Wasn't the moment built in two parts, with the rest being done 20 years later? It was finished two years after the emaciation proclamation.

And they did a stellar job. Thanks slaves. This monument stands a testament to your hard work.

What, you DON'T want to celebrate the accomplishments of blacks? What are you, a faggot?


Get back to work.....

Hey monckey why you just don't come back to your jungle?

I'm have a masters degree in American history
It LITERALLY was not built by slaves.
Of all the buildings in washington that were, Disney couldn't be bothered to google check their WOKE ASS WE WUZ character's quickfacts for accuracy. Overall though the movie was 6/10, she's by far the worst part of the movie

ugh obviously you didn't understand that her character was satire!!!

>Overall though the movie was 6/10
you're being generous
it's 3/10 for me
Vulture was nice and I liked Keaton but that's about it
couldn't stand the le quippy twink spider-man (I know he's supposed to do lots of quips but if your every line is a fucking quip, it gets tiresome)
Action scenes were lame
Story sucked and is just your generic origin story where nothing ultimately gets resolved

I would tie her up, use a hitachi on her little brown mound until she's nearly vomiting, then spread her lips and use a feather on her swollen clit. The screams would be the most beautiful sound ever heard.

She was just saying that so she didnt have to participate. I liked this version of mj. she was a cute shy girl weirdo

>the whole movie does nothing but spew buzzfeed "facts" about black history and has no friends because she's nasty and annoying
>becomes the new love interest at the end despite not having developed relationships with anybody
>also, tour guide agrees with her
>s-she's just satire!

Literally the point you inbred

>Disney couldn't be bothered to google check their WOKE ASS WE WUZ character's quickfacts for accuracy
Please seek help

ya sure, 3/10 sure. Just shut up and leave the big boy talk to us

imagine young kids growing up watching this

movie stopped airing
shouldn't you be shilling for Black Panther now?

>whites pretend that the United States of Muttmerica ever had any hope of being a """""white country"""""
>their ancestors were so lazy/workshy and gullibly stupid that they imported/bought thousands of nigger slaves from Schlomo the Slave Merchant

The scene where she starts whipping Peter while the ghosts of Martin Luther King Jr and WEB Dubois look down on them and smile was pure kino.

hey user did you now this movie was jew agenda propaganda

Stop watching so much porn you delusional idiot.

This is MJ in 5 years.

>any claims made by a character in a piece of fiction always represent the authors true thoughts
Why can't she just be wrong? Why do you have to get triggered so hard by it?

This. I grew up with cartoon spiderman and Tobey Maguire. Imagine if your childhood was MCU movies

>things you have only seen on the internet

because she's never shown to be wrong and is shoehorned in at the end as the new love interest?

wait, she is mj?

Yeah. The state and taxation are immoral. Wanna make some ancap mut babies with me?

>because she's never shown to be wrong
Is that really necessary? It's something everyone knows is false and shows the teacher and the tour guide are idiots. You're jumping to wild conclusions based on nothing.

Sure, tiger.

No, she's just an original character called MJ.

I want to marry her!

Because ignorant people believe it and they didnt write it in without a reason. There is a revisionist history effort straight out of 1984.

Kids will believe it. Especially since the tour guide agreed.

> It's something everyone knows is false
Not everyone is going to fact check everything after the movie.
Some poor moron will watch the movie and spout it as fact
That's literally basic propaganda

Those eyebrows are nasty and her nose is still wide as fuck.

No its something people believe and someone voices doubt or corrects it with fact they are labelled racist.

>needing to fact check that
At a certain point there's just no helping retards user. Let go.

>It's something everyone knows is false
I didn't know it was false. My school didn't teach about the Washington monument.


And she's the new love interest. So the next movie will have twice as many scenes of her talking about slavery and calling out whitey with false assertions. Can't wait!

While she sucks Pete's white dick. She's ugly tho so not sure wtf he's thinking. He's in New York, if he wanted a non white woman he could have at least got a Jew.

Niggers think if it wasn't for colonialism they would have created Wakanda. This line is propaganda. Fuck off kike.

Gee, snopes hasnt covered it. I wonder why.

Just relax and let history be rewritten guys.

Get back to your cuckshed.

>people are retarded so I'm going to assume everything is propaganda
Never knew white people were this fragile.

>While she sucks Pete's white dick
No she's going to be some sassy prude which leads to a European woman in the next movie seducing him. Well, we're in a time where soyboys would consider that too edgy so maybe not maybe Peter will be a virgin forever.

