Mage: The Hero Denied!

Mage: The Hero Denied!
Part 1:

Let's get this rolling!

And here we go...




How many times will they say Pooh Sticks?



Alright, that's neat.









...'s a her now...

And they are she's.






It's a quite the clan

Time for an interview!



Next Month:

See you then!



Yeah let's fucking do this

Hasn't this been going for like, 30 years?

With a few decades in between

The beauty of the Mage books is they're perfect representations of Matt Wagner as a creator and a little bit indicative of independent comics overall




When did this come out...


Goku sits in judgement of you and your life.

I was kinda joking on behalf of the fact that Dragon Ball is airing during the day somewhere now.

Simpler times. This is set in the early 00's


Are the comixology unlimited/comixology versions of the old books good? I don't know if i should read them or look for scans

they're recolors
