Finally a movie that put the women and men where they belong

Finally a movie that put the women and men where they belong.

Women are strong and are saving the world and men are home taking care of babies and kids!!! YAAASS!!

Other urls found in this thread: no to racism /

Are you of homosexual orientation?

It's the same as the first just with the roles reversed. Did you have this problem with the original or are you some kind of butthurt virgin?

it literaly going to be the first movie all over again with elastic girl being tricked instead of MR incredible right?

The original felt natural, this one is clearly pushing an agenda

dash is the worst character in film

Weapons grade autism

Yeah, an agenda to give me a boner

I think a lot of Sup Forums is just frustrated homos

This looks fucking awful. They decided to make a stay at home dad movie while mom fights crime. For what? Feminism? Our turn ladies hue hue hue!!### REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!####


It's a funny twist so it isn't the exact same movie again.

I actually wouldn't mind the plot so much if the biggest chunk of the first act of the original was that Bob literally couldn't live with being a standard guy and got back into heroing on the side with Frozone just because he had to.


Exactly. At least when Mr Incredible went off doing hero work, it was in secret, he was out of shape, nearly got killed, and needed rescuing in the end.

In this one, it looks like Elastigirl has none of these problems which makes her story quite boring.

>women can't lead a movie without it being virtue signaling

sounds like you're the one with an agenda

a homosexual agenda

yeah women can't lead shit, of course it's an agenda to push it in ficiton

Role reversal plots are for the creatively bankrupt

Not samefag
I hope you are joking. The movie is Bob being a stay at home dad while we watch his wife kick butt until he has to go save her or she realizes she has to come back home to her family. This movie looks boring as fuck.


The only agenda I support is the Shadman agenda.

I bet the ice guy and her cucks super strong daddy


>swn press her knee down on my testicles with those boots

Just die already.

I think it makes sense. The dad is clearly very ill equipped to be handling the children, and the mom is going to be marketed because of her sex appeal and #YAYFEMINISM is probably popular. Also, it makes sense that elastaiglr would be chosen over him because when he was the beginning of the downfall of superheroes with that string of accidents and the lawsuits that came up. If he was the first one to get mad publicity people would think about those lawsuits almost instantly. Elastagirl just makes sense from a market perspective, and also maybe toys perspective. Because it's really easy to make rubber dolls that stretch, but not so easy to make a doll that shows strength.

Also, it's intentionally showing how dumb this reversal of roles is and played for laughs.


>caring about nupixar

I don't like big asses
inb4 "le braap, hyuk, hyuk"


the woman SHOULD be at home with the kids. Gender roles exist for a reason


and here it is

This will just increase the amount of porn of her.

'fun', 'hair', 'boner'

what does that say about me ?

if unrealism offends you that much, you shouldn't be watching movies.

>Masculinity is illegal, got it son?

t. cucked

Also notice how the mother doesnt cook. They bough take out to eat at home...

I feel like you're falseflaggin as a moron or something. Look, it's clearly a gag. He's obviously bad at taking care of the children while the woman is getting a spotlight due to political and marketing reasons.

Those egg rolls look delicious.

Women are badass!! Men can't compete, they could at least stay home and look after the babies

imagine trying so hard to be offended every day, it must be hard.

This toxic femininity is really triggering me, guys.

>bye sweety

>ok, I'll watch the kids

notice that no one's responding no matter how much you samefag

>*Motorbraps away*

He should knock her up again. Can't be riding a bike when pregnant and feminists can't complain.

just stop

>the trailer has only given us snippets of the start and building plot of the movie
>therefore there will definitely be no character failures or struggles
>because I saw 2 minutes of footage that set up the plot

Stud hard body
Lol no

>there's going to be a scene mocking common core
lol dropped. basically pandering to the cuckservative crowd

She's going to have no issues. Calling it.

We will both forget this comment exists but you will still be an idiot.


Nice. Love to see some diversity

>movie focuses on thicc elasticgirl

I don't know why everyone's complaining

I just can't stand Sup Forums anymore
I don't even disagree with your politics mostly it's just... chill

Bye Sneedie

why thank you word find


Did you even watch the trailer?

sure is dreamworks in here


She does other home chores, she's probably busy and didn't have time to cook or maybe they just preferred take-out that night. Did your mom cook every single night?

Say it with me now...
JOKE no to racism /

This is what happens when you skip legday

Man, it's kinda weird seeing them both back in shape after the last film.

good nice frog




Hard, queer and gay. Double negatives so it cancels out... r-right?

Nuts kiss butt

>late sucky penis

FFS I've been to this site for too long, I immediately thought of mpreg when I saw the thumbnail


Women leaders fucking suck, on average, compared to men.

That's a fact, science, evidence based, Elon Musk space truth shit.

Was Elastigirl ever out of shape? Having three kids didn’t seem to slow her down

its literally a role reversal movie

the point is the roles are reversed. fuck this board

No they aren't nigger. You don't even know if he will go and help her in the field.

She gained some weight around her waist/thighs, but it's barely noticeable. The fact that she can mold her body shape somewhat probably kinda helps.

>everything I don't like is an agenda

I think the actual movie will have a different tone that what we're expecting, I'd like to hope it's not so blatant.

That said, the message is just so odd. Why would anyone want women to be shoved out into the world to procure resources and defend the tribe while men raise the children? Does anyone really want that? Obviously jews want to force it on us because it's a flawed system, but how are other people buying into it, women above all else?

did they nerf her ass?

>elasta girl in Incredibles 1
"We shouldn't be superhero's, it endangers our family"
>Incredibles 2
"You need a mascot for a new age of superhero's? sure, ill do it!"

it feels a little,

Her big titties and butt are probably tied to pregnancy

>You don't even know if he will go and help her in the field.
It's current year so what do (((You))) think will happen?


there's a reason why:
>women call in more than men
>women fight amongst themselves constantly at jobs
>women get preggo and shit out kids, have to take leave from work
>women bitch and complain about everything
>file false sexual harassment claims and spout bullshit about things that aren't even real like the "wage gap"

They belong in the kitchen at home with the babies, not at work ruining everyone else's lives.

I don't mind, i like helen.

Maybe because the baby is able to kill anyone in that universe and Mr.Incredible is the only one who could do it

There's obviously a timeskip somewhere in the movie. The trailer even shows Elastigirl stating that she doesn't want them to be superheroes. She obviously has a change of heart.

The trailer is obviously leaving out a lot of details.

Hop on

>Actually getting bothered by this.

Pol memed hard enough until the new generation actually gets triggered by anything they feel is "leftist." How did things get so retarded here?

husband and wife switching roles for a short time is a pretty typical 50s-70s era trope which is where incredibles is based

nice spacing
you have to go back

sounds like you're too old for the site. May I suggest leaving?

Sup Forums turned into stormfront. MOOT was right. They are the ones destroying Sup Forums with their autism,

>muh scary stormfront
fuck off cuckman

You dumb motherfucker

If the movie was about the dad going to work and the mom staying home there would absolutely be some fucking spastic ACTUAL NEWS ARTICLES (not just forum posts) about why its problematic and sexist

>omg shes a superhero but she cant even goto work? Disney #metoo