That's THE FUCKING JOKE, that's why the security guard does a so/so hand motion. Niggers didn't build the monument but they most likely hauled the stones in Maryland for it. God, it's like pulling teeth out with you people.

This is from the Field Museum in Chicago, right?

Your comment didn't make any sense. Some people will buy this as fact. That is why its in there. Thats is propaganda. Nothing to do with a race being frail you dumb faggot.

Nobody is taught exactly who built the washington monument, jackass. Dont pretend that you were. And having the tour guide agree verifies it to the audience, which it is written in for that exact reason.

see Such a delicate little snowflake. Don't worry buddy, your race will survive somehow.

i've never seen a fucking jew trying so hard to weasel out of a poorly written propaganda

And what race are you?

>mfw the white guy came by and was basically like "oh no you're right check my privilege"

I'm a Spider-Man fan but even stupid sjw shit aside homecoming was so bad.

>and when they complain about our lies just call them sensitive

>couldn't get a joke
>y-you're a snowflake
Okay, buddy.


The kind that laughs at cucks like you on a australian shitposting board.


if you don't like her, then you are a fag, a racist or a virgin ugly white woman

hey fellow white guys

Blacks are just mostly retarded and insecure so they will believe any ridiculous shit that makes them feel better about themselves.

>if you don't like skinny, flat nosed, bushy eyebrowed half niggers with no tits or ass then you're a racist
You just went full tumblrtard


I'm australian and I dont give a fuck about your shitty memorial all I know is that this film says it was built by slaves.

the washington monument started construction in 1848, civil war was 1861. so in those 13 years not a single slave could have worked on it?

>a marvel capeshit film is considered an authority on history
The absolute state of shitcunts

Now this is Blacked that I can actually look at without throwing up

"Shit like that" has nothing to do with Russia which is why Trump won sooooo...

Digging the shitholes for the white masons isnt building the monument

This is a film for kids. And kids will believe it. Especially when the tour guide agrees. Learn to propaganda.

what about quarrying the stone? moving the stone? actually putting the stones in place while the white people stood there and told them how to put it in place?

How did Russia give Trump a victory? Exactly?


I'm not saying its the authority you retarded faggot. I am saying a lot of people that aren't American will watch this film and not doubt it.

We are seeing this right now even in this board

Shieeeeeeet nigga we built da pyramids of coz we built da lincoln monumints

was just a question user, are you really so insecure that you have to go right to a strawman? i thought white people were supposed to be better then that, but when it comes down to it, you are no different then niggers are you?
t. asian master race


>people that get their history from superhero movies
These types of people can't be saved, much like your sensitive ass.


You mean a lot of blacks cuz we wuz kangz n shieeeeeet. Africans be up on space n shieeeeeet if it wasnt for Yakub making evil whitey cavemen

>spiderman was too much like spiderman
>ugh lame origin story - i mean, i know the movie skipped the origin entirely and featured a spider-man who already had a suit and was a superhero months before the movie started but ugh
Feel free to stop posting.

>americanized asians
literally garbage tier. enjoy your castoffs, while at the same time having non-white children.


DAS RITE. You tell em my Asian brotha

Preach on, you tell the wh*te bois

>americanized asian
How are you getting that from the pic? You ok Wu?

>The truth doesn't matter
it always come's down to the same argument at the end of the day with you people

>SEA mutts bringing down the 56% further
>meanwhile japs and chinks are calling you baizuo

It's not trying to represent it as truth. She's a dumb teenager making a dumb claim. Get over yourself user.


Look at this alpha Asian man doing what Asian men do best.

if an asian girl touches a white man, she is americanized. shes literally garbage and couldnt be married off to even my 60 year old uncle whose looking for a new wife.


>says it
>other character agrees
>film moves on
>dumb kids in audience now think that because they don't know any better

Whites have a similar IQ to east Asians, but also tend to be taller and stronger and have features that are exotic to Asian girls. If whites ever started moving to east Asia in massive numbers you nano dongs would be super cucked.

>says it
>other character agrees
So you mean to tell me that two people agreed on something that was inaccurate? Thank god that never happens in the real world, fucking Hollywood, can't believe this shit >:(

lmao /r/asianmasculinity out in full force

That's like me pointing you to at all the homemade blacked videos lol.
At the end of the day you're either a >56% from Muttistan or a future Allah worshiper from Yurop while the term "baizuo" grows louder.

Yes, and because of that, made the kids in the audience even dumber. Propaganda is more effective on kids, thus they put it in a kids movie.

Why are they telling blatant lies in movies? Or is it supposed to be sarcastic/witty to fit her character?