my fears.

Hux prank call

That recently?? I admire your resilience sir.

There were some well done arcs

While there’s a general chronology most episodes are either standalone stories or 3-4 episode larger arcs and *some* of them are very enjoyable/interesting


seriously. what an embarrassment.

I bet you if they put TCW Season 7 and 8 on Netflix today it would be a guaranteed hit.


At first, I thought Star Wars died when MaRey Sue learned the Jedi Mind Trick via plot device.
In hindsight, I realize it was when Di$ney burned down the EU.


Episode 1 had the hardcore fan in me, in denial
Episode 2 showed me its fucking dead.

When they shitcanned Star Wars 1313. If they were that thorough I knew the main franchise didn't stand a chance, and I was right. TFA was a disaster and TLJ managed to make it look almost good.

This is the fairest opinion of all

>ok kirsch yu got your “film”
>now lets sell some toys!

I lost interest in the franchise when I saw the trailer for TFA and there were no young and handsome among the main cast just uglyguy, was-handsome-when-young-but-not-handsome-now and tranny manjaw mary sue.


Because the most offensive thing TFA did was being too similar to ANH.

How is Hondo so based?


>i didnt see ESB and therefore my three brain cells cant put together that lasers pose little to no threat to people with “powahs”

>i dont understand film or richness of theme

The EU felt mostly true to what we had seen. The prequels feel true but as just poorly told. The sequels don't feel true and are poorly told.

>but we are never going to reach the levels of shit as the prequels so I don't mind

You were one of those manchildren who screamed about how George Lucas raped your childhood after TPM came out, weren't you?

Huh, I definitely like that ( the standalone/short series of episodes making an arc) for what I imagine this series would be like. Might check it out, esp. since many episodes are separate from the others. If it at least tones down the stuff that made the movie horrible, I could see myself just watching a new episode/arc from time to time.