Big Kino in Little China
starring everyman Kurt Russell and Sex in the city star Kim Cattrall
do we like it?
I have never seen this movie. Should I?
Big Kino in Little China
starring everyman Kurt Russell and Sex in the city star Kim Cattrall
do we like it?
I have never seen this movie. Should I?
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It's great. You can't go wrong with John Carpenter directing Kurt Russell.
it's really campy, though. i don't want to hear any bitching about that.
unironically my favorite movie
Pork Chop express here.
Like I told my last wife I said "honey I never drive faster than I can it's all in the reflexes"
It's pretty good
fun movie.
>when he knocks himself out by shooting ceiling
Loved this movie as a kid
it's definitely carpenter's "kid" movie but its still pretty enjoyable now
amusing how it set up kurt to be a badass cool guy and he's a total klutz
my nigga lo pan
He just wanted to get back on the road.
You know you're in for some real shit after that monologue in the first minute and a half
Got some nice scenes
>First time you ever plug somebody?
>...'course not!
>when Russel fails his way through the movie only to kill the main antagonist by accident while wearing lipstick
>by accident
It was the one event in the movie that actually fit his skillset
Watch it once then watch it w the commentary on.
Is that scene in the elevator when the "magical" juice kicks in a reference to ecstasy? It didn't become a big thing until the 90s, but it appeared in the 80s.