Can someone tell me why is this movie supposed to be bad...

Can someone tell me why is this movie supposed to be bad? I saw it expecting another dumb MCU movie made for brain dead but, for once, it took the character and the story seriously. It didn't turn the main character and his world into a retarded parody of their worse stories like Thor or Civil War did. It also didn't make fun of the stuff in the comics as if it was dumb shit for retards like in Ant-Man or GotG. The action limited itself to mostly physical fights, enough to satisfy the need for action without going into overload, just turn your brain off bro, action scenes. It was also mostly self-contained so I don't need to suffer through 20 other shit movies to understand.

I'm not saying it doesn't have flaws. It does have some. But, 1/10? Really? I don't get it.

It's one of the best marvel capeshit, insecure white bois would die than admitting it though

It's not supposed to be bad. It'll probably be a little better than the average capeshit. People are just tired of the media trying to shove it down everyone's throat because muh black people.

coz when you change color of cast to white, it suddenly becomes very racist and they wouldnt allow to make something like that.
it literally shows double standards
in addition, it tries to break black men stereotypes... yet having ghetto-tier crappy rap soundtrack and ghetto vibes


Why is this supposed to be good? Everything about this movie is bland, boring and forgettable.

I honestly think it looks decent for an mcu movie. It's more so the leftie journalist and critics wanking it off and suggesting it's a cinematics masterpiece that is annoying and turns off alot of people.

normal superhero movies have to be dumbed down to appeal to the low IQ people, but this one can appeal to them just by virtue of the cast. So they can make a more intelligent movie out of it.

Capeshit is capeshit.

Zero (0) exceptions.

It has black people

Sup Forums is having a kneejerk reaction as always. 95 percent of this board probably haven't even watched the movie and still shit on it because of the whole race stuff

It was cool, saw it twice.

>Villain is a SJW
You'd think Sup Forums would like it.

I'm convinced, ((user)), I will definitely torrent the 1080p WEB-DL rip as soon as it becomes available.

Because its a black person.
That's literally the only reason Sup Forums hates it. If they try to say anything else they probably just heard it from someone else that actually saw the movie

i'm just not interested in black people

even if he was white, there is 1 more reason
it's MCU capeshit, another one of MCU caapeshits

>it's MCU capeshit
That's a reason to hate on it (and a valid one), yeah, but its not the reason
I guarantee Sup Forums wont get this bent out of shape when the next capeshit comes out

next one is over-hyped Avengers inf war. /tv gonna hate it a lot

Apart from the fight scene at the end, the movie was pretty good, better than I expected

Though when that snow nigger king started Barking at Martin Freeman I pissed myself laughing

It's looking to be an average or above average superhero movie but got politicized by the media because that is their job nowadays. Also, because of the backlash that the TLJ had, they went into overdrive to turn a superhero movie into the next civil rights movement. Condemning you if you even for once thought to dislike the movie.

From what I've heard, it's about what I expected. Slightly above average and a really terrible cgi fest towards the end. A little too long and very little action than what you'd expect. Probably would have gotten the same reception, if the media didn't politicize it but every critic seems to be on the same bandwagon of turning mediocrity into a history defining moment. Kind of sad when you think about it.

might just be me but its kind of tragic how the black community sees this movie

?? but Wakanda doesn't exist.

it would have if it wasn't for white people

Anyone else find it ironic that nignogs only got technology because they were literally given it by the gods?

>Warner Bros had access to 2 of 3-4 of the most popular pop culture icons of modern fiction (Batman and Superman)
>Also had access to one of the most recognizable female superheroes (Wonder Woman)
>Couldn't make a decent movie or turn a profit off of two movies with all three of them in it together
>Meanwhile Marvel can point at C-List and D-List rosters in their lineup, go "we want to make a movie of that character" and can turn out blockbusters off of barely recognizable and literally who characters

Black Panther is like one of my top favorite comic heroes of all time (others include Spiderman, Flash, Doctor Strange, and Wolverine), so given who they got to direct this movie I expected nothing less than really good.

