Welcome to the Kinoplex. How can I help you, sir?
Welcome to the Kinoplex. How can I help you, sir?
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What the fuck did you do Sminem?! I cannot believe you killed those poor innocent highschoolers!
And now you just stand there like nothing happend??? You're sick!
what happened to the black man
He sold.
got whitewashed
Large tango cherry ice blast and one for Dunkino please
A XXL popcorn and one big vodka soda
Jesus christ look at that face. The 56% meme has honestly BTFO America beyond recovery. A fucking slav-beaner hybrid with negroid admixture. I'm embarrassed to live in this country.
Bratishka, haw ar you?
What is this new meme?
Almost feel bad for the poor fuck. Ugly people should be treated better desu.
Have a seat, please. Let's talk about your failed penis inspection.
reminder this guy has a gf and you don't
those are hilarious
Someone give me a quick rundown
why am I seeing this kids' face all over Sup Forums lately? story?
What do you mean, "I can't just pass it"?
why does user have bl*ck people hair
hello yeah, i wanna talk to Robert please
does robert have the day off? lazy bastard. all those people are lazy.
>The reptilians bow to the mighty Sminem
>At first contact aliens tried to merge with the human DNA, creating superior beings that would become masters of this planet.
>The first experiment failed, no single cell could harness the raw psychic power of the alien race. The cygote forcefully splitted in half in order to survive leaving the resultant offspring with deformed features, dividing the psionic power between two distinct entities.
>we refer to them as the Bogdanoff Twins.
> aware of the failure of their creation they desperately seek approval of the elder alien race by controlling humanity from the shadows.
> But then it came, the second experiment
>Successful melding of a single entity 200% Bog/human DNA. Less deformed features and much more powerful
>He doesn't own a home or have a single ruble to his name. Doesn't need it
>Contains all the DNA information of all life in every single cell of his body. He descends from every creature that ever lived, can generate offspring with any creature in the universe. He can create new life by merging DNA with his mind
>He is said to have 500+ IQ quantum brain but his mind working at 10% would warp the fabric of reality ending life on every being that has not a multidimensional nature.
>Being omnipotent and aware of the fact he has a gentle nature and tones down his psionic powers to a minimum to allow life to exist but is diminished to a 60IQ slav-tier intelligence in the process.
>His only goal is to bring happiness to all life
>The Bogs fear this creature and try to destroy him
>Sminem doesn't care, he enjoys the flowers and the little things in life knowing that he only needs to wait until the next heat death of the universe (has witnessed two)
>He mocks the twins by foiling their plan of bankrupting some Neets in an anonymous Cantonese basket weaving forum, just for fun
>for every Bog dump he provides a pump
>for every crash he provides a Bull run
robert died dude, he got killed by a group of alt-right extremists last night
The call that saved cinema
Stop stealing memes from the casey please.
t. worried frogs
a dude killed himself in my local kinoplex last night
I still can't get my head around the fact that Sminem grew up to be handsome. WTF. Why am I still ugly? This shit is not fair.
did u shoot robert? did he died?
I saw this guy irl.
He liked CS a lot.
my local cinema is unironically called Kinopolis
Russia is a shithole
everyone in this thread has been blessed by sminem boy cool
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
Back to /biz/
those arms are 5 feet long
Whoever Peter is, he posts like a cunt
One order of blini with smetana please, my boy Sminem
Peter sounds like an insufferable boomer
No respect -- filtered
He ascended.
Famous meme from RUSSIA
He's not a burger you nigger, he's ruskie
we don't like to talk about that...
I thought he was the FL school shooter.