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>its not a fat white nu-male buying the toy
Why can't blacks meme?

I agree, white people stop buying stuff targettargeted at POC and stop going to see movies in the theater. Your presence might send micro aggressions.

>that mother

maybe if his ma wasn't a useless nig he'd have that claw

A black character created by two Jews is not black culture.

He'll just steal it off the yt soyboy at school next day anyway

It should also be a shitty funko pop "toy".

>C list

Stay Mad whitey


The BAVARIAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his white skin. This white skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of the alps, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The white skin reminds us of our pure, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BAVARIAN man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(turks, niggers and jews alike)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BAVARIAN penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BAVARIAN man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent BAVARIAN seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BAVARIAN man impregnates.

In total, the BAVARIAN man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

I would rather have the Black kid's shirt over that shitty claw.

So what you're saying is that appropriation is inappropriate?

Leftist media did this EXACT SAME THING last year with Moana. Disney recalled all the Moana dresses and roleplay toys so that the bad press about "cultural appropriation" would go away.

This is why there aren't more kid franchises with non-white leads. Because no one has to worry about merchandising a white character. But a brown character? A fucking mine field.

Show some fucking respect, white people. You've got plenty of white superheroes to watch. When Black Panther is running, just stay out of the theater entirely, let blacks have this.

>sold out signs obviously put up before the last claw was taken off the shelf

Whew, really joggin my noggin

Strange how this "Preußentum" is being forced in EVERY South German country.

No one says Hamburg needs to become more "Prussian".

No one says Bremen, Hanover, Westfalia, Hesse, or the Rhineland should be flooded with massive Prussian populations and blended out of existence to demonstrate how "protestant" they are, or to "enrich" their sorely lacking cultures.

It's a program to eliminate my race, the Bavarian race from existence. it's genocide.

Those pushing it call themselves "anti-catholic." What they are is anti-Bavarian.

Anti-catholic is a code word for anti-Bavarian.

"Preußentum" is a code word for Bavarian genocide.

That was only maui Halloween costumes, we still carry Moana dresses and amulets(Walmart).

You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.

>why does it even matter that heimdall is black when he's not even real lool??? even the thousand year old white european folk lore he's based on DOESN'T belong to you, whitey!
>erm sorry sweaty, only authentic africans like my good self (is actually a colonial rape baby, 30% white) can dress up as the black panther, this is OUR culture!

I don't appropriate.
Appropriation is theft.
What do you think I am? Black?

Why do Sup Forums tards love to pretend they are bleeding heart liberals? They are always false flagging and larping. Why can't they just come right out and say "I don't like Black Panther because niggers. Also fuck SJWs"?

OP you can go still buy the toys, y'know. even if this cartoon makes you upset you can hop on your Rascal and putt over to Target for a fucking action figure.

calm down ya goddamn brainlet.

I don't like Black Panther because niggers. Also fuck SJWs

was this video kino?

cultural appropriation isn't real
just ignore it and the retards will go away


>maybe she doesn’t want to read books because that would be cultural appropriation
my fucking sides

That's not how you get (You)s. You have to be more subtle than that.

What would be the point of even going? Fucking nogs are going to be screaming like monkeys to the point where you can't even watch it anyway.

Imagine a whole culture based on gibmedats

>I have nothing to say

>black culture
>created by and financed by white executives

Really activates the almonds doesn't it. Blacks haven't had any culture of their own since colonisation.


>black culture

>Haven't had any culture since colonization

If culture is defined by clothing and appearance I'll give you that. They had a retarded culture that served absolutely no need for progression.

Their "culture" promoted stagnation. They sought "in the moment" pleasure over providing for future generations and building a better future for those generations.

They'd rather make plates out of horse shit and that's their "culture".

That's just maoris being cunts though, they did the same thing over a decade back when a lego toy line used words from their language in a way they didn't like, like the term for village elder was just used to refer to any normal villager and they threw a fit until they changed it to a different word because it wasn't "respectful" or some shite.

Yes, I am sure one of Sup Forums's many art school graduates made that image to LARP as a triggered African-American person, mmhm.

Imagine basing your entire personality around victimhood.

Fuck hahaha

I want to bang that kid's mom. I bet she loves my black action claw.