But the fact that Marvel has a winning formula and doesn't rest on their laurels, but rather addresses criticisms and improves each film, while WB DC is trying to figure out how to make even their core A-list work in film is aggravating.

It should not be this hard to crap out a half decent Superman film that prints money.

This but unironically. Not to mention how the hip hop/rap vibes that Sup Forums was making fun of were mainly associated with him being that he was raised as an African American.

Didn't the Wonder Woman movie do well?

>when a critic gives a negative review of black panther

Yeah, the only one that did. Most of that was because it was a female directed and female led superhero film, so it got an audience from that alone. I guarantee you Captain Marvel is going to outperform it at the box office and critically at this rate though.
If I remember correctly, BvS barely managed to get the returns they were looking for, Suicide Squad about the same, but Justice League just out and out flopped.

A giant rock is just a giant rock. It doesn't magically turn into amazing technology. It was the work and intelligence of the people that turned the rock into great stuff.

Well considering film since it's birth had a majority of white people in it, they're just playing catch up doing a all black cast.

this is the lamest batman movie ever made. if black people want to stay in africa nobody is going to stop them. if they dont want any one else in that part of africa but black people what ever have your aids and eat it too

its funnier to see how the dead father in the origin makes this racist as hell but black people applaud. a black guy without a father wow how did marvel ever dream that one up whats next jubilee going to run a drycleaner

There's a storm coming...

Gorilla Tribe was best tribe.

Blacks are the second most prominent demographic in Hollywood despite putting in very little of the technical work that makes these things happen. Lighting, camera work, computer animation, make-up, etc.

If anything they are over represented compared to other cinema going demographics of the world.

How is racial discrimination "playing catch up"?
Even the title is blatantly aggressive towards the white race.
This is nothing more than social manipulation by the elites to ignite a race war that will be to the detriment of all except that tiny minority that feeds off death and destruction.

>if they dont want any one else in that part of africa but black people what ever have your aids and eat it too
Jokes on you faggot, they have the cure for aids and cancer as well.

>implying he won't join the mouse

>But, 1/10? Really? I don't get it.
Butthurt Sup Forumsfags

why did you shoop out the watermelon?

Because it's a superhero movie. Can any superhero movie be good?

>Can any superhero movie be good?
Yes they can.

it is shit

Is it full of black "propaganda"?


Weebs have better entertainment then marvel fags.

Funny how thats mostly one season.

Ghetto rap made up like 10 minutes of the actual score. Most of it was ghetto jungle music.

Aside from a very VERY preachy speech on the first post credits scene, I don't think it is. I mean, the main bad guy is a literal "WE WUZ KANGS" guy. Africa is presented as respectable and African music is used to represent the respectable Africans while the ghetto hip-hop is used for the bad guy. Previous leaders of Wakanda aren't shown in a very good light at the end. The good white guy isn't treated like shit and actually does his part to save Wakanda. The evil white guy is shown as competent until he's outsmarted. Main character isn't invincible. They actually put the Gorilla tribe with Gorilla motifs. No BLACKED.

I don't know. What else could be black "propaganda"?

The other good white guy in the second post credit scene is also treated nicely.

the times told him to skip this movie someone else did it.

Do you ever think about how pathetic your job is or do you actively try not to give it any thought?

This movie must fail to further my political goals. My enemies need this movie to succeed to further their political goals. In 1 month we will both forget about this and move on to the next setpiece to further our political goals. In fact, it's already here. A school shooting.

It's not about the movie, the show, the game or the event anymore, but we pretend it is to trick the people on the fence or moderates on my side.

The villain was a black supremacist but at the same time he was very enjoyable due to being given a sad backstory. Being presented the only African American character since he killed his African American girlfrend midway for his plans in the film really makes things stand out

Shit, I'm convinced. Guess it won't hurt to watch it.

I mean these marvel movies are nothing but eye candy, the story is allways bland and there's no any deep feeling to it, not sure how they make so much money or why people like them so much.