Give me more films like this

Give me more films like this.

There aren't any.


Rosemary's Baby and Chinatown you dumbfuck

9th gate.

Polanski's early films


Dig out the old pizzagate threads from Sup Forums and voat circa 2016 if they haven't all been expunged from history (various archive sites were deleted. This is unheard of)

Pure conspiracy kino

The Conspiracy. Practically the same movie, with no tits and crappy cinematography.

Going from Kubrick to Polanski is like buying chinese pokemon knockoffs. GTFO

that movie from the 60's/70's with all the naked women and illuminati shit

>worst than kubrick
Tess is on par with Barry Lyndon.


this. one of a kind.

I never saw Chinatown, but I can understand why Rosemary's Baby would share similarities. What about Chinatown?

Chinatown is absolutely fucking shit and nothing like eyes wide shut.

The Matrix
Truman Show

Fifty Shades Of Gray

Killed Rock Hudson and nearly ended frankenheimer's career.

7/8 of these are different versions of the same basic boring shot, if that's the best you got then there's really no comparison to Barry Lyndon


>he hasn't seen tess
Just shut up, pleb.

Kill list (2011)
Got it off this board years ago.