Do you think we will ever get a second Warcraft movie?

Do you think we will ever get a second Warcraft movie?
I think the first one should have been about her. Her and Nathanos' story is pretty much edgy genderbent Twilight for neckbeards, but (((tumblr))) would be all over it as well it for 'muh stronk womyn'. They would explode with articles about how the Arthas thing is an allegory for rape and toxic patriarchy. In short, win-win. Instead we got that snoozefest with tacky CGI and literally who characters.
>expecting anyone to actually unironically care about orcs
>any year, any universe
I feel for the orc fans that do exist, but this race's destiny is either villains, comic relief or Sup Forums memes fodder. This trend is as old as fantasy itself, and Warcraft writers so far just haven't managed to properly subvert it.

this is literally the new members of the horde come next expansion. so no, you wont ever get another movie

>Anduin Lothar
>"literally who characters"
Fucking World of Warcraft was a mistake.

Wtf, China is their main TA now, I thought Chinese don't like furry and other degeneracy.

Most of those have little screentime and Khadgar is some kind of an AU fanfic version. There's this awkward human-orc romance which turns out just bait and switch and doesn't amount to anything, and Jones has revealed that his sequel would be centered on orcs making a home for themselves in Azeroth. I guess this really has no chance to be made in the current political climate, too controversial. Seein how Bright was shat on.

just gimme an Apocalypto style movie with trolls

The first movie was a solid 3.5/10 and did poor domestically. With the exception of a few orc scenes the movie is laughably bad.

They will never make a second one ever. Especially given how anal Blizzard was with the first one. Unless Blizzard finances it themselves. Sorry user

Damn. Netflix Witcher can't come soon enough. I need my fix of evil elf-fus.

You might enjoy BfA, Zandalar is basically South America full of Rasta/Voodo troll tribes, just try to ignore all the furry/scaley, kek.

>Netflix Witcher can't come soon enough
It's going to be shit.

I hope so, the first one wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Guldan was top tier bad guy

>literally who characters
The first movie was fucking garbage, but please kill yourself you fucking wowfag.

>witcher is going to be shit
if its true to the books its going to be 33% whiny preteen girl, 33% cunt yennifer, 33% other assorted minor characters, and 1% actual witcher. seriously these books can fuck off, Sup Forums made them out to be some cool monster hunter, but all hes doing is chasing after his adopted daughter while whining about how his knee hurts. the vampire and dandilion are cool though

why did the undead turned into more night elfs

They're the pleb filter of genre fantasy. The fact that Geralt is a depressed loser is the main appeal

Besides, the two novel collections are fucking magical

> That short story about Dandelions Daughterfu

>Do you think we will ever get a second Warcraft movie?


the first one bombed too hard

They've should have just made a simple, gritty and straighforward Warcraft 1 adaptation without all the shitty CGI and with practical orcs. Unfortunately they wanted the WoW audience rather than the classic Warcraft audience

i havent got to those yet. im reading in release order and right now the group went looking for ciri here, but now they are looking for her there. and trying to find some druids or some bs

I loved the artwork of the Warcraft 1, Warcraft 2, and Starcraft books.

>Unfortunately they wanted the WoW audience rather than the classic Warcraft audience

An economically sound decision, then.

It didn't in China, and China is now the biggest box office market

She is a high elf, who are descended from night elves. But they don't even look very similar.

Duncan Jones wants to do a second.

He of course does because hes still a new director and Warcraft was a big deal for him.

Legendary probably won't want to take a risk.

My guess is some internet streamer may pick it up to try to get the next game of thrones is the only hope you have.

Perhaps its best left undone. Blizzard ruined the story anway with WoW

>An economically sound decision, then
Maybe, but an poor artistically one

All these videogames/anime live movies are made ten years too late. Millenials have grown up from that shit and new kids don't give a fuck about it.

Why they didn't do arthas, a story literally made for a trilogy, is beyond me

>always loved playing as Tauren
>love Thunder Bluff still
>realize that even if they were ever put into a movie they would be the magical peaceful indjun
>all notion of hunting and probably even riding Kodo would be removed because only white people kill animals

I guess all your work was for nothing Cairne ;_;7

live action humans + cgi orcs was a huge mistake that can't be fixed easily