>made that image

>the next day


>doesn't realize some lefty had to make the image for the "nazi" to post.

Guess which took more time and effort, brainlet?

>not getting the point but posting anyways

>pushing equality by advocating segregation
Good job

jesus christ this is the scummiest shit i've ever seen. sucker punching with knuckles is pure filth but doing it to a 40kg white kid, from behind, who's on a fucking skateboard to boot is just pathetic.

Zwarte Piet is now black culture according to black logic

White kid probably said some racist shit or something. No way that was unprovoked.

>blacks never hit people unprovoked

Never heard of the knockout game?

Eyy dem witepepo is raciss yo

>Fictional reality created by a (((white))) jewish man
>Cultural appropriation

No, blacks that like black panther are un-ironically appropriating white comic book culture.

was the flick good tho?

>Black Panther was literally invented by a couple jewish men


You obviously are lucky enough to not live around niggers.


They do constantly. Ever since the election Sup Forums has become a hotbed though of false flagging, outside influences, and Good Old-Fashioned trolling. You could treat Sup Forums as more of a solid source of information than Sup Forums at this point. It's a daily clusterfuck. To say: "go back to Sup Forums" in reference to Trump supporters and Alt-Right is inaccurate at this point. It's just flip flop false flag race baiting spam threads.

I went there the other day and it's like some other worldly thing of a board. None of it makes sense. Think of it as a battleground with limbs and heads and dicks everywhere with big piles of shit everywhere. The whole board is a travesty with no logic allowed.

Nice bait

You must not live near niggers.
You lucky son of a bitch

This really got my cashews firing


>who is allowed to buy the toys
could soon convert to
>who is allowed to watch the movie


the reason this triggers 4channers so much is because they can relate to being a scrawny white kid thats being bullied by an alpha male, so instead of fighting back physically what they do is diss movies on an online imageboard.

lol nice anime rick and morty image xd, mind if I save it? Here’s some reddit gold for the trouble my fine gentlesir.


>if you don't watch "our movie", you rayciss!
>if you be buyin up all da Black Panther toys, you rayciss!
Did they want people to like it, or not?

But they much prefer to tell whitey that we're obligated to see the movie

*tips fedora and walks off into sunset*

fucking lol

>Sup Forums has found a way


Gib up yo toys, cracka!

I agree. Non-black people should not be allowed to buy Black Panther products. Heck, they shouldn’t be allowed to even see the movie.

>changed their product because a few people whined
>You now realize that corporate profit margins are ruining our society

What's the point of these LARP-posts?

There are plenty fin figures left, fagget.


that's not bullying tho, that's an assault

God damn that's good.

He is probably an nigger himself and constantly hears things in his head.

What? I agree that whites should stop appropriating black culture. Black Panther should only be viewed and worshipped by blacks. Therefore all the whites should be kept out of the movie and merchandise.

This one's good too.

>shitty plastic walmart toys
>selling out

First of all, black panther is Jewish culture created to bamboozle niggers out of their money. Secondly, that pic is very obvious projection by the artist, kids don't give a fuck. That lil' nigga would be hyped that there's a potential new friend who likes the same shit as he. The artist has forgotten what it is like to be a kid without an agenda.



Oh sweet summer child.

This knuckle(duster) dragging ape got 9 years for doing that + $10k fine

Why are you even triggered by some capeshit movie?

>alpha male
>faggot armed strike from behind

It's 2018 grandpa

I’m not triggered at all! I just want to help Black Panther and make sure no straight white people can ever watch/give their money to it. That way it can make more money! I’m not trying to sabotage anything.

>dat girl standing up for the weak

women are good, you should start respecting them more you basement dwellers.

it was and he got charged as an adult. the kid he hit was like 12 probably hadn't the slightest racist thought. but he sure does now.

nigger"kid" was 16 i believe

>that webm means we should hate ALL black people

who's virtue signalling now?

based reddit poster

Prove me wrong then. How is your anti-intellectual screeching any different from tumblr/SJW/far left bullshit you retards post here to prove your point? You both are cut from the same low-IQ cloth.

He didn't do nuffin, he just trying to finish school and go church on Sunday.

what's reddit about my post? if anything you are the one shitposting because you can't downvote