>Harry tells me you're quite the science wizz. Y'know, I'm something of a scientist myself. My experiments began when I was 11 years old. I used to go into the backyard, collect up a handful of ants and then put them under my foreskin. Y'know there was this one time when *chuckles* I put red ants up there. It felt great at the time but having to put cream down there for a week after was a real headache. Even worse was when I confessed to my dad what the cream was for and he beat me for hours. Called me a sick, degenerate freak. Well he's an alcoholic now rotting in some home, and now look at me. I'm running the biggest nanotechnology corp in New York. Guess I showed him huh. I do miss those ants though, don't really have that much access to soil in my labs and penthouse. Maybe I should drop by Central Park, just for old times sake. Anyway, sorry Peter you were saying?
Harry tells me you're quite the science wizz. Y'know, I'm something of a scientist myself...
less is more.
nah it's good. go be a faggot somewhere else
>nanotechnology corp
Oscorp was a biotechnology and weapons development company.
>holocaust denier
truly incredible humor is always on display in these threads
Yours is the first post to mention either you soyboy snowflake cuck cunt.
Sup Forums has got you so mindraped you're literally the first person to spout nigger.
fpbp and digits only confirm this
I fucking hate Sup Forumstards and spend at least an hour a week arguing with these types of people, including on this board which they've done so much to ruin, but even I think you're a massive faggot.
What is this retard talking about?
I thought Americans don’t have foreskins?
I think you'd be much more comfortable on reddit desu
>The stories aren't true? Who gives a fuck what you think, Parker? Let me give you a history lesson:
>Danang, 1968. I was a freelance reporter for the Stars and Strips, and goddamn if I didn't have a hardon for seeing some charbroiled gooks.
>Problem was that we were in a so called "safe zone"
>So what I do, I snoop around a bit, find out the CO is a raging fucking hophead. I feed him some bullshit intel about the slope village up the hill being a VC trading post. Eager to keep the brass of his back, fucknuts calls a napalm strike right in the middle of a fucking Red Cross inoculation event.
>Kid, the next two hours earned me my Pulitzer. I interviewed gook after babbling gook, liberal after crying liberal, and 40 years later I'm running the biggest fucking paper in Jew York City.
>The stories aren't true? Fuck you, you twinkletoed cocksucker, I'll MAKE them true!
>Sorry I was late. Work was murder. Well, genocide actually. Literal ethnic cleansing. Had to wipe out 75 gooks with my bare hands. Dumb sons of bitches had it coming, I suppose.
>Come here. Parker, what do you know about high society?
>Oh... well, I...
>Don't answer that. My society photographer got hit in the head by a polo ball. You're all I got. Big party tonight for an American hero, my wife's son the astronaut.
>Could you pay me in advance?
>[Jameson laughs hysterically for a few seconds]
>You serious? You don't think I see what you're trying to do here, Parker? You think I'm gonna sit here and smile while some fucking kike tries to fuck my mother? It's never gonna happen Parker, fucking forget it, not on my watch, not while I'm in this building. I will fucking cut your Shylock nose off and stick it up your ass before I let that happen. Coming in here and poisoning my workplace with your Jewish, nigger-loving, hippie bullshit. Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah, walk out, asshole, fucking Kabbalah reading motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my office
Different time
Hearty Kek
It's like he was talking to me directly.
Raimi was on another level with this film. It's a shame that Sony keeps trying to tamper with his vision.
love it, love everything about it 10/10
>Now that I've been elected President, we're throwing every nigger, kike, and spic into New York city and walling it off!
Wow, Raimi predicted the Trump Presidency.
Doctor Conners refused our offer in favor of yours
>My Race is dead. My dream is dead.
>And these... monstrous things [motions towards a group of blacks] should be at the bottom of the river... along with their jew masters
>Give me your hand, I've been like a Fuhrer to you. Be a son to me now.
>I had a Fuhrer, his name was Adolf Hitler.
>Oy vey Spidergoy
>[muffled "I hate niggers" from Spiderman as he flips]
A truly incredible moment, raimi has the subtle touch of a master painter
Tobey "Arbeit Macht Frei" Maguire really nailed the role.
>Peter I'm dying. Come closer, there is something I need to tell you... You know that kid Jamal that lives two houses down the street? He...he's your cousin Peter... It brings me great shame to admit that many years ago I failed my Aryan ancestors by falling victim to the jungle fever. That sheboon enchanted me with her fat filled ass. I was weak Peter, Aunt May wasn't putting out until marriage, she gave me no choice son. I rode and dominated her so hard that her entire ancestry felt the oppression. Needless to say it was this moment of weakness that brought Jamal into this world. The kid never knew I was his dad. Heck he'd even mow our lawn every other weekend without even knowing the man who created him was sitting right there watching him. Peter...I want you to go to Jamal...and I want you to... hang the fucking spook. Every fucking time he'd mow the lawn instead of smelling like fresh grass it would smell like shit. I'll be damned if my lawn is gonna keep smelling like shit after I pass...
You're a monster if this doesn't bring a tear to your eye
Just because a joke offends you doesn't mean it;s political. I'm not trying to make a statement, I'm just laughing at the word nigger.
I literally can't look at Defoe's face in any movie and not laugh.
wtf is this shit? and by shit i mean the jpg.
>The aesthetic for the movie's location of New York seems to be a mash of the last few decades. From the old stone and iron architecture to the violent and constant crime.
>Raimi famously said in one of his rare few interviews "It's sort of a message on Race. We have the nice clean pleasant to look at art of the fifties, the decade this century most assosiated with Aryan supremacy, contrasted with the crime and degenacy of the lesser races." "the entire thing gives the film a timeless quality, marred only perhaps by the scenes of J.Jonah Johnson talking about the bets on 9/11. Another contrast can be found in the crucial character of bonesaw. Despite his masculine behaivour and appearance, we contrasted this firmly with his delibating illness and sissy husband, how the two of them would work to get the medicine needed to survive their fag illness. Sadly the scene where Spiderman steals and proceeds to eat their medicine in front of them was cut from Theartrical release, but in the fullness of time Sony realised their mistake and added this back into the DVD release."
You r a retarded nigger aren't you?
What's this faggot talking about?
Can someone fill me in?
I usually don't browse Sup Forums.
>This Sunday... the postman is going to deliver a package to the house. Don't let your Aunt see it. Dispose of it immediately. It's a realistic latex sex doll in the shape of a 5 year old child. A child, Peter. Yes, I couldn't resist the cunny. I craved and I coveted and I yearned. That wave of unsolved child abductions 10 years ago here in New York? That was me, Pete. Your uncle Ben. But I've changed my ways. I've changed, and you can too. Recently, I felt that evil fire rekindle deep inside me. I feared of relapsing so I ordered the doll to quench those urges without hurting another soul. They are made in the Phillipines by master craftsmen and modeled after real kids. The shipping alone is over 2,000 dollars, Pete. I emptied your college fund for that doll, Peter. Forgive me, Pet-
>Jews make up 99% of show business, Howard!
>It's just a coincide-
>I'm something of a criminal myself
>come and take a look at this peter. see ehen I was your age I was out in the world learning about how everything worked. We spent 28 months in that old tub, taking out every gook destroyer, transport, and medical ship that crossed our path. Sure, some of us got too friendly with each other, but it all built morale pete, something your faggot generation seems to lack. Me I held it in, and when our ship steamed back into new york, I headed to the nearest brothel I could find, and thats where we're heading now. I'll make a man out of you yet.
>And before you ask, No shemales, do that on your own dime
Raimi really illustrated why Uncle ben was so missed by his family
Seriously where does this meme come from.
I'm a newfag to Sup Forums and don't understand the Sam Raimi racist meme.
Threads were made about the scene where Spiderman fights Bonesaw and makes a gay joke. Everybody was saying it was "a different time," and it turned into changing scenes to be racist and following it up with "it was a different time."
It's from the line "Nice Costume, did your husband make it for you?" From the wrestling match in spiderman one, people were talking about how you couldn't have a joke like that nowadays and the common response was "It was a different time" people posted more lines and it spiraled from there
I have one, but I'm a CHI so I don't know about white americans.
I believe its from an image of Uncle Ben and someone wrote with white power comes white responsibility, and then everyone just ran with it
If you respond, they're living in your head rent free too moron
Its been here for a little bit, like u. Fucking kike.
nice blog nigger milker
>I finna kang too cuz, sheeet
Hey hows your first week on Sup Forums going?
Just trying to be nice. What if he wants to join in the fun?
Last line should be "Remember, 8pm, big party."
>tfw left out of raimiposting and lotr taxposting because too much of a brainlet to write funny things
Was it song kino?
>Shoah-Man. This is why only aryans are honest - because you never know when some Shin Bet agent will come along with a sadistic choice. Let die the reich you love... or suffer the third world invasion? Make your choice, Shoah-Man, and see how a good Goy is rewarded!
>You know, Harry was telling me that you don't think Micks and Guidos are really White in the way that Anglos and Germanics are. I'm something of a rational thinker myself.
It’s important to pass the history of our traditions onto the next generation. We won’t be here to shitpost forever
Seek help.
>muh sekrit club
>We won’t be here to shitpost forever
I will...
t. soyboy
An automated response?
incredibly emotional